Daily "Seifer did nothing wrong" thread

Daily "Seifer did nothing wrong" thread.

His taste in movies suck

Revolvers are cooler than pistols.

Daily reminder that every FF game is literally about a persons death and then imaginary shit that happens in their death thoughts.

>wouldn't watch a movie of Laguna failing to be a gallant knight

Shit taste in general, user.

>pic related walks up and nuts inside your future gf

Wat do?

Amateur hour is over pusspanther, time for the allfather to rip this motherfucker up

who the fuck believes that stupid shit? I hope you don't, are you actually that autistic? Did you graduate school? Actually, you seem home schooled.

Yes I do, as it all lines up. Every game is pretty normal about the story till the "escape death" scene. Then nothing makes sense anymore and you end up with the weirdest plots.

He only killed tens of thousands of people in Esthar by activating the Lunar Cry by his own volition.

The stars line up occasionally. It doesn't mean it's the fucking second coming.

I've heard the writers have said that he was under a spell the whole time, which would totally fuck his character if you ask me. At least before it seemed like he had ambitions outside the perverse 'train orphans to be mercenaries and hire them out' business model. There's no reason for any of them to be loyal to the Garden.

He's not. It's heavily implied Edea is his mother, and he has severe mommy issues. He further justifies his actions by saying he's living his dream by having become a sorceress' knight.

>second coming
Sorry, I don't believe in imaginary friends.

It's undeniable that he totally owned those lamers

kingdom hearts seifer is the hottest new meme

suddenly the name makes more sense

Daily "Final Fantasy is a shitty series" response.

>Cloud dies before reaching Midgar
>Squall dies in Disc 1
>never played IX
>Tidus dies during Sin's attack on Zanarkand
>Reks dies in assault on Nalbania

... fuck

i still wonder why he and selfie were kids and squall was way older , plus tidus and wakka were kids and yuna a fairy

>you will never have as romantic dream as he had

>the warriors of light die at the hands of Garland
>the kids in FF3 fall to their deaths

>Lightning dies before receiving her vision of Ragnarok

This entire series is a fucking lie.

The Tantalus crashes, as a flaming wreck, into a forest full of poisonous plant mosters within the first hour of FFIX, so basically the entire game after kidnapping garnet

>Noctis dies and suddenly thinks he's banging a hot chick

FF2 everybody actually dies at the hands of the black knights

Tidus was already dead for 1000 years the whole time to be fair

This is actually a better explanation for why Vaan feels shoehorned into FFXII's plot. The whole thing was Rek's "fantasy" that his brother would avenge him and be instrumental in bringing down the empire.

Zidane is a faggot so you didn't miss much

I've never played and have no intention of going back to the 2D FFs. I grew up with early 3D gaming, so the blocky polygons appeal more to me than pixel art. I'll play IX eventually if only to experience that "old school" aesthetic people keep going on about.

Ah yes, the "every villain did nothing wrong when they did everything wrong, im so Sup Forums, im so politically incorrect" thread

So what was the deal with Seifer's 'list? I remember it being mentioned several times. He tells Raijin and Fuijin to add Quistis to the list at one point.

black list i presume. Nothing too serious

you gonna have to work harder for that (You),faggot shit

He's chuuni as fuck

His hit list. Seifer is totally one of those kids who shows up to school and guns everyone down one day. He even has a trench coat.

> not being on the same side as the main character
classic mistake