Manveer Heir claims that MA: Andromeda failed because the game had a lack of diversity aka too many white people
Fucking hell, this guy's lack of self-awareness is fucking astounding.
Manveer Heir claims that MA: Andromeda failed because the game had a lack of diversity aka too many white people
Fucking hell, this guy's lack of self-awareness is fucking astounding.
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't get why racism against whites is okay
If I were in his position and I said the game had too many blacks I'd probably get fired
he was already fired because the game was such a failure
This is next level delusion bordering on paranoia. How do people like this even exist
Welcome to the 10's
From the article it sounds like he's saying that the game failed because there were too many white men leading the project.
He's in a weird position, right enough.
He's supported by the developers and journalists but kinda hated by the actual gamers for all the racist, anti-white shit he says.
I'm pretty sure he had a "kill white people who say a certain word" tweet followed by "and piss on their bodies", can you imagine replacing white with any other race? Holy shit, they'd be fired and become a social pariah instantly
Its ok user. Chill he will end up in gitmo.
I prefer calling them the troubled teens
Not sure if worse or better
what good games have Indians made
he was their diversity hire, they needed more insufferable idiots with no idea what they were doing, in fact I'm pretty sure all he did all day at the office was talk a bunch of weak shit on twitter
most american AAA games are made by indians
This was the guy who said he'd kill white people and piss on them for saying certain words.
He wasn't fired for it.
I know Indians do a lot of coding but westerners are in charge.
There is a Bollywood, and even though it sucks it's funny to laugh at sometimes. Where's the video game Bollywood.
Social media enables them. The more we are connected as a people the more people feel like they need attention from actual plight by perpetuating there own trivial plight.
Diversity is nice to keep things from being stale, but at the same time sometimes something with a unified appeal and build is nice too.
This guy I think buys into the media/hollywood hype were they constantly try to appeal to diversity. Every commercial, TV show, and movies are a nice rainbow which is fine if the actors are good. But it really makes people thing the western population is like this.
Reality is that the US for instance has a lot of people of many types in NY and LA and vast sea of white as fuck people inbetween. Europe isn't much different either.
Selling stuff that appeals to white nerds by white nerds to white nerds isn't going to result in failure. And the other half of the market is Asian and the two markets overlap pretty damn hard.
Diversity is cool, but people really seem to think its required at all times because that takes something that adds interest and forces it to be more bland.
Dude is a moron and his career is going to be dead as shit soon.
Then why are group pictures of game developers in the West, usually a sea of white people? Maybe because they're a white company in a white country catering to white gamers... and theres nothing wrong with that. Nobody is outraged by Africa or Asia's diversity, they shouldn't be outraged by the Wests.
Glad I remembered correctly.
No they don't, and most Indian coders are the absolute worst. Asians are the best code monkeys.
They're outraged because they see that westerners are cucked and cave in, so they continue to exploit it.
t. CNN
Nah. Diversity is not nice or cool or good. Diversity shouldn't fucking matter at all.
If you're a good company, you should hire based on skill and merit! That's how you get the best quality products.
To say that diversity keeps things from getting stale is to say that a black man can contribute something something that a white man can't, simply because of the color of his skin or vice-versa... Which is fucking bullshit.
Skin tone or ethnicity shouldn't matter at all, just ability. The lack of belief in this from the left is why the World is so fucked.
Doesn't want to admit it was terrible so finds something else to blame
Pretty standard
And people say white people are there problem.
Kinda generalizing but this
Arabs are usually fucking awful in tech, they all skip corners and are lazy as fuck... However, when I was sent to Japan, I watch the little slanty eyed bastards sit down for 14 hours and code without rest, like little yellow cogs in a machine. It was kinda annoying to watch actually.
This is correct, diversity of opinion is a good thing to have in any working group, especially one whose job is coming up with new ideas, however idea implementation is more difficult for teams who are more diverse, so there's a tradeoff there
This worthwhile diversity has nothing to do with gender or race
I never understood this meme. Why is it good for anyone to drink tears?
urban youth here
Are you saying we shouldn't hire based on skin color? That's racist af!
Manqueer is acting as if his delusional tweets are making people cry.
I know the aim, why are they doing this, but aren't thesep eople aware that tears are salty?
Its nice sometimes. Buddy cop movies don't work without social tensions for instance.
And I'm not saying one people can contribute more than another. But cultures do offer different perspectives which can lead to different types of solutions and ideas. This is good. However, a uniform team sharing a background can get along well and work like a well oiled machine.
Its not about skintone its more shared history and personality types. When I was in sales we had a variety of people, men, women, young, old, etc because sometimes that makes a difference in making a sale. In another job we were all DND nerds and we could get shit done and were so similar we barely needed to communicate about work so we joked and had fun instead.
It however should never be the reason someone is hired. Being the token person isn't any fun and having a poor fit shoved into your group isn't either.
Well Mr. Heir I'll tell you the reason the game failed was due to poor storytelling, glitchy gameplay, and poor animations.
Yes and the whole joke is that the people crying are salty, "salty" in this sense means butthurt.
this, so much this!
a multiculture is the only way to get these social tensions that are exciting and great,
the world NEEDS to be a more like a giant open marketplace, and less like nations with people, multiple cultures is not good, we need a unified, one world culture, a giant melting pot.
What the fuck is a snowquester?
I'm actually glad this game failed specifically because I hate working with designers like him. Fuck that guy.
I think is the opposite of a coal buner
Its sad that this reply said in jest, is said seriously by actual people in the world, people with positions of power and influence.
I have said the exact same thing in a gaming forum, and I got called altright and a nazi sympathizer. Its like words don't have to have meanings anymore, the only thing that matters is the emotion behind them.
Imagine being born a pajeet.
i guess one e-celeb garbage thread wasn't enough for you huh?
Fuck no. How did you get that from it. Uniqueness is good. Diversity is ironically the enemy of it. Sometimes you need a different peoples' point of view, sometimes and often you fucking don't.
>retarded currynigger blames everything he fucks up on white people
Keep scrolling, nothing to see here.
They should learn to poo in the loo.
>THREE cancerous threads destined to reach 500 posts
there needs to be a complete shake up of the moderation here. this is absolutely unacceptable in any circumstance.
Roll with it
I always considered myself free of racist prejudices until I met an Indian person.
>"speak out" about all this bullshit
>basically spewing racism against white people
>even the most 'diversity friendly' studio in the world tells you to stop
>don't stop
>get fired
>now unemployed
>call it 'going indie'
wonder how he'll feel about all this when he can't pay his mortgage. no doubt blame the white debbil
Ignore this guy. He's just baiting.
Quantity doesn't = Quality though
Just because you sat around typing up code for hours doesn't mean it's well done.
I somewhat disagree with the giant melting pot. Having different cultures is a great way to experience new things if done right.
Take for instance sim city. I read a Maoist game review that scoffed at the idea that more police stations reduce crime rates in your city. That's a capitalist / Democratic point of view.
It is just as valid to assume increased police state could lower civilian happiness and reduced crime rates come out of increasing access to needs (like having sufficient food, education, and healthcare).
Different cultures and views can lead to different narratives and even different game mechanics.
Totally valid.
This dude's a faggot though and goes about it in the totally wrong way.
Can you make money off of Twitter shitposting? I feel like that's the next step for him.
jesus christ, 6 whole months of please respond
Check some of his statements on Twitter, like where he's looking at a room and complaining about how many white people he sees.
If you replaced "white" with "black" he would be called a psychopathic nazi, because it's the other way around he's called a brave champion of intersectionality and other made-up words that don't mean anything.
Why didn't she just block him?
Why are indians so bizarre? Shit like this and publicly announcing their official friendships have to be cherrypicked.
There are a billion of them, and unlike China, their internet isn't restricted.
>Live in a country that is 75% white
>complain that there are too many white people
Okay, Paul, so what's your final solution to the "too many whites" problem? Do you expect white people to just die until they are a minority just because you have a chip on your shoulder about being a minority demographic?
Either Manveer is in such an urban multiculti bubble that he doesn't realize he's in a majority white country, or he wants an ethnic cleansing against the majority. Honestly, either seems plausible because the guy is a total sicko.
>be a shitskin who is eternally asshurt that whites will forever be more successful than your race
>your shitty game flops so hard that it kills the studio behind it
>proceed to blame whitey
Stay mad, subhuman.
imagine believing this
Hang on. You couldn’t even MAKE white people in Andromeda.
There's this one mod that allows his reddit lackeys (the same place that contains r/the_donald) to infest this board.
astronomical failure couldnt happen to a better guy
>he is probably going to develop freemium mobile garbage for the rest of his life
Imagine being so cucked as to design a game like this.
I'm glad he got fired
I think I know the one. He also shitposts in the undertale generals frequently in an attempt to drive content creators out.
He is literally mentally ill.
I had to go to a lot of their shitty countries for work, and one time I kept seeing a weird cartoon playing every morning. I asked one of my colleague about it and turns out it was a government ad to try and stop them shitting in the fucking streets, because apparently that is a HUGE problem there. They literally shit in the street so much, that there has to be a government cartoon about how toilets are qt, and how they need to be pooed to be satisfied. Fucking weird.
Obviously because she likes the attention. And so that she could make that video and get her 15 minutes.
Why are there so many SJW Indians crying about oppression? Has any group of immigrants done better in the USA?
>there are people who cry about liberals on a videogame discussion board all day every day while maintaining the delusion that they are actually sane and reasonable people
How would you explain these threads of yours to people in the real world? If you had to go on TV and talk about why you cry about liberals on Sup Forums constantly, what would you say? Would you try and spin that you're "j-just joking, bro..." or would you go full crackpot and scream about cultural marxism because "they're letting black characters into videogames now!"?
Serious question.
>undertale generals
If I can think of one subject worth getting shitposted into oblivion...
>s-sorry its just cause of the t-tone range of the s-scanned head
imagine sandbagging a multi-million dollar release just to score one with your brown brothers. this is mental illness.
Is it this one?
Don't know what's sadder, the guy or the roastie not simply blocking him and instead making a vid of it for attention
I am LITERALLY crying tears of joy because this poo in loo got burned so hard with his diversity shitcrap game.
Oh, it fills me with joy.
Because when a person trying to sell me a video game thinks I should die, that leads to a few potentially interesting talking points.
Report and hide this shitty political thread.
An adventurer that searches the world for light flakes of ice.
this is a bit different, this guy literally goes on twitter and says whites should die. but posting him is just asking for a shit thread.
That's because you didn't major in gender studies at an Ivy League. Educate yourself, shitlord!
Thanks for bringing this stupid topic that's not about videogames from a nobody to my attention, user. I wouldn't have known about it if you didn't trawl articles looking for things to get angry over.
It was a country with a heavily rigid society adverse to change and steeped in backwoods beliefs. Then it was rapidly brought into the modern world.
So you have this bizarre place where people understand business, computers, high level math (well outside of the diploma mills fueling a piss poor tech industry to fake its way into a global economy anyway), but at the same time have medieval views on ethics, humanity, hygiene, and the treatment of people.
There is something to be said of places that get modern tech without the history that built up to it and suddenly apply the modern world to ancient systems. Seems to result in a lot of strife without the transition period, or maybe that is the transition period not like industrialization was pleasant in the west either.
As much shit as I give Christianity it did go through a cultural reform in most areas enough to that people realized some aspects were not fit to daily living. Indian and many other places did not. Asian countries get a bit of pass here since much eastern systems are a little less at odds with a normal life.
So yea we get Manveer that can make games, but still feels he superior due to skin tone or place of birth or w/e else he has nothing to do with.
why are you obsessed with this shitskin who cares
Shouldn't that be a "snow melter"?
still won't make Bioware good though
how is it not about video games?
funny how you were able to turn that around into some woman hating shit lol
>Not about videogames
Sick burn on Andromeda my dude
SJWs whining about muh diversity isn't videogames.
they would meekly clam up and deny all of it. only a select handful are willing to go full crackpot in public, usually teenagers
I wondered this to. I looked it up and apparently it was a media name for when congress was shut down by a snowstorm? Makes sense since he said DC/Maryland