How do we stop the neogaf refugees?
How do we stop the neogaf refugees?
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Overthrow the mods.
You mean from Neogaf? Or from somewhere else?
Convert them
I've been here for a while though
You tell me.
This, we are in the process of doing it.
Kill yourself back to Sup Forums
post frogs and trump
Do they understand the concept of people who don't give a shit in numbers?
Flooding a catalog for a couple minutes or an hour even doesn't do much when people keep on posting in whatever stupid threads they make so quickly.
Fuck, last time Sup Forums got raided most people I talked to didn't even notice it went away so quickly.
You Neofaggots are infinitely worse than Sup Forumstards
>how do we stop neogaf refugees from not neogaf
Are you retarded?
Why bother? It won't be any worse than the Sup Forumsfags here. This board is already 2nd to Sup Forums in terms of being absolute shit.
Mods have given up and let them do it before. See: Gamergate
Kill yourself back to Sup Forums then?
Report and hide.
We can't. They outnumber the oldfags and other genuine anons combined (this is why fewer get called out for newfag behavior). The mods are also newfags who give zero fucks about upholding chan culture.
We can either leave or just watch everything get a little shittier day-by-day.
>acting like we haven’t been here for years
Gamergate is why raids don't work any more, the flood of people from reddit ballooned the boards size an insane amount even after moot kicked gamergate off the site.
With children's card games.
put them to work in the saltery
Did they get shut down or something?
It's us, reddit and gamefaqs.
It's been a crazy year
dear neofaggots - fuck off from here. this is not a leftist safe space. go browse reddit or tumblr from now on.
One of the mods was accused of sexual assault I think and the site is imploding. Don't understand why they don't want us to talk about it, one of the bigger video game forums being shut down is pretty big news.
Stay angry Sup Forums ;)
Back to plebbit
not him, but I´ll go back to fucking /mlp/, but only if you return to neogaf
Nintendicksuckers like you need to stfu and gtfo back to MyNintendoNews yourselves.
Admin raped a girl. Every other admin/mod is jumping ship and the community in general is throwing a shitfit.
What'd neofag do now?
Head of neogaf is a rapist, neogaf shits the bed and pulls the plug, neogaf refugees pour into Sup Forums thinking this is their board and call anyone who doesn't want their cancer here Sup Forums. Do your part and tell them to fuck off.
so while i was playing some video games Sup Forums got flooded with neofags
Sup Forums is fucking beyond saving this will be like Sup Forums after the fucking election
holy fuck I can tell you first came here last year you fucking underageb&
If you're talking about neogaf, the owner (who was also one of the mods) got caught having child porn of kids ages 4-14.
Unless this a new development where another mod got caught; in which case, that site can't burn soon enough.
makes the mods look really bad, like they're trying to defend their own. someone should look into Sup Forums mods to see if they're pedos and rapists
you have to go back, familia
This makes Sup Forumsfags the most cucked of Sup Forums, everyone comes here and makes this place their shitting ground like if they werre poos
Sup Forums is a right-wing board, Sup Forums on a whole is mostly rightwing, yes its about vidya but just as runescape forums have a politics board so you can talk politics with runescape players, Sup Forums lets you talk about vidya with right wingers
Neogaf is gone, user. Now fuck off back to Sup Forums. No one wants you here.
Just Sup Forums invading
So do you, Sup Forumstard
kill yourself neofag
by posting gore and shit that triggers them to leave
>Sup Forums is a right-wing board, Sup Forums on a whole is mostly rightwing
10/10 bait m8
Check this 7
Stay upset Sup Forums :D
neogaf trash spotted
Previously a mod got caught with CP. Recently (within 2 days), the owner was accused of sexual assault.
>male feminists
Fuck off neofag