Can you name a single game with a really good story?

Can you name a single game with a really good story?

Not "good for a video game," I mean a legitimately good story in its own right. Preferably one that could only be told through an interactive medium.

Other urls found in this thread:

Parasite Eve

System Shock

Max Payne 1 and 2

the void

No, because I watch anime or read manga for stories.



Parasite eve was a campy action horror flick in vidya form, and it was awesome for it

Legacy of Kain

>Anime and manga
supernatural shit happening in a japanese high school hardly qualifies as story nowadays user

Kotor 2

Hotel Dusk

R-Type Tactics

As a disclaimer the Bydo and what they do to you is one of the most disturbing concepts done in videogames correctly. A shame that series is dead.

The Witcher 3

MOTHER3 has a great story, one of my favorites in any media. However, it could easily be told by a movie or book as well.

Unironically Uncharted 4. People meme it for being a "interactive experience" and I don't necessarily think they're wrong, but it had a pretty decent story.

>Sam gets hundreds of people killed and puts himself and his brother in danger because he didn't want to have Rafe as a third wheel on a treasure hunt




Planescape: Torment

Heavy Rain

Link's Awakening

The protagonist was unbelievably dense. After his little AI woman friend explained the process to him over and over, he was still shocked at the ending.

Persona 2

Get up with the times, that was the main trope during the second part to the 00s, then it was supernatural shit happening that is actually normal because it's a MAGIC high school and now it's people thrown in another world or video game.

Dishonored and Deus Ex: Human Revolution would both make good pulp sci-fi stories.
Walking Dead S1 and Wolf Among Us are both good stories, again, not high literature, but WAU as a noire story in the style of Raymond Chandler would work fine.

The whole Legacy of Kain.

I'm going to talk a little bit more about Delta in particular.

As for done in the gaming medium?
R-type Delta while not really a game with a story does such a thing. First it should be said that the games world itself and the artistry is still on par to with some of the stuff done today and is still completely unique to itself even after all these years. Things such as surviving long enough to trigger a Delta attack when it's assimilated into the final boss are gameplay ideas that you'd think you'd see more of but don't.
The R-13 cerberus uses a non standard wave cannon. Compared to the other cannons, the R-13 shoots lightning that arcs. This is a near minute detail that actually carries into the end. When you kill the final boss the dimension you travel into starts to close off from the real world. The other two ships, the R-9 and the R-X are able to use their more traditional wave cannons to break out an exit.

The R-13 on the other hand:

I know it's 100% not what OP is looking for. But such a presentation in a game and its conclusions as well as story through scenery inspired me profoundly as a kid and still do to this day.

Play R-Type Delta

Some players still don't understand how the coin flip idea works, Simon being Canadian (one of the lowest IQ first world countries) is believable when he doesn't understand simple concepts.

Most books don't have a good story either. Once you've read for years everything is the same. All fantasy books follow the same story structure, and in literature you have the occasional "meaningful" cryptic ending that isn't remotely deep. I've been reading for most of my life and I've only found 10-15 authors worth reading.

To be fair she never corrected him. He even said before the upload "I guess you won't have to worry about [having the omnitool unplugged] once we're on the ARK" and she just went "ha, yeah".

Planescape torment

Oh and the moat sublime imo: nier automata

The Longest Journey, Dreamfall, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, The Secret World (arguably the writing more so than the actual story) and Empathy: Path of Whispers

The FEAR games, unironically pikmin and the stanley parable.

Lollll you're either a non-native English speaker or 15


Xenoblade Chronicles

No shit captain hindsight, nevertheless the game was designed to make you believe there's still hope for you since all the scientists killed themselves to be free on the ARK, which was wrong aswell since it were only their copies who were free

If you can define the criteria for "really good story", sure.

*there's still hope until the end

The Witness

Spec Ops: The Line been posted yet? Because that was legitimately good. Also Ori and the Blind Forest, and I appreciated Child of Light, but I could see how some might think that was horseshit.

Call me a fag all you want, but last of us was good at keeping a good tone and Joel was a good character. Ost was fucking great too

This, shame that Sup Forums is full of kiddies that will never play it.
Those rare Pathologic threads are golden,

Ghost Trick

Ellen Wake

came here to post this

If the game you're thinking of is japanese, you already lost.

The ending of 999 was amazing, and even moreso, when you realize it was a story designed to be told on the DS and how perfectly it works on those screens.

I don't think an ending has ever hit me so hard.

No, it was dogshit.

>Ost was fucking great too
I like Last of Us more than most people I know and I disagree wholeheartedly. the OST was throwaway.

>TLJ & Dreamfall
My man.

That just makes the scientists look incredibly stupid too.

I honestly can't think of any, but that's okay, video games are for playing.
If I want a story, I'll go read a book.

Mother 3.

>Can you name a single game with a really good story?
The Talos Principal did both story and fourth wall breaking right.

There any fantasy you think stands above the rest?

Surprised that The Walking Dead hasn't been mentioned yet.

Witcher 2, Pathologic, The Void, Kotor 2, Metro 2033

If I want to play a game because of its story, I would read a book. I'm not saying games should have little to no story, but I play games for fun, not for its story.

Max Payne 1.
It's not about the originality, it's about the execution.

Playing games for the story is like watching porn for the story.

>watching porn
Get a load of this normalfag

I literally do that for porn parodies. I couldn't care less about the generic costume sex but the actual parody part is what intrigues me.

t. Carmack

I understand your perspective, but I wholeheartedly disagree with it. The interactivity of games allows for storytelling in a way that no other media can quite follow. Let's take a game like XCOM for example. In a book or movie, I wouldn't give a shit about a bunch of soldier characters with no backstories or personalities, but in the game I do care about them because they're MY soldiers. My actions decide if they live or die, and before then I can tinker with their appearance and dream up little stories for them if I so desire. There's a sense of ownership that a static story can't match.


The only one I can think of is Deus Ex, and even that has some pretty weak NPC dialogue. I guess Planescape too.

Hearts of Stone.


I just viewed them as tools, never really cared one way or another since you could replace them easily.
But you're right games have the potential to do some special storytelling, but it'll likely be a long time before that potential is realized, and even then it'll likely be an indie game.

Tracks like Home and Vanishing Grace were fantastic, I don't know what to say, they fit perfectly in the setting

So you've never played Monster Girl Quest I presume?

It's true. I sure didn't watch the bane posting one for the chick

Book of the New Sun was fantastic. I also think Gormenghast is well worth a read. Neither of them feel generic which helps a lot, I've read far too many samey fantasies like Mistborn and the Farseer trilogy. Check out Chronicles of Amber if you have the patience to get past the first book as well.

Is that Markipiler's dad?

Planescape: Torment is undoubtedly has the best story and writing. You won't find any other game with better writing.

Danganronpa V3 unironically requires a high IQ to understand and appreciate.

>Empathy: Path of Whispers

I remember seeing that on a Steam sale a while back. It's good, then?

You're making me stoked, man. I just started Book of the New Sun a few days ago. Guess that's enough shitposting for tonight. I'll check the others out as well. If there's anything generic but good I wouldn't mind hearing of it too, never been a heavy reader myself.

Anyway thanks a lot. If the rest are as novel as this one's been so far I'll be sitting on a goldmine.

If you like walking sims, yeah. Even then, you might need more patience than usual since half the game is trying to figure out what the fuck is going on.

I love Legacy of Kain but the story itself is the western equivalent of chuuni as fuck. It is great because the voice acting of the main cast is superb, the monologue, dialogue and banter between characters arefantastic and the series' vision on time travel and fate gets you thinking from time to time

OneShot. It actually is a pretty interesting and engaging story, even without the meta stuff.

>Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Don't know about the rest, but this was a shit "game".

999 is probably my favorite game of all time.


Sure, it was a walking simulator deserving of that label, and devoid of any sort of gameplay. Nonetheless, I enjoyed it for it was.

>one that could only be told through an interactive medium.

what the fuck does "chuuni" mean?

>Short for the Japanese "chuunibyou", which roughly means "second year of middle school sickness". It's an adjective for describing teenagers who try to act cool by being super mature or different, or dark and edgy, but fail miserably because they're still thirteen.

Final Fantasy X.

So does that mean you think Legacy of Kain is shit or not?

The mask of the betrayer addon for neverwinter nights.

Probably that it seems shitty when you spell it out to describe it but the fantastic presentation makes it good.

Hmm, fair enough then.

Came here to post this.
Truly one of the most terrifying games I've played. The monsters and shit are whatever, but it's got existential horror out the ass.

Most books, tv series and movies have shit stories though.