Woah! Mighty Number 9 looks really great! I'm really looking forward to it. I donated 300 dollars. Jealous?
Woah! Mighty Number 9 looks really great! I'm really looking forward to it. I donated 300 dollars. Jealous?
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Kill yourself, op.
I bought a copy for $7 dollars and I feel that I didn't get ripped off.
THAT isn't even the image they used to sell the idea to us.
Which is the saddest shit, a fan came up with a 2d rendering of all that faster than they came up with a garbage looking demo.
Ditto. $ 9.97 from Walmart and... I found it fun if rough around the edges. Liked that bosses had multiple weaknesses from multiple weapons at different times.
I donated $500,000 and I think the game is pretty okay
It's not the best game but what would you expect from an indie title
The visual style is so much superior to the actual game. The idea of using layers of 2D is great.
What was the purpose of this? It's the gif in vimeo form which was a waste of my time.
The source, and in higher quality.
So much wasted potential in MN9.
>tight budget
Mighty Gunvolt Burst is what Mighty No 9 should've been in the first place, based Inti Creates.
>based Inti Creates.
But they're the ones who fucked up MN9 in the first place!
This is gonna be the next big IP. Capcom BTFO
Nope, that was Inafune and Comcept, you clueless mong.
>People thought the gameplay would look like the concept art.
Still boggles me. They never once said it would have a 2D drawn or pixel are style. Their kickstarer delivered on literally everything they said they would. Every stretch goal, co op, boss rush, playable Roll, everything.
Comcept are just idea guy artists. They're jsut a bunch of artists. They draw up pictures, and then team up with some other devs who actually make the game. Comcept would be responsible for character designs, story.
Inti-Creates made the models, the levels, etc. The actual game-game. And they dropped the ball!
Play (emulate if you have to) Mighty Gunvolt instead
What's going on in that image? Is Not-Call an alternate costume, or is she like the fake Beck for that storyline?
Is it worth dropping $4 for the two extra characters?
After seeing Inti getting booted from Bloodstain, I'm starting to think it's more of a case of senior staff just being good at making 2D Megaman games as opposed to being like Wayforward and being skilled at 2D in general.
It kind of is Inticreates, but it was also the stupidity of Comcept choosing a company that had no idea what it was doing and failing to interview them about that. You should absolutely know what your contractors are capable of before buying their work, this applies to anything from installers and engineers to game developers.
People work with what they're given. You can polish shit all you want, in the end all you'll have is a really shiny shit.
You can use various rejected Call designs when playing as Call.
It's an alt costume that comes with Call.
My take is that the common features seem to be 3D, consoles, and Unreal. Inti-Creates can't really do those. Unreal is also not that well suited to 2D style games.
except a good game
Did everyone forget about Red Ash?
The 3DS and Vita versions?
>but it was also the stupidity of Comcept choosing a company that had no idea what it was doing and failing to interview them about that.
Who knows. It might have been Inti themselves that insisted on Unreal and said they could do it. Probably thought it was super easy and had nice GUI game builders.
Red Ash saddens me. Especially since the animation actually looks great.
It had far more potential than Mighty Number 9.
Though then again all they needed to do to make Mighty Number 9 a success, would be to make Mighty Gunvolt Burst.
How the fuck did they mess it all up?
I swear I've seen these exact replies before
It's not suited, but you're just talking about its proprietary physics handlers and what not. But building a 2d game around it involves merely using the engine as a frontend and you code the backend yourself for the rest of it, or at least limit movement to one axis if you don't know how. But you should. That kind of stuff is game programming 101. I should know because I took uni game programming classes and one of the first things they talk about is that shitty RK method of deriving physics. Point is you can program your own stuff.
>It had far more potential than Mighty Number 9.
Comcept couldn't handle MN9. Why would they handle something bigger? They just lacked the money and the staff to really pull that off. The devs they hired were some literally who types. And the "demo" they threw together was laughable.
Ice cream? I love ice cream.
ya my favorite flavor is vanilla
Take your damn clothes off!
that means you're gay.
It was a 6/10 game.
Well, you have Inafune as the undisputed head of the project for one thing, since he greenlit the Not-Legends title for kickstarter before they even released a decent build of MN9
Then you have him riding Western dev dick and using nepotism to get his pals at Inticreates onboard to work on the game, then use an engine that was supposedly used in lots of western titles, but also gave us clunkers like Sonic Boom.
Then you fuck it up even further by porting to every system under the sun with an engine that isn't even meant to support most of the devices, while taking so long to get the ports out that some of the devices are going to be dead upon release (3DS & Vita)
If Inafune had some filters and wasn't sucking his own dick somehow about "A KEIJI INAFUNE GAME!", a lot of issues would have been caught early on and the game could have been delayed due to him just publically admitting that it wasn't very fun. Instead, Inafune changed the transformation mechanic of the game into bosses only and aped Inticreate's Gunvolt style of gameplay focused more on chaining and score, as opposed to Megaman's slower approach to gameplay.
6/10 it was a mostly good game I would say. 5/10 if you want to be severe. Most annoying mechanic is the dash.
Worth it if you want a Megaman like game for 10$.
For as many times as this thing has been edited. Dragon's Crown still remains in the image.
Dragon's Crown really isn't representative of other games or developers. You've got one man making 99% of the art. Working without pay. And development cycles that are like half a decade long. While occasionally doing freelance work in between because sustain himself and his business.
>while taking so long to get the ports out that some of the devices are going to be dead upon release (3DS & Vita)
Those versions are never, ever coming out.
>Which is the saddest shit, a fan came up with a 2d rendering
lmao I thought this was that cartoon Mr. Businessman was trying to make during the time he should have spent working on the game.
Like 4 month ago they said they are still working on it. But sure, you got me, 3DS and Vita owners have a right to be upset. Everyone else is and was a delusional faggot.
They're supposedly in the works now, since whoever bought out Comcept is pushing ahead with the rest of the backer rewards, but I really don't see them working out unless they scrap it, reduce it to Mighty Gunvolt Burst style remake, and then just push that out instead of the current version of the game.
I expect no less disappointments than the game cases.
Nah, Inafune pitched a 3D cartoon so they could reuse assets and pump out a cheap cash cow.
Now we have a flash version of "MEGAMIZE MY SHIT UP!" that is somehow even cheaper than 3D CGI as Capcom does their dick waving competition at him.
A Mega Man fan would hate this piece of shit the most, what the fuck are you on about?
You can argue that point, but the other point is that we paid 4 million just for people to tinker with a goddamn training seat of a software to interact with an engine they have no idea how to work when touted that they were going to depend on it for their game, ON TOP of using Excel to build stages. What kind of amateur shit is this? This isn't even good economization of data! You're placing so much overhead there just on doing this. Sure, build some basic stage data for your prototype, but be sure the final game uses a more proprietized data file type that loads and manages the data more efficiently. This is a problem I have with any amateur programmer. Or "programmers" in this case.
I love Megaman and I didnt hate it. It has some fun ideas, the execution and the art style were lacking but it had some cool bosses idea and mechanisms.
It was a okay indie megaman game. The problem is that people take in count the fact that the game costed millions to get made. I dont actually count that in the factor of enjoyment. I had more fun with the game than not, so it's a 6.
Can you use any of the nine?
Yeah I am not defending M#9 or anything. That was a complete and utter shit show through and through. But it's still pretty damn retarded to use Dragon's Crown as a comparison.
No, just three alt costumes. So it's F (original), E, H, and I think that's A?
>The problem is that people take in count the fact that the game costed millions to get made. I dont actually count that in the factor of enjoyment.
Neither do I, you know what I DO take into account? How horrible the level design and mechanics are compared to literally every other Mega Man game.
You dont compare a game and then say "This had less of X so it's less fun".
6/10 mean that the game had more good than bad.
5/10 mean that there was an equal amount of good and bad.
How about the shitty game design ideas like having to dash through enemies to kill them, which completely defeats the purpose of having a long range weapon in the first place?
Inti Creates's track record is actually pretty great. I mean if you disregard the two infamous kickstarter blunders, it's arguably flawless. In the sense that they haven't done a bad a game.
I'd say that perhaps they're simply incapable of doing 3D. But then they went ahead and made Galgun. Even a VR version. So I am completely clueless.
MN2 didn't have any good, stop deluding yourself. No, I don't give a shit you fell for Inafune's scam.
>I mean if you disregard the two infamous kickstarter blunders, it's arguably flawless
Gunvolt is trash.
Total middle-ground (hey opinions) Megaman-inspired game
It tried to carry itself solely on being created by someone related to Megaman games and fell flat
Of course it had good. I dont get why you are so passionate about hating a game that you cant see the gray areas.
Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.
Don't get MN9.
Get Rosenkreustilette instead. It's on steam. Support the devs.
I actually kind of ]like the way Mighty No. 9 looks.
Anyone interested in that game or its sequel already pirated them years ago.
Gunvolt took the best aspects of Megaman Zero and refined them. Pursuing great scores in Gunvolt is both more interesting and with much less pauses and stuff in between in comparison to Megaman Zero.
That is not to say that it's perfect. But they really did take that aspect of Megaman Zero and improved it.
The main problem is they stretched themselves far too thin. Inafune wanted MN9 to be a multi-media empire the likes of Yo-Kai Watch, where everything ties together. They were so busy looking at the big picture, everything else crumbled because they didn't bother to look at the cracks. They should've spent 100 percent of their resources on the game, and if it became successful THEN think about franchise potential.
inafune should sell me the rights to call e
you'd probably really enjoy megabyte punch
Historical Lowest Price: CDN$ 2.54, so wait for a sale.
Inafune thought he had successfully transfered over the entire Mega Man fanbase to his new series.
>tfw just donated 1500 to star citizen
Thank god for kikestarter, SAVING VIDEO GAMES.
Did that little girl finish her naruto game yet?
They're already using her in Mighty Gunvolt Burst, kinda, so it's too late for that. But I hope they make her a separate design later.
i like his style
It's a little different from his usual, but you should at least recognize his name.
Pic related.