Don't mind me, best ps2 game walking through

don't mind me, best ps2 game walking through

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weird way to spell manhunt but w/e

I thought this game was rated AO

>the warriors
>San Andreas
>vice city
fuckin rockstar used to be so good

>san andreas
>vice city
>smuggler's run
>gta 3

i fucking miss old rockstar man

>leaving out manhunt/manhunt 2

what did this fuckin gaylord mean by this

But he posted Manhunt 1.

>manhunt 2
leave that bug ridden piece of trash out of this

>Best PS2 game
>Not Shadow Of Colossus


>tfw Rockstar now exclusively makes digital cash for GTA online.
Can't wait for online shit to ruin RDR2.

>Crews be thinkin' they gangs anyways
>Be like, "Warriors, come out and pla-aayy"


The Suffering games were good too.

>best PS2 game
>available for Xbox
>runs in 720p on Xbox

By virtue of it being available with better graphics on a competitor console, I don't think it's the best PS2 game. It is, however, an awesome game in general and everyone should play it.

Which was the best gang and why was it The Hi-Hats?


either baseball fury or the riffs or I guess the warriors

Like most rockstar games, the gameplay is only fit for babies

>press buttons
>stuff happens


>not Saracens
They had the blandest gear but the coolest fucking patch

This game was amazing co-op but the world felt small and empty when you would roam it at times.

I'll stick that bat up your ass and turn you into a popsicle

Electric Eliminators

They had the best jackets

>James Remar played Raiden in Mortal Kombat: Annihilation

I just realized this.

Oh really? That's pretty cool

True, but it was even better on Xbox.

i was too busy kicking asses to notice.

>Mortal Kombat: Annihilation
Not really.

he was also in destiny 2

>tfw the manual had like an encyclopedia of the gangs in it entirely for flavor

Now it'd be some shitty PDF on the disc or something.

This game would be perfect, but it was unusually short. Completed it the day I bought it in about 9 hours. They could have padded out the separate character prologue missions into something more linear, leading up to where the actual game starts, finishing where the movie ends. Also I wish they would re-release it on newer consoles and figure out how to get multiplayer mode online.

He's been in a lot of things. Most of them sucked, unfortunately. Ajax is still a solid character.

I think the PS2 era was the last one where they bothered to include booklets with games. They were phased out almost immediately when online gaming became a big thing on consoles the following gen.


Is it really worth of time right now? puting aside nostalgia
i started playing it today and it feels kinda clunky and repetitive
should i only play story missions?

I still manage to do runs when the mood strikes and it hits all the right spots somehow when it comes to just beating gangs of people up. Getting caught by cops suck but then stealing car radios, knocking out people trying to call police, and playing the prologues of each Warrior always puts the game in a top spot for me.

Man, that shit makes me think of the Backyard Wrestling games, those were fun as hell.

And I dug all the ICP on the soundtrack

Feeling in a Warriors mood. Go and put The Eagles on youtube.
Comments section is full of Rick and Morty fans stinking the place up.
Game had such a good soundtrack.

Why do you write like a facebook normie imitating greentext who has never seen greentext first-hand


>beat em up
>not persona 4

Overrated, even as someone who liked and still likes it a lot.

one of my favorites, what do you think is the best game on it?

Turnbull AC's, you little shit

I'm gonna have to watch this sometime in the next couple days, it's been a couple years now. Shame I never got around to playing the game.

Is the original book any good? What about that comic that act as a sequel for the movie/game?

The book from what I can recall is a little more serious in its approach to gangs and how that once chick that followed The Warriors was raped by them. I think even the tone was a more sour with Rembrandt I think, going back to a shitty apartment with his baby brother crying and his mother ignoring him for her boyfriend. I need to find the book around me but it's worth a read coming off both the game and the movie.

Fucking awesome movie, fucking awesome game.

>boss fights are mostly just throwing shit at them

Fucking why?

I played port on psp and really fucking liked it, actually one of the few games that I finished on psp. It's not as good as San Andreas or Manhunt though, but it is great.

>Rembrandt not falling for the lizzies shit
>later found out he was gay and died of aids

Shit if he was straight than cowboy and snow would have been capped

>exclusively makes digital cash
>can't wait for rdr2
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