Why don't (You) discuss videogames with russians to understand them better?
2ch dot hk/v/
Why don't (You) discuss videogames with russians to understand them better?
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No, fuck off
because i can't speak russian
daily reminder that it's been a year since the election and we haven't been shown one (1) shred of proof that the Russians influenced the outcome
will they help me get a qtpi russian gf
this is the only reason
Hello. I love your vpns. Much love from America
Russians are subhuman aggressive bydlo who cannot into communication or teamwork with foreigners.
Why even bother?
>Loving butchered internet
Russian internet providers block a ton of websites just because they feel like it.
If they have anything, they are going to sit on it until the next election.
>facebook ads
because don't want to speak russian
Is there a loli board?
Are you the notorious russian hacker known as vlad putin?
Why do you talk here, isn't it logical to talk over at 2ch instead?
you can literally buy one form those "dating" websites.
>discussing video games with 15 year old Navalnyi supporters
nah, I'll stay here
but I want one that wont leave me the second she gets a green card
Idi v pizdu.
Doesn’t matter to me. I just enjoy every day being a financial Black Friday
Ha cocaч, быдлo
>to understand them better?
Ho зaчeм?
Because my russian is limited to cyka, blyat and cheeki breeki.
Baй зe фaк шyд aй, мaй дюд?
Why would I want to talk to a bunch of nykulturniks
Because Russians aren't people.
They're just like us, only less gay.
>only less gay
Why would I willingly interact with slavs?
I don't like Russian Sup Forums.
yes, I'm sure they're more than willing to tell me how much they hate freedom and democracy
Im from Texas and I remember a few years ago The TX Democratic party brought in all this out-of-state money to try and make it look like Texas was turning Democrat and would elect Wendy Davis for Governor. Pretty weird how they're totally okay with outsiders influencing elections when it's in their favor
>cancer board, only with more dota players
Not enough nintendo for you taste?
They just don't yell about it at every corner like west fags do.
If you can't properly link the website, it's probably shit
I actually want to learn russian desu maybe I should
>something something you something day
>something sister
how accurate am i
There's /cg/, but I generally don't like the atmosphere there. It's pretty rude and feels more personal somehow.
Cyka blyat
welp at least they have webm threads with 40 mb per post limit and audio.
2ch dot hk/v/res/2465874 dot html
system spam-filters russkiy image boards
9 outta 10.
slavs are incapable of making good games
I live next to them in fear they come one day
I know what you mean. I just thought it was about the discussed selection of games.
>19 years old
>looks like a 40 yr old prostitute
But Ukrainians and Belarusians are superior