Etrian Odyssey V

Is there anyway to make a melee elf in this game viable?!

What's the point of races when one race's stats are far superior to another for each class? There might be SOME value in making a human Fencer, but absolutely none in making an elf or brownie one. Then what's the point in allowing us to mix classes and races as we wish? There is no reason to do so, therefore no reason to have races at all.

Customization in this game: choose path A or Path B for your class + party composition.
Compared to previous games' subclassing, grimoires, etc, it's really bad. And again: is there ANY way to make a melee elf viable? Jesus.

Other urls found in this thread:

>download demo
>hey this is pretty cool maybe I have been missing out
>dragoon gets one shot by rabid acorn
Ain't got time for this shit

Allegedly the devs had mentioned that they were aiming to design the classes so you had a much harder time covering all of your bases.

another shitter has been filtered

Knew you'd say that, nignog. Seriously though, how come enemies sometimes suddenly one shot you? Crits? The log doesn't advertise them as such, just suddenly an enemy that has been missing or doing < 20 damage will pull an 80+ hit out of its ass

Enemies has their own individual moves aside from the standard attack, did you get hit by a turtle throwing a arcon on you or something?

If you're playing on advanced you should be buying helmets and gloves for your front line with your starting money.

You know you can make a melee elf even if it's not optimal, right? That is a thing you can do. Minmaxing every detail is entirely optional.

There is just no gameplay reason to do so. None whatsoever. Not even a weak one. Zero. Nada

It's like having a skill that does nothing. Bad game design. Just cut it if it's useless. Otherwise why not have 10 skills that have fancy names and do nothing at all other than some nice visual effect? They'd be useless, cumbersome and would waste a turn. This game more than others heavily discourages such choices.

Can Necros proc Reincarnation from sacrificing Wraiths? Also Warlock doesn't seem useful if I'm not hitting a row of enemies. Not even weaknesses are that strong against FOEs, but I've only just started the game.

>Can Necros proc Reincarnation from sacrificing Wraiths?
Yes, if a wraith dies by any means whatsoever it can be resurected

So this is my first EO. Any beginner trips?

Make a party of warlocks.
It's fun.

Elf into a melee fighter may not be the best example, but there are things that works out like a human botanist if you want to sacrifice healing power for better status ailment

That's great. I like the damage options it has, so I'm going to change my party's build from how I originally wanted it. I'll make evade tank work somehow.

Don't be mocked by the turtle's smugness

>This game more than others heavily discourages such choices.
Not really, there are always objectively shit paths and builds in all games. At least every class build is good/useful in this one.

>I'll make evade tank work somehow.
See you on the other side

Isn't that the only case where choosing between default race and alt race is equally usually?

i meant
>equally useful

A good offense is the best defense.

>Then what's the point in allowing us to mix classes and races as we wish? There is no reason to do so, therefore no reason to have races at all.

There's really no point to do anything at all like this since they introduced reclassing in EOU. It really isn't any different since even then each class had base growths that would make them ill suited for other classes, but it's still an option that there for absolute min-maxing

How hard is advanced? I feel that it's somewhat harder than normal in 4.

Therian Fencer is also pretty good and definitively the better choice if going for the evade shit

It's worth playing on over normal.

Brownie dragoon have more MP with decent bulk.
Terrian (insert physical attacking class) will hit harder.
Lunarians make for good brownie classes all things considered.
Not all races work in all classes but there are legit options if you feel like trying.

>predict sets your fencer's DEF to 0
what the fuck is the point of this shit.

It doubles your evade chance, triples at lvl 10

Why is she so cute

so i gotta coinflip and hope my tank doesn't get their ass blasted from 100-0, nice

are dragoons any better? if not i'll just say fuck it and go for a quad dps team

Dragoons have good aggro focusing capabilities,
dodge fencers only get good really later on.
You can always go necro and invest in its shield skill.

Dragoons are cool, they come with all kinds of defensive flavors. Line guards, magic guards, guarding specific targets, debuff enemy attack power, and if you don't have anything more important on your pet/wraith line than you can place bunkers that draws a bunch of agro

I have two very specific questions.
Does INT increase the amount of healing done by shaman's buffs? I mean, I got golden dagger currently, but thinking if I should change it for a bow or something instead of staff when it's heal starts to be non-essential.
And second is if it will have much of an effect on my party if I take all the gathering skills on them and not some 2nd set of heroes. I really don't like having separate teams for foraging and battles.

It's better to have a party for that, really, way more convenient for quests.

>separate party
It really takes out the immersion for me.

that sounds neat, thanks. Might give them a go later on

Never did the happy farmer pyramidal scheme in III?

You can spread out your points to hit every event/gathering node with about 2 skill points per person. It's really not the end of the world to dump the points in.


>Finally decide on races and classes
>Have to choose portraits and voices
>Have to switch between EN and JP to make sure the voice # sounds appropriate in both languages
>After that will have to come up with names
>Then the guild name
>Then the 2nd names

to have it not break immersion, just have it be like 2 teams having to work in tandem, plus you get to play around with so many classes

Direct healing is dependent on wisdom. How that interacts with secondary healing will require some digging in the nip wiki.

Just because you don’t see the value in it, doesn’t mean there isn’t anyone who does. Be glad you have the option to tweak stat growths for your classes at all.

>Dragoon, Masuaro
>Botanist, Rover, Warlock
Would this team work? I feel like I'm covering all the bases (Defense, healing, phys. atk, mag. atk) for an all-around party, but that I'm not gonna have any combo like chain skills or having and elemental-based party

Dragoon AND Botanist is a bit overkill defensively. It's fine, just very safe. If you're willing to use items for healing or go Dog Rover Spec you could get rid of the Botanist and get a Pugilist in there. Defence and Binds will be better than Defence and Healing, plus Pugilists deal good damage and will pair well with the masurao and dragoon.

>Separate party for gathering

No mate this isn't one of the earlier games. The skills are one fucking point. Surely you can sacrifice one point.

>t. Sourceless shithead

>Surely you can sacrifice one point.
Makes gathering really boring if you want rare items, one-two chances per spot is too little.

I did use the word "Allegedly", relax.

Meh. In this game theres really no time limit. If you really want an item, port out and keep gathering over and over every day.
>The sub-classes of Etrian Odyssey III and IV, and the Grimoires of Etrian Odyssey Untold made it so you could make a team with no weak points. This one is being designed so that it’s harder to make a well-rounded team; all the classes have very specific roles, like in the first Etrian Odyssey.

There ya go shithead.

So instead of making my fencer an elf, i am forced to make it a human, because somehow having an elf fencer would "unbalance" my team. In Etrian Odyssey V elves are incapable of wielding bows, let alone swords. Bravo.

More importantly, what's the point of locking classes to specific races in character creation if one of the first thing you unlock is the ability to change any race to any class? Feels like it was just a shitty excuse to not draw portraits for every race/class combination.

You can do whatever the fuck you want on basic. If you're gonna play on advanced then yes you can't do your retarded reclassings and expect good results. Honestly this is such a stupid thing to complain about.

I would be happier without different races. Keep them as one or two classes like in other games. It usually takes away from the world for me if they are just humans with different ears.

Aren't they technically all descendants of humans?

Except fencers work well as Bunnys and Potatos too depending on what you want

Potato has higher TP with decent VIT/high WS which makes it able to actually use the high TP cost Dodge Fencer skills without draining half its TP like with Humans

Bunnys have higher damage overall so using them for chain fencers is than using a Human

Humans do have high luck for optic stab, and overall decent tank stats, but Fencers are by no means locked to Humans.

It's a game. With fairy tale fantasy in it. They have allowed "unprecedented" customization in the game, which includes one being unable to have a elf in the front line or wielding an actual weapon.
Tell me it's not retarded to deny a fucking elf good agility and allow one to pull off a dodge tank at high levels. You know, for the sake of customization.

The whole thing is retarded. They call humans "well rounded", but 100% human classes are done better by other races and humans can't do casting classes either.

That doesn't mean they should be so boring.

You are allowed to use whatever shit race combo you want
>elves are incapable of wielding bows, let alone swords
fucking retard

I don't even understand what you're complaining about anymore. First you were upset there's too much customisation now you're saying it's not enough?

You can also hire a woman to do heavy lifting, but your fantasy of having a woman that doesn't suck at heavy lifting will never be reality. That's fine in real life, but why can't i have it in a fucking fantasy game?!

>sacrifice one point

niggah these games have beaten me over the head for like 6 games now, It's too late for me

>Bind Pugilist is done better by races than human


that human luck tho

Weapons are class locked though? You can reclass an elf into a fencer or a reaper and they'll be able to use swords just fine. Reclass into shaman or rover for bows, etc.

>why can't my mage do melee damage?
>why can't my swordsman heal?
>why can't my healer tank?
>why do i actually have to build a party instead of having every class being able to do everything?

>What's the point of races when one race's stats are far superior to another for each class.
god u are a retard, let me ask u:
what's the point of races if everyone is the same?

Don't get me wrong, I agree and miss the other races from EO4, just saying

This thread just sounds like someone upset that they cant play their specific waifu character and is trying to come with reasons to justify the system being bad.

>>swordsman can't heal
>swordsman is a human class
>resuscitate is a human skill

Pretty much.

who /livingonedge/ here

What's the difference between Wis and Int


WIS is healing power and magic defense

INT is magic damage

Int is for magic damage. Wisdom is for magic defence and healing.

I only have time for one RPG these days. Should I get Rune Factory 4 or Etrian Odyssey V?

Most classes have two races that do it well, sometimes three. Sometimes it works out that one spec is done better by one race and the other spec is done better by another.

For example, take Botanists. Potatoes are great at the pure support healing spec due to their amazing WIS, good defenses and good TP. However, they SUCK at Smoke spec because their LUK is abysmal. For Smoke spec you'd either want an Earthlain (bad TP but the best LUK and good defenses) or a Celestrian (lower LUK and much worse defenses but the best TP).

Where does your priorities lies? Slice of life or adventuring?

>Chain Fencer with Overexertion and Chain Plus
>Shitting out 500 damage per chain, 5 times per turn because of botanist + rover + second fencer and chain double
>Everyone else is only auto attacking for 50-60s, Pugilist is hitting for 200 damage on binds

I dont know how it happens in every EO game I play, but one person always ends up being a broken hypercarry while everyone else struggles.

Hard to say as I enjoy both. My wife enjoys RF4 - does it have multiplayer? I made a character on her copy and fucked around for a bit. Seemed like action-y RPG crossed with Harvest Moon and I had fun. Only played a couple hours. I enjoy DRPGs as well and am no stranger to them, so EO appeals to me (though it'd be the first game in the series I tried).

>auto attack
Nigger what. Also consider that without a fencer the botanist wouldn't be dealing anything other than chip damage to begin with.

You just aren't getting the most use out of your other classes. EOV has some of the better balanced classes in the series.

You understand the build, synergy and setup for a chain fencer and you likely set up your team around it, so of course it's vastly outpreforming your other units. Experiment with them a bit more, and check out the skill sim for the concrete numbers on skills

What else do you do on a bird rover that actually ineracts with chain? Million shot wont proc, Aerial Talon is cut damage, and everything else is AoE and not really worth the TP for the damage outside of Target Arrow.

No multiplayer, it's pretty action-y RPG indeed but it's the kind of game where your character grows strong pretty fast, so if you're having trouble somewhere it'll be a breeze about 15 minutes later, the real draw is managing your farm and waifuing, can be pretty comfy but i personaly grew a bit tired of it fast

In case you didn't try yet there's a 7ish hours long EOV demo you could try and the save carries over, if you like(d) the demo then you're set

I've not tried links, but rovers have a lot of bow shot followed by animal attack skills. Won't the links go off the stab part of the attack, or do they only work if the last hit of the attack is stab?

Rover Hound here, i don't know what kind of attack the hound's bite is, but the Fencer does follow the arrow bit

It will activate, but only once

>First post is a fagget getting destroyed

Aerial Talon and Sky Dive have no stab damage attached to them, and the Splash/Line damage arent really worth it on single target because they only end up doing like 150% damage maxed out. The only skill worth spamming on bosses for chain procs is really Power Shot, but even then it's not great.

Ice peck is great for chain all + chain though, its hilarious watching a chain proc on every hit aoe.

So if you use chain all then a chain skill gets triggered does it:

A) mean any enemy hit can trigger a chain but it'll only damage that enemy


B) Any hit enemy can trigger a chain and the resulting follow up will hit all enemies

Its A, if it was B chain fencer would be even more broken than it already is

A sounds like garbage

>Everyone hits like a truck, even smoke botanist
Purge all FOEs.

Oh boy

I'm playing the game as we speak with a chain fencer, it's A. Dunno why the other guy guessed an answer

I only read the description

You should know better than that with an EO game