What game can I be famous
What game can I be famous
Wow, can't believe the mods aren't letting Sup Forums get raped in the ass by the epic Sup Forumsacks who are giving us the BASED redpills!
>being this hysterical
Is that pic the pussy grabbing assault I've been hearing about?
You're that bearded trump hat picture guy, aren't you?
That's super rude.
Sup Forums mods are god tier
They delete all the polshitters that come here thinking Sup Forums will be their safe space. They were the reason why we won gamergate by destroying anyone who supports it and anyone misogynist.
Sup Forums is better today because of it.
>board wars
empty lives
Remember to fight the Sup Forums invasions. This is not their board.
Report and hide.
I thought he was the neckbeard doing the OK sign picture dude.
Hi plebbit
So neogaf is falling apart
who fucking cares
>p-please stop talking about the largest video game forum imploding overnight
>This is not their board.
>implying anyone not offboard/offsite is not having a slice of the Sup Forums pie
Poor guy.
why am I laughing so hard?
>It's a Sup Forums talks about politics thread again\
Can mods ban all the Sup Forums shitters here?
Neogaf isn't politics you stupid newfag.
>Largest video game forum going up in flames
Neogaf and Sup Forums are on the same side we need to work together to save them.
meanwhile on Sup Forums:
>n-not everyone who disagrees with you is Sup Forums!!!
i see u
>Implying this is your board
How long until he goes to jail?
why is this twat holding his cat that way
Kill yourself