Have you played Best FE Girl's game yet?

Have you played Best FE Girl's game yet?

This is the ideal best FE girl. You may not like it, but THIS is what peak performance looks like.

2nd best FE girl Tharja is coming as DLC, so shut up.

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Yeah, almost got to her introduction chapter.

Just here to say Cordelia is a fucking shit and a waste of a character to be chosen from Awakening.


That isn't best FE girl.

Kill yourself, Raul

>Have you played Best FE Girl's game yet?

Yes, I have in fact played Lissa's game.

Are her tits insured for millions?

Why do the faces on figure like this always look awful


What. why would tharjafag say Camilla is best girl?

What non nu-FE characters are in the game? I only heard of Lyn and Celica


>non nu-FE

oh right, I missed the obvious one

>playing Classic Hard mode
>Hinoka gets one-shot by Takumi because I wanted superiorbig sis to slap sense into him
>thought I could revive her
>have to beat the story first

Do I reset, bros?

It looks a lot better close up, but yeah it was one of the reasons I didn't actually want her to begin with once the prototype was painted. That and her hair. Still ended up buying her though because I got the Corrin and Elise nendo and I got impulsed into buying her.
She's actually pretty nice so it all works out in the end I guess.

>Start playing the game
>'Hey the dub isn't that bad, they even got back all the voice actors from Awakening'
>Get to the Fate chapters
What the fuck, even if these were the original voices they sound so mismatched. How the fuck could they get the original voice actors back for Awakening, and not Fates? Aren't they all from the same voice actor agency?

Arguably I would agree with you, but I didn't want to trigger the secondaries

She isn't? Unless you mean every game after Thracia than Celica would also be nu-FE.



Is the 3DS worth it just for Awakening and Fates? I've never been a huge handheld fan but I've always wanted to get into these games

So where do I fall in the spectrum if I like both the classic Fire Emblem games and the 3DS games that helped saved the franchise?

Genealogy and Thraica a shit though. Because the maps were to big and bullshit like fatigue respectively.

Just play Conquest and Echoes.

Just? No, especially not for Fates.
Find some other shit to play on it. The library is pretty good and you should at least something else to play on it.

Yes, both games have a fuck ton of replayability, especially if you want to 100% percent them.

Gaiden was the second game in the franchise you retard nigger

>It looks a lot better close up
not really
they always puff out their cheeks and make their heads really round and they end up looking like the people from Horton hears a who

I wonder what a titfuck from Camillia would feel like

No way those are real

Blazing sword is secondary status since that's when the westerners finally got the series. Starting from Awakening is the third wave

>both games
>everyone still ignores Revelation as a valid entry

Revelations is fucking terrible and should be ignored

It combines the dumb plot of conquest with the boring maps of birthright

Final boss was pretty cool but that's it

it makes you reasonable

>Camilla is best FE girl
That's an acceptable answer

>Tharja is 2nd best
Fuck no.

What's with that blank space user?

And Echoes is the 15 you dumb bitch. They didn't use Gaiden Ceilca but Echoes Celica. Every game after 12 is nu-FE, no exceptions.

I feel sorry for you. That you can live your life with these thoughts actually in your brain. You can look at that image and actually believe that is the best FE girl. Sad.

If I am blasting through normal on awakening for the first 10 chapters should I restart on hard or will it get more difficult later?

Oh whoops, I guess Marth is actually from FE12! You're a fucking idiot and I'm ashamed to share a fandom with you.

Yet Twilight of the Gods uses the Gaiden version.

>'have I played Hinoka's game?'

of course I have.

please don't bully with her warriors VA

This is the stupidest post I have ever read. Do you know how to read?


You think Celica originated from FE15, I don't really give a shit about your opinions. Get fucked Fatesfag.

I-Is there mommydom?

I insta-switched to JP voices and she sounds fine, so no bullying from me.

>People complain about E.G. Daily voicing Hinoka in fates because "how dare you make the tough soldier chick into a tomboy?!"

>Her VA in Warriors can't even stick with one consistent inflection in a single line delivery

>You think Celica originated from FE15

Is Lucina really twelve now? What the fuck?


Does she consider you like a little brother? Would she even play that angle during a titfuck?


Yes, just like her entire fanbase

What makes you say that?

Yes, main-character-little-brother lust is her defining character trait.

KT censored her panties so no.

It's basically impossible to have taste worse than this

Which is a shame since the SoV version is superior.

>Camilla and Tharja
>Remotely close to each other in terms of "best girl"

Camilla isn't the best, but Tharja is so beneath her that she doesn't even show up on Camilla's radar.

The best girl is whoever you like the most but the worst girl is always Tharja.

I haven't reached that point yet, but apparently in Warriors there is a cutscene where she says she first went 12 years back into the past.

>This is the ideal best FE girl. You may not like it, but THIS is what peak performance looks like.

Shut the fuck up. I'm sick of this unoriginal shit posted in every god damn thread about anything. Get a fucking mind of your own and make your own stupid fucking jokes.

t. Lynfag

But I suck at jokes.

How do I make everyone survive in the final Conquest map on hard? I was able to defeat Takumi but literally everyone except for Corrin died. I know it's the last map, but I always stick to the "no one left behind" rule when I play

Buy the DLC user, and grind, grind like you never grinded before.

rescue and freeze staffs. Don't brother with anything else but Takumi.

That's haram.

Git Gud


I want to marry and have children with Camilla!

I see.

Rescue/freeze/silence/enfeeble staves. Also stock up on tonics if you have the money.

Yeah, I played Sakura's game


Sakura is worst girl

>You will never play Nino's new game.

Shut the fuck up

He's right though

She's shit, user

I really like Cordelia and even I agree with this. Having her when Hinoka's inclusion was basically mandatory feels like there's two of the same character.

Of course I wanted Donnel instead so fuck me right?

I'll kill you for talking shit about my cute little sister/wife, bitch

>there are people in this cruel world that think Tharja is worst girl

Tharja is gutter trash user, undisputed worst girl in every game she's in.

Here's someone worse.

I didn't say she was WORST girl, but not near the top.

Ok, why?

I thought so too, until she became a rape machine that solo’d an entire map (and I’m not even past the 2 hour mark)

Looks horrible and ugly
Terrible personality, crazy psycho bitch
Abusive towards her children
Slut for BBC
At least Faye looks cute, though that could just be the work of the superior artist

I really like her design, too bad she's literally muh Alm

I’m only slightly mad that my wife didn’t make it in the game alongside her Lady, mom, and best friends, but we’ve gone on so many adventures together already, and I cherish the time we’ve spent together, nothing will change that.
On the off-chance she does become DLC after the initial wave or becomes playable in a sequel, then good for me, another journey under our belt together.

>At least Faye looks cute
Worse looking than Tharja.

I asked for negatives, not positives

Himecut is shit
It's a miracle that this bitch can take something that should theoretically be amazing, fullbody pantyhose, and make it shit. Kozaki really fucked up this design

I got paid this week so I'm gonna get a Switch and Tiki's game.

Nah, Faye is more attractive overall. Tharja has better hairstyle, but that's it.

Not on freeshop yet ;~;

>Faye is just MUH ALM
>Celica is MUH ALM and MUH GODS
Should have fucked Clair. Too bad Alm is incapable of being attracted to anyone but Celica (and Matilda).

>Himecut is shit

Tharja has a better body, while Faye has a better face and hair.