This is one of the best games I've ever played

This is one of the best games I've ever played.

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I always fucked up my build and had to restart
Never had a single SoJ in my entire life
Was still fun though

k. keep me posted

it was all right. i don't think it's aged super well, honestly.

Umm sweetie, that's not Diablo IIII 2018

That was a mean post.

I had one actual SoJ drop for me. I've heard they only drop if a game contains a Manald Heal and a Nagalring already with no SoJ. If the game contains all three, any can drop.

y does he have a gloryhole in his forehead? Is there a midget in there that'll suck your sausage?

As with most older games there's a lack of quality of life features you expect from newer titles but once you keep playing for a few hours you get over it pretty fast. When you do the "it hasn't aged well" feeling wears off really fast with most games.

I never played it. I wish they would put it on Steam or GOG. Don't want to deal with Blizzard's service.


What an unique opinion you have.

Played the first one. Boring shit.

He's a warrior who shoved Satan's dildo into his skull.

One of the games I played was one of the best games I've played.

Agreed. Its my favorite game of all time.

That's sad.

but it's fun.

>play Diablo 1 as a kid
>holy shit that atmosphere
>that comfy village
>that spoopy butcher
>that going lower and lower into the ground until you reach actual hell

>start Diablo 2
>bright fucking colors everywhere
>monsters make funny noise when they die
>most of the game takes place on the sufrace in broad daylight

>"Why can't they make the same game twice?" - The Post

also there's a better sense of everything being fucked by evil in the second game because you see how much damage the demons cause, how they've affected the characters and just how brutal they are, slaughtering monasteries and royal palaces full of women. In D1 you see a centralization of evil and terror but with D2 there's an entire scope and I think both have a lot of merit.

You can make the game different without changing the overall tone and art direction.

I would argue that they didn't change it all that much, the heart is still there, you're just leaving mama Diablo's basement for once in your life.

It's still a game with a very dark and uncomfortable atmosphere.

Just pirate it

That's a big load of donkey dick.
Both D2 and WC3 both aged incredibly well.

I've only ever found two SoJs and I've played the ever loving shit out of the game.

>sound effects got worse
>reverb out of the arse


I could never get past the jungle, it was just too boring. I bought it when it first came out and tried on 2 occasions.

Diablo 1 on the other hand was a focused decent into hell. It felt much creepier and claustrophobic.

The first section of Act 3 is so bad.
>Spider Forest connects to Great Marsh and sometimes directly to Flayer Jungle
>sometimes the Flayer Jungle connects to Great Marsh instead
>there is no tell either way

Playing path of diablo atm. But I just played vanilla a few months ago so idk how heavily I'm gonna invest

>Fast gameplay
>Living economy
>Shit ton of loot worth finding. It's not just about legendary armor and weapons. Perf eth BP, perf all resi small charms, runes, etc
>getting an anni charm actually felt like an accomplishment instead of a slow grind

It hurts bro, I miss it all

for literally a single USD you can get enough runes to trade your way to uber gear

Why was Act 5 so fucking good?
>That march up to the first quests, helping out random barbs scaling Mount Arreat.
>Dodging catapults and saving moar barbs.
>Sick ass quest rewards like item socketing and item personalization.
>Comfy town design, music, and NPCs.
>That cool ass in-laid art on the box.
Diablo 2 is probably one of the most well made games ever created and the fact that it's still populated during ladder resets shows that.
Sad that it wasn't even made by Blizzard in the first place.

>most of the game takes place on the sufrace in broad daylight
just because it's daylight doesn't mean it's cheery

Both games really have their own merits that they are able to stand on. It makes playing one after the other a really nice experience imho.

first time i played through I brought leap up to lvl 20. people laughed at me.

now i play hardcore characters and everynow and then make a werewoof which people laugh at because it's not optimized.

>A game where a paladin and necromancer can be on the same side and fight together
>They actually synergize very well with auras + undead summons


I can't believe that game dev got so far wasting so much talent along the way

build does not matter a great deal these fucks load their inventories so many skill charms they can't pick up shit.

balance of life and death not corruption of the dead ok

praise trang'oul

I really enjoy the Diablo spin on necromancy. They're still viewed as inherently creepy for obvious reasons and people tend to avoid them, but their overall goal is to preserve the balance.


whos the skeleton face suppsod to be

Warrior from Diablo 1, was the canon ending that he DIABLO'D himself.

"the wanderer" aka the hero of diablo 1

>giant hole in the forehead
I wonder

>summon skellies
>watch them kill enemies

so how do I have fun with this game? i want to understand

Probably try a class that kills things themselves if you don't like being a summon overlord?

Are you retarded, or do you think everything is a summoner?

cast amp damage, follow with corpse explosion keep casting corpse explosion until everything is dead.

>The spec that literally has to do nothing but walk around and occasionally resummon a skeleton is boring

really makes you think

>bright fucking colors everywhere
Shitposts like this always get me because anyone whose actually played both know how bullshit it is. I love Diablo 1, I think it has the best atmosphere of them, but the blood was playdough pink, and enemy designs often got colorful to the point of garish.

And despite opening up the world, Diablo 2 did fantastically well at preserving the tone of Diablo 1. The dark, rainy overworld of Act 1, the dungeons that were a total throwback to D1, fighting through the ruins of Tristram itself - and then it goes onward east, always east to the varied regions of the other acts until finallying phoning home with Act 4, which was thematically consistent to the caverns and lava of Diablo 1's lower levels.

Anyways, all that aside, D2 is the better game, fag.

>Never had a single SoJ in my entire life

Same, and I played probably around 200+ hours of this.

It's part of why I was totally cool with the prevalence of hacked items online. To get natural drops of the stuff I wanted would have taken astronomically silly amounts of grind.

endlessly looting pointless gear sure is fun. play an actual good game like baldurs gate

Join a party with 6 necromancers, a paladin and a barbarian and revel in the lag caused by 240 minions with 3 auras and a couple warcries on each of them

By not choosing the one exact single build of the one class that does the thing you don't like?

it was mostly fun using it to chat with other people who had no friends. also fucking around in duels.

choosing another class, dum dum

just magicfind gear my friend, your merc gets your mf% + their own mf% so let them get the last hit on bosses and you'll be drowning in loot. Thy don't really survive ubers though

>try to "fuck around" in a duel
>immediately get charged/smited/hit for 50k damage in one hit by a level 44 twink barb

>Not becoming a spell flinging necromancer that is constantly poisoning and wrecking things while your summons tank for you

I miss my poison nova necromancer. I had tons of +1 skill charms in my inventory and poison nova just SLAUGHTERED things.

It was funny playing duels vs lvl 99 people with bad builds/armor vs my lvl 50 necro and just killing them with 1 poison nova.

yeah. but as a kid it was fun. also it was more what was going on in the discussion than in game.

the game was just there to capture the machine mind. like chess or checkers.

>Fucking up builds in diablo 2


Claim your weaponfu

poison never kills players like that it takes them down to 1. You need another charge to finish them off. Also for the point investment you better off with bone prison/wall/armor

The yellow plague bearer and the one with the blue and red are the only ones that are really bright. When you have all the other guys next to the tile sets you see them at they fit perfectly and don't pop out. In general the caves and Hell were darker in Diablo 1, with mostly blood stars and fire balls possibly illuminating anything.

There are many things that Diablo 1 does do better than Diablo 2, which is why these action RPG's after Diablo 2 have been pretty lackluster is due to taking Diablo 2 elements more to the extreme which seems like a logical step but doesn't do the genre well.


Did the box art always look like this? I dont remember a hole in his forehead from the soulstone

I usually hit them with a spell.

Point investment was also irrelevant when all my skills were getting like +20 from gear and charms in total.

>tfw you got a Hellfire torch with that sick giant flame on hit proc

To me the game is extremely simple, repetitive and completely forgettable

Not him, but I've also pked with poison nova. It's really easy to kill them if you have a fire golem out.


Literally anything.

Nova melts their health and anything on top will kill. Nova does 99% of the work.

>tfw using the Hellfire Torch on a capped IAS Strafezon

The first ones more atmospheric imo

I used fire golem because it has inherent Holy Fire which makes getting the final hit you need trivial

yeah you should have it a poison necro anyway. Since the holy fire aura aggros everything around and draws in more enemies to novas so you're more mana/time efficient.

keep in mind a lot of us started playing before everything became minmaxed. there used to be more variety in the types of players you came across. we used to pick skills because they looked cool.

I remember filling my stash with people's ears because I thought they had a use

I remember picking up my own because I didn't want people to have them

I remember crying because my party carried me through act 3 and act 4 was too hard. I started over.

it used to fill me with rage

The best part of multiplayer was getting someone to rush you straight to the Council and skipping that bullshit altogether. Fuck those little pygmy bastards.

still need the eye the brain and the heart

This. Diablo 2 may have been a bit different from Diablo 1, but it still definitely felt like Diablo.

That being said, I wouldn't mind if somebody made another loot-driven dark arpg with a comfy town town and a singular dungeon on the outskirts. Maybe make the dungeon more metroidvania-style... it'd be sweet

I went solo through acts 1-3 and still had to grind a lot in act 4.

I didn't even finish before LOD came out, which had a fix for some dumb deal where the gap between some levels, I think 27-28 was for some reason stupid large compared to common scaling.

After the fix it took like 15 minutes to fill the rest of that bar.

LoD was an awesome expansion.

>not playing a proc-based bone spear FA crossbow wielding bear necromancer

games don't age you numale reddicuck

>This. Diablo 2 may have been a bit different from Diablo 1, but it still definitely felt like Diablo.
> I wouldn't mind if somebody made another loot-driven
This is one of the various reasons to why Diablo 1 and 2 don't feel like one another. There wasn't a reason to grind for loot in Diablo 1, in fact when you play it single player and continue your file you pick up where you left off and can't go back and grind for loot. Diablo 1 is more like a Roguelite with making due with what items you find rather than Diablo 2 in which you find yourself grinding out bosses or areas to get decent equipment.

even the most gear dependent builds typically don't have issues until around nightmare mode. Hell if you rev up the difficulty /players4 and play the game slower you're have even more gear than you know what do with.

I remember the uproar caused by respawning enemies because people liked to kill every last enemy in Diablo 1. There was something satisfying about clearing out a floor and having it stay cleared.

>Diablo 1 is more like a Roguelite with making due with what items you find rather than Diablo 2 in which you find yourself grinding out bosses or areas to get decent equipment.
Also makes stores relevant.

Let me ask you, when do you normally stop your file in Diablo 1. When do you usually stop your file in Diablo 2?

To me in Diablo 1 once you beat Diablo it is done. In Diablo 2 you just keep going into Nightmare and Hell. You will run into that gear grind, especially when you're preemptively preparing yourself for the next difficulty.

Anyway of getting a copy of this game ?

True, I did use Griswold to buy items, and if I really wanted an item and had a good amount of gold I would go to Wirt as well.

>tfw got my sorc build perfected except for a SoJ
>not a single SoJ after thousands of hours
At least Meph dropped that Mara's.

Path of Exile is better in every way

Jokes on them, max leap barb is either a bro-tier teamplayer or PK.

for single player I typically stop at act 3 nightmare just because I get bored. I stack mf% gear really early or use less gear dependent builds so grinding is typically around act 3 or 4 hell (mainly for the new tier items so my merc stays alive)
I don't even know where I stop in diablo somewhere between catacombs and caves I just can't get demoralized.

but leap doesn't do anything but jump and fluster some nearby enemies. i believe you're thinking of leap attack which is actually useful.