Unpopular Opinion Thread

Keif has a better voice for Big Boss than Hayter.
He just needed some more experience in the role because his lines are kind of awkwardly delivered.
He should've been playing him since Snake Eater.

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>He just needed some more experience in the role
Kief has practically been an actor his entire life. He didn't need more "experience". He needed better direction from the guy who was directing the VA recordings. That's how that works. And yes, he objectively delivered a b better performance than Hayter.

That's not an unpopular opinion. 2 was the last game that Hayter gave a decent performance, everything after was just growling and HUH.

BB has only been VA'd by Hayter. Keifer VA'd Venom Snake.

Hayter was good for Snake, especially for early voice acting but his Big Boss and Old Snake voice is impossible to take seriously. He needed to be recast, but they should’ve done it more respectfully.

You already know you're wrong since Ground Zeroes was all BB and was voiced by Keifer.

Kiefer voices him at the end and in ground zeroes.

What he needs is more lines.

Kief's snake didn't really make an impression no me but that's entirely because he barely had any lines.

I agree

I'm actually fine with his Old Snake. Fucking weird at first, but I got used to it. The fact he does the same voice in PW is too much though.

Am I the only one that hated troy baker in mgs5?

I think David Hayter was really only good in Mgs1. It helped that the localisation for the script was better handled. Furthermore you got to experience a better character arc and character development for Solid Snake in Mgs1 - requiring a wider range of emotions from the actor.

If Hayter hadn’t been such a cry baby bitch, Kojima probably would’ve let him voice Big Boss for his one cutscene.
But no he threw a tantrum.

He’s shit now anyway

I legitimately though Dr. Phil did the voice for Ocelot in MGS5. Just awful.

Hayter hasn't been good in a while, so whatever.
That scream he does when The Boss throws Snake off the bridge at the beginning in MGS3 is the goofiest sounding shit in the game.

I like Hayter, though he was bad in PW. The serious tone of mgsv would've been so awkward with Hayter.

No, Troy Baker is literal cancer. Didn’t bother to look at character in MGS3 or MGS1 and come up with a halfway gap. Just did his normal generic shit

If Keifer had played boss since snake eater we wouldn't be in this voice actor mess. It would just be obvious that Solid Snake is played by Hayter, Big Boss by Keifer, Liquid by Cam Clarke, and Solidus by John Cygan.

I liked goofy Naked Snake, but Hayter was terrible in Peace Walker when BB was supposed to get serious but got even goofier. MGS4 was totally out of the window and was closer to a poor fan impression of Snake rather than Hayter himself. I actually thought he had been replaced by then.

Kief delivered the few lines that meant something perfectly. Too fucking bad the game was dogshit.

He did a good Joker, but was a lousy Ocelot.

Keifer voiced both Big Boss and Venom in MGSV
That's why le epic twist of Ishmael being big boss is immediately ruined because it's the same voice. Keifer didn't even bother to disguise it.

But Naked Snake is an autistic goofball who is on his first mission. It fits.
>believes in father christmas
>has nightmares about vampires
>makes disgruntled noises like a child when he's told not to eat certain things
>doesn't understand when Eva points out Volgin's homosexual relationship with Raiden knockoff
>has an oedipal relationship with his mentor
He only became a man after forced to kill the only person that meant something to him.

Eh, the charm in Big Boss's weird personality was entirely lost thanks to Kief. There was a weirdness to Hayter's performance that made Big Boss fun to play as.

So even if it was a better performance from a dramatic standpoint, I enjoyed Big Slosh far less. Even if he had more lines, I'm not sure I would have liked it.

MGSV was a terrible metal gear game. But a decent game overall.

>Keif has a better voice for Big Boss than Hayter.
>an unpopular opinion

It was not a decent game.

Even looking at it from a non-MGS standpoint MGSV is still a fucking mess.

>"I'm already a demon"
I cringe when I hear this. He sounds like he's cumming from a prostate orgasm while he was saying it
and lets not forget the classic
Fuck this hack and fuck kojima for giving a middle finger to konami in the form of a giant payroll.

Keifer was super hit or miss for me. You have great moments like the OP image, then absolute shit moments like Big Boss being told Paz is not dead and you're treated to "she......shurvife...?"

You're trying too hard.

>But a decent game overall.
I didn't have as much fun with any other game as I did with MGS5. Sure the story was a mess, but ultimately gameplay is what's most important to me, and I thoroughly enjoyed my 300 hours I clocked on that game.

Disgruntled noises and ass voice is a english dub exclusive.
Akio Otsuka doesn't sound like an autistic retard and gives a consistent performance on all games including V.

Every word he says just sounds drunk and bored. They should have never used Hayter for Boss but that doesn't mean this guy who couldn't give less of a fuck if he tried is any better.


Replayed it thanks to it being free on PSN

>story becomes wafer thin after first 45 minutes
>Story is spread out over 20-30 hours of gameplay
>Filler missions, filler locations, shit locations
>Repetitive gameplay that was fine for Peace Walker being a PSP game
>Any Story/codec you want is locked away in shitty menu system that takes time from your overall score/has millers repeated dialogue played over it/doesn’t auto play
>Half of research is locked behind GMP grinding and the progression itself is totally fucked unless you spend hours extracting soldiers
>Hard to progress if you want to ghost run thanks to tanks and lack of staff to develop rockets/Fulton to complete missions
>Chapter 2

It’s a dud

Where can I buy this

Not exactly an unpopular opinion dude, especially with Hayter getting conceited

wew lad

You retards fucking deaf or something?

>Hayter getting conceited

Here are actually unpopular opinions that I unironically think.

>DLC is good, I personally don't buy them and wait for the game to go on sale with all it's DLC to buy.
>Paid Mods is fine, I personally won't ever buy them but people should be able to choose to get paid to make them
>Loot Boxes are fine, I only play games where they don't affect gameplay and never buy them.

If you disagree with these opinions you are a brain dead idiot.

The real Snake (David Hayter) died in his sleep in 1974. Kiefer got fit, traveled back in time, got plastic surgery and poisoned him in secret, all while sneaking into MSF in a cunning way so that he can fit in his shoes.

TL;DR We played as two fake Snakes in MGSV. The Big Boss we all know and love in MG2 and later is not real either.

Were you not here for the years of tantrums Hayter threw on Twitter? They were so horrible and child like everyone thought he must be joking and that there was a ruse going on, but there wasn't. He is just very full of himself.

>But Naked Snake is an autistic goofball who is on his first mission.
You fucking retard, he's a man who's been on over many black ops missions before this one. Actually read the story before posting on this board again.

>doesn't understand when Eva points out Volgin's homosexual relationship with Raiden knockoff
Volgin loving to grab Raidenovitch's crotch != Homosexual relationship.

>Actually read the story
Who dares do such a thing on an Anonymous christian imageboard

>The real Snake (David Hayter) died in his sleep in 1974. Kiefer got fit, traveled back in time, got plastic surgery and poisoned him in secret, all while sneaking into MSF in a cunning way so that he can fit in his shoes.

MGS would have been 100x better if 3 and every other subsequent title was based off of this. No kidding.

Skull Face confirmed to be alternate universe Raiden after getting trapped in 1964 while following Big Boss during Operation Snake Eater.

Anyone who went to /mgg/ remember when someone did those Kiefer "Just DO IT" impressions and Big Slosh? Good times