Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Was there a Famitsu interview or not?

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't think so, I'm pretty sure the whole magazine got scanned

But the real question is
Will anyone scan the Nintendo Dream magazine, there's some Xenoblade stuff and I wanna know

>Nintendo Dream magazine

What’s that?

Is she leaning over 45 degrees?? This image is terrible.

I can't find the post where she said it but she retweeted this
You can see Xenoblade 2 in Japanese written in the lower right corner

Her hips are kinda cuhrazy.

Get those scans for us user, you are now tasked.

What the fuck is that angle

Somewhere in this vid there's probably a few minutes of mumbling about shit we already know. I haven't watched it yet. youtube.com/watch?v=TtOoCkBcUCs

I haven't found any scans yet but I did which page it is
It seems to be page 54 and looks to be a 2 page spread (because I found another thing that said page 56)

>No More Heroes

You're in luck, the No More Heroes page was already on the site here it is


Alright people. Say this cheeky little monkey makes his may into Smash 5. His gimmick will probably be some kind of Blade switching mechanic.

What Blades with what elements do you hope/expect him to be carrying? Obviously sword/fire is reserved for his waifu, so what's in the other two slots?

The blonde blade will probably be added
Don't know about the 3rd slot though

>posting MLP shit
Great, you're going to summon him.

any good lolis?

Yup, they're about as good as the jail cell that you will be living the rest of your life in you pedophile degenerate fuck.

We got robo lolis, we got bird lolis and we got thunder lolis

Whichever rare Blades end up being Fists/Lightning and Gun/Ice.
Blondie might be too spoilery. I wouldn't want two swords anyway.

no school on the weekend for you i guess

Yeah I suppose more variety is better, I think they'll go for fan favorite Blades, we'll see who those are when the game comes out though

Now thats one hell of buttmad normalfag.

Oh look like neogaf shitter are already leaking.

I'd rather gameplay variety was prioritized over fan favorites. Would suck if all three of the most popular Blades ended up being swords or something.

What the fuck is that pose lmao

I think those fist Blades would make a nice move set, it would also be interesting if he got a cannon blade so he also has some ranged options

>His gimmick will probably be some kind of Blade switching mechanic.
Nah, his gimmick would most likely be pyra as a second character like the ice climbers, overtime generating power each time you land an attack, down b throws the sword to her and lets her use one of 4 attacks depending on how charged she is and losing it when she gets damaged, and fainting when she takes too much and you have to revive her with down b.

It's a Sup Forumstard, faggot Sup Forumstard.

Stay btfo.

I love that artist.


That would also be pretty neat, but I think blade switching represents the gameplay better

You must love being banned from being within 500 feet of any school too.


What? I just like the 2D feet.

Doubtful since character transformations are gone, plus it would be like 3 custom moves in one character, it's straight up broken


You can only love 2D feet of adult characters.

But they're 3000 years old obviously.

True, it probably won't happen, I just think it would be a cool idea If it were balanced well

Doesn't matter the age, if they look like a child it's pedophilia.

Do something about it, nerd

Is this a child?

They could skimp out and make the other two Blades large, swinging weapons like spears or axes. Then they could just reuse the move set animations and the Blade switch would mostly just change attack properties.

Best blade.

no its an anchor

>The redditgaf leak meme is real

Too sexy

Maybe, but it would just look lazy and be marked as wasted potential

>dem feet

Is this an adult then?

>art that isn't pyra, nia, or finch is about as rare as ice cabbages
I'll take what I can get.

No, that is a child.

What a shame.

Transformations (and Ice Climbers) probably died because of 3DS limitations. 5mash might see a return to form. Rex's Blade system would basically be a less complicated Pokemon Trainer because he probably wouldn't even change his weight/movement speed/non-attack stats.

Maybe his stats would change, because in Xenoblade 2 the blade you currently use determines your stats, and it would probably also influence speed (heavy weapons are slow, light weapons fast,ect)

Delete this image please.


I hope this game has NG+ or something

X was a chore to play after beating the main story

Complimenting children for their mouth is creepy. Delet now.

It could, or it could not. As faithful as it tries to be Smash has always taken plenty of liberties.

Unless you're an American and it's 2D. In which case it's NOT pedophilia. Sorry, Canuck.

>who was Pokemon Trainer

Hello, Manveer.

Completely broken and banned in competitive.

thank fuck smug anime dweebs will finally be vanquished.


I think XC is infinitely better than X, but honestly I think I preferred X’s post game to XC. I don’t like starting over, especially if the NG+ isn’t very substantial.

No...you're definitely and OBVIOUSLY a gaffer.

t. retard

You sure about that?

I've yet to play X, even though I've owned it since release day. Mostly because, while I know how to hack my Wii U, I'm still uncertain exactly how to use the XCXGecko/pyGecko, and I can't find a video that explains how to let me get my boobs back for literal stupids.

Delete this image pedophile.


Are you role playing as a gaf refugee?

Give me the artist.

What's that? You want more? Start begging. Beg! Beg!

i'd prefer elitist journalists over more pedophile NEETs

Then go literally anywhere else than Sup Forums.


I'd prefer Elma in smash tee bee aich

>i'd prefer elitist journalists over _______
get out

Xenoblade 2 threads are almost decent sometimes, so please take your banal turf wars somewhere else.

only the weeb-infested boards are full of neckbearded pedos

not everyone on this site is a degenerate.

gotta keep them at bay while we still can

>why not both.jpg

And the non-weeb infested boards are entirely irrelevant to site culture. Go figure. kys neofag

>mlp shit
user, get your eyes checked.

You didn't save anything, look at what this thread is now, literally not even about Xenoblade anymore. This is your fault as well.

You should try being a degenerate its fun!

That art style looks familiar...


oh yeah Sup Forums and /k/ and Sup Forums and Sup Forums and all others are irrelevant huh

They all have anime subcultures. Try again.

because i'd prefer no more anime swordsmen in smash

yeah and they usually make the worst threads and are shunned by everyone who is not a failure of a human being.

>how to spot a newfag and neofag migrant.txt

Is there any way for us to get scans of this?