What happened?

What happened?

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The devs got spooked by AM2R getting shut down, so they changed the name.

So it’s no longer a fangame?

thought it stopped when they found out how well Undertale did

They literally got spooked and now literally 3% of the people who followed them are still around. The Mother 4 Thread on Starmen died immediately after this news broke. To be honest, even though it's petty, I'd rather it not be released at all.


Rebranding because people """""bullied""""" them into changing the name.


looking at what happened to AM2R and Pokemon Uranium, I don't blame the devs for overhauling the game.

>No more Rhythm-based battle system

My interest has fucking plummeted, not gonna lie. That was probably my favorite thing about Mother 3.

Janny deleted off topic posts but not the thread.

Sometimes you're alright.

The point is that those off-topic posts will keep existing in all the threads while they delete every single thread about the actual theme. This is an horrible way to filter off-topic shit.

honestly surprised

What did they mean by this?

>this thread

So what's the meltdown gonna look like when Sup Forums gets shut down?

Nothing, we'd finally be free.


based mods

The same thing that happened to Project M.

Wrong, because Project M actually came out.

they saw how Undertale made mad bank and thought "we need to get in on that"

Definitely agree with you there, my man. They at least mentioned they're replacing it with some sort of different combo-system, but I'm not sure there's anything they could add that would be quite as satisfying as the Rythm-based combos.

wow they really scrapped that? that made Mother 3 enjoyable than other turn-based jrpg now days. most usually put me to sleep after a short session

Come to pol and have some redpills fren

Their musician bailed on them. It's over.

They're "taking a break" mostly because he's done putting in so many hours into something that isnt making money for him. A man's gotta eat.


no they just got scared of work being wasted by a dmca so theyre removing everything referencing mother like the saturns and the title thats literally it

they posted about it on the mother4 subreddit

Mods are fags

I hate this world


while I believe you are correct it still makes no FUCKING sense to me
like really, they weren't selling the game, so why be spooked by a DMCA? once something is on the internet there's nothing Nintendo can do
I swear to god these fan projects always go the same way
people should just stay fucking quiet until they're done or only post anonymously like that Air Ride user

my fangame is better.

>like really, they weren't selling the game, so why be spooked by a DMCA?
because A2MR, Project M, Super Mario 64 HD, and Pokemon Uranium all got DMCA'd? And there's no guarantee that they'll only DMCA it after it comes out. On top of that, once its DMCA'd, no work can be done on it anymore, so a complete rebranding is out of the question after that.

>And there's no guarantee that they'll only DMCA it after it comes out.
yeah I know that happens, see my last sentence for the solution
anyway I get what you're saying. it's just unfortunate and kinda confusing to me

Add a trap in the game and then maybe

>implying it dosent.

Seriously, what's stopping them from just branding the game "Mother 4", and then if they get a takedown notice, rebranding it? What fucking cowards

Aren't they rebranding it now?

Why wait until they get in trouble if they can do it right now and potentially even be able to monetize it?

I always question why a group of people working on a project that is 100% guaranteed to get DMCA'd put their real names on their work.

I get the ego part of wanting to be recognised for your work, but surely the desire to have the work actually released is greater. They can sue John Doe all they like, they're never getting any money out of him if they don't know who you are.

You can't work on a game after it's been C&D. Period. They have to rebard before they get hit or not at all.

>potentially even be able to monetize it?
That right there was also a reason, AM2R warning and all. They saw how much money Toby Fox got from Undertale and are trying to get a slice of that pie.

I think it's a mix of naivety and that fact that people want credit for hard work.

They're claiming it'll still be free.

If it ever comes out, that is.

AMR2 took 10 years to come out so it might still happen
if the dev team didn't fall apart in that time