>empty worlds the game
nice GOTY nintendo
Empty worlds the game
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Bro it's the desert, there is nothing in the desert
>Deserts being empty is a negative
Fucking Sup Forums
Oh yeah, you're right, Nintendo was forced at gunpoint to put a desert in this game.
>this is the state of Mario shitposting
Sup Forumsermins need to get out of their basement
have you ever BEEN in a desert?
>Being a Nintenigger
Are you a terrorist or something?! No I have not been in a desert.
>hurr its suppose to be empty durr
kys! banjo kazooie had a desert level and it wasnt empty and still felt like a desert, you nintenbros have no fucking standards.
Look at all that ACTIVITY
Nigga that's just pyramids and sand
Like every desert level
The more I see gameplay of this, the more I fear it's not going to be good.
I don't want to play BotW with a Mario reskin over it.
But I'm buying it anyways because I'm fucking starved for actual games to play on the system.
tfw fell for the switch botw jew
The game is fun, but damn is it a bunch of open world with monsters that are just a chore to deal with.
>You do know how small that level is, right?
Doesn't that area have that clunky sphinx driving though?
Wouldn't make any sense to go around with a mount in a cluttered space.
That AI looks completely shit, this can't be possibly be developed by Nintendo
>all these assblasted people
Don't you like, make the worlds come alive or something?
why make it larger than it needs to be?
Looks like New Vegas. Sup Forums will love it and praise it for years to come.
Who are you quoting?
Enough with this shitty simplified bland as fuck UI style. Why does every second game this gen go with it?
>being so impressionable that a single shitposter can sway your opinion
It's meant to be traversed with a mount
I can't tell if you are aware of the irony or not.
>video shows an entire town a minute away
what did OP mean by this?
get out underage and microsoft owned that , betch
nigga it's a desert haven't you ever been to the desert before?
It's not like Nintendo never did a good desert world before, right?
Who gives a shit. Seriously. Just get a life.
Can anyone confirm if Broshi is in the game?
what switch game is this?
Same here.
>it only counts if it's on switch
Fucking what
>receives 10/10 from every journalist anyway
gaming is already over Sup Forums. they told you they would make it so.
Yet you'll probably praise AC Origins for having vast spaces of empty deserts in between all the worthwhile stuff to look at.
Projection level over 9000
>that picture
I swear, Odyssey better not bring that sun back
I didn't know that a childish platformer is aimed at the same level of a quite realistic game.
To be fair John Walker hasn't played a game in his life so how would he understand gameplay?
Needs a Mario Mako
Why are you people defending this?
>Deserts in the real world are empty, therefore it's okay to have a badly designed area in the game, because it's based on such a desert!
No, fuck you. "It's bad on purpose" isn't an excuse. If you can't make a desert that is also a good level and not just a Yooka Laylee tier empty space then don't make a fucking desert.
"Real deserts are empty" is not an excuse for bad, bland level design.
> Switch can handle some real time ligh effects
Don't worry, no sun at all in Odyssey.
Idk i remember fucking hating this level because of that sun
>define "gameplay."
Okay, gameplay is, get this, how the game plays.
If it feels natural, smooth, satisfying, and responsive, then it's good gameplay.
If it feels cumbersome, janky, frustrating, and unresponsive, then it's bad gameplay.
It's so unbearable watching most people play, it's like they never played a 3D Mario game before. All they do is run and do the most basic fucking jump, fucking casuals piss me off.
This how you should play or fuck off
>I saw a clip of a level so I know it is terrible
>I hate challenges
Take that meme and shove it up your ass mouthbreather
This guy sucks cock at the game
>black screen
>See reflection
its because Mario is heavily overmarketed, overhyped and any normie who asks the teller "what video game should I buy?" or any mother "what video game should I buy for my son?" the teller says "DO THE MARIO"
Look boring
why is hat in time worse than this?
You know this board is overrun with newfags when no one sages these shit threads anymore
>Dude playing is a fat neckbeard wearing a Zelda shirt
>hat in time reviews
>mario reviews
the industry is beyond saving
Oh I see, so having an empty level with nothing in it is bad in this game but okay for the entirety of Horizon.
This is so true it hurts
>Zelda unironically has a better open world than most 'open world' games, and an interesting chemistry system to boot
>sit in at Nintendo's GDC talk and see so many western devs there
>Think the industry might be saveable
>realize they would clap even if the guys from Nintendo spend 90 minutes talking about their dicks
>no one learned anything about game design, they just like it cause HURRR MUH ZELDA
Odyssee is probably really mediocre, but I'll never know by asking
I agree. We need to have every inch of every level covered in shit because that makes the levels good.
Good logic you mongoloid neogaf user.
Little thing called minimalism. Gaming has grown up beyond catering to users who need to gaze slack-jawed and mouth-breathing at flashy lights and zany fonts. We have evolved.
You, as it has been made distinctly apparent, have not.
>Odyssee is probably really mediocre
classic Sup Forums
Nah, neofriend would prefer something entirely linear and completely braindead.
Nice Wojak mate, I'm clearly an idiot now because you posted that.
This shit right here was fucking 10/10. They should port this shit to every fucking computer that ever existed. Even if that means they have to use mother fucking MSDOS text based commands.
nice gamefeel
now whats gameplay bro
So this is the power of the Switch....huh...
Why I'd realism in Mario even a thing? Mario 06.
Don't fucking trigger me. Two events in my childhood that fucked me up. 1. Getting molested by my older brother and 2. That fucking Sun.
After TP, SW, BOTW, SM3DW, & NSMBU, I'm not sure how fanbabbies could still try to deny the fact that mainstream reviewers are awarding Nintendo Bonus to Nintendo's sacred cows (Maro & Zelda mainline games).
It's pretty much already set in stone that SMO is gonna get 10/10s from mainstream developers simply because it has Mario in its title. The state of rotten modern gaming journalism really is beyond saving at this point.
The open world meme is a fucking disgrace.
Another game bites the dust. Literally this time.
>hatshills in full damage control mode
Then it shouldn't be a level if they can't come up something interesting or fun
You recognize that the a large portion of CA is a desert correct? As in, if you live in LA, you live in a desert.
>cannot define GAME PLAY
Oh i think it's... mechanically how the GAME PLAYS.
Balance, controls, etc..
You experience gameplay by not watching other people play or looking at reviews but actually playing the game. Yes it's quite difficult for SJW's to decode such a cryptic definition.
>food analogy
>mods are now directly linking to Sup Forums for vidya discussion
Have they finally snapped?
You're supposed to slide down the fucking dunes like a sane person tardfart
Complaining about the moderation is a violation of global rule...8 I think?
Just FYI.
>evolving means looking as bland as possible instead of being quirky and memorable
here's my pity (You)
Aren't the Kingdoms more like hub worlds anyway?
How does it feel knowing odyssey will be goty and you shitposting on Sup Forums can't stop it?
There isn't any other way to mention it, unless they really expect me to go to Sup Forums to discuss neogaf
Please tell me there's a way to disable this button prompt
I mean, fuck, it has a WHOLE SENTENCE to explain the shitty motion control gimmick, how can Nintendo of all companies think this insulting clutter is acceptable?
NOT VIDEO GAMES. Switch is a children's toy.
why is the music so shit?
*deletes post*
>inciting neogaf meme
please stop
The mods are going insane. They're deleting the hiro-approved meta threads now
Is it me, or do all the posts about how "empty" the desert kingdom are include a picture of mario wardering around on foot, instead of riding on the lion things like you're supposed to? Is leak streamer user just retarded and forgot about those since E3, and unintentionally feeding the shitposters? I'm not watching because i don't want any more moon locations spoiled.
Based user tells the truth.
So much this in these three posts it's nit even funny. Fuck this industry promoting so many shitty games. Nutendo has the gaming MSM by the blaas and Sup ForumsintendoGAF will just enable it. Telling that nintendies can't even debate us.
Fuck 06yssey, I hope the userscore gets bombed to shit to expose the Ninty-controlled paid reviewers.
>tfw have loved video games my whole life
>26 and still try to play every day if I can
>juggling work, school, house and gf
>have never been nearly as autistic as these dudes
Feels good, being a normie on the outside.
Should be banned desu
Just as long as you don't enable shitty rotten games like 06yssey and promote Nutendo's rancid behavior, you're just fine for us.