PC version

>PC version
>unnecessary DRM

>PS4 version
>no DRM

Why did steam get this bullshit?

Other urls found in this thread:


Ps4 does have drm

>He fell for the Final Fantasy 7 meme.

Upgrade to the FF8 Master Race.

your virgin dick has drm

>"Brb drawing magic for 8 hours"

Ps1 emulator master race

I'll take a pass, herpes lip.

>Drawing magic to stock

Way to prove you're garbage at FF8.

>emulated version
>no DRM
>fast forward

Why did you get any of the bullshit versions?

Just pirate it. Or play an emulated version. Also, the PS4 version inherently has drm due to only being playable on a ps4

>Upgrade to the one FF that makes 7 look like a masterpiece

Thanks but no thanks.

Agreed, everyone knows the best way to play is to run away from every encounter. Such masterful game design.

>Just pirate it.

I did and having to disconnect my internet and firewall everytime put me off.

Also the PS4 version is superior to the PS1

Oh no, how will I ever make it to MLG or speeddemosarchive... Gotta get my hands on that FF8 Bible!

>the PS4 version inherently has drm due to only being playable on a ps4

Retarded logic


At least pick an actually good game next time.

Explain why please.

Anyone who actually sat and drew magic spells for 8+ hours was clearly doing it wrong.

Anyone who played the game for more than an hour was doing it wrong.

There are 3 PC versions of FF7
>original physical release
>enix account system release
>rerelease of the enix version on steam

And they're all shit. Either play the PS1 or PS4 versions.

consoles are drm boxes you retard

I bought VII on Steam because I like supporting good games :)

The PS4 version is the same as the Steam version. The PS1 original is the best way to play the game.

ps4 is DRM

I recommend emulation.

Steam has the absolute shittiest port because of Re:VII and it's inevitable release.

this right here.

DRM means digital rights manager, yet your games are physical and not tied to one account

Kys you braindead idiot

Google what DRM is kid

>the PS1 original is the best way to play the game

Explain when the PS4 version is more polished and has ingame cheats

FF7 is a digital game on ps4.

Ok but that doesn't make the PS4 a DRM

That can be played at any account with no ties to a connection

Emulated PS1 is best if you want cheats.


>It has new game+ option.

>>PC version
>>unnecessary DRM
Not clear what you are talking about. The Steam version? Of course... that's Steam.
>>PS4 version
>>no DRM
uhh... no. Modern consoles are DRM machines.

>Why did steam get this bullshit?
Because they release every single piece of shit to cater to every gamer on the planet. Including consolecucks who migrate to PC because they want to play more than the 3 or 4 games only made for their crapsole.

But PS1 emulators suck on PC

What? ePSXe is fucking amazing.

>ePSXe is fucking amazing.
Tried playing VP and battles were janky as fuck for no reason

Garbage opinion. First PC release is great and moddable.

How do you switch disks? I was playing Parasite Eve and had to quit cause I couldn't figure it out.