Why do people think you're a girl if your avatar is female?

Why do people think you're a girl if your avatar is female?

No one thinks this.


That's why we need masculism

An avatar is supposed to represent you in some way. By having a female avatar, you're saying you want to be represented as a female

I don't know.


Also saging

i make my avatar a boy but im female

This must be why everyone assumes i'm a tiny bird

that must be why everyone calls me a wizard

Because any man worth his salt wouldn't play a a woman, consider it a compliment that I assume it's not a man behind your character.

>thinking it's "sayj"

I make mine a boy but Im actually a boy.

i'll never get any form of cute neet gf. why does it actually hurt (physical pain)?

Yeah, this is a weeaboo site, so it's pronounced sawgay!

neet girls aren't a thing user, Im sorry to tell you.

Explain faggot

This mentality always bothers me and is such a "normie" way of looking at avatars in general

I never look at an in-game character and go "oh yeah that's me in the game world!" it's always just the case of "I am controlling this fictional character along on their journey"
It's good to relate, but it's not really good to reflect onto the character

>not using a pic of yourself

Because no one gives a shit who you are IRL. They're there to dive into fantasy and escape the real.

You don't want to be treated like a girl? Pick a male avatar next time.

>trophy wives

actually my avatar is of my waifu because I love her.

Because no self-respecting man would use a girl as their avatar faggot.

If you love something you would do well to keep it secret.

They work hard and looking fine and keeping up appearances. Not sit on their smelly butts playing video games and reading yaoi.

your waifu a shit.

yes they are.

they just aren't as appealing as you'd think

Why would you do that?

Other people will meddle with it. Plus if you're always talking about it, you have no way of knowing if you actually love it, or you just love making people think you love it.

SAH-JAY you retard

I usually assume it's an old fat dude in his mother's basement.

Makes sense, I did eventually go from talking about her a lot to just quiet love. I guess it happens with everyone. I still use her as an avatar though.

what games do you play?
maybe we can party up in an MMO

my sister exists


just do something that isn't useless to mankind and use the money to buy a cosplay slut

welcome to Sup Forums, gaffer

Can I get your phone number? And can you then suck my dick?

A lot of mute player-made characters are intended to be projected onto. How can that be a bad thing? Many of them have no relatable personality traits until you actually start projecting shit onto them.
You might not want to be a girl in real life, but it certainly enforces the idea that you like roleplaying as one. Since that's literally what you're doing.

>I only play as female characters

If you want mods to fuck you in the ass I suggest

>those eyebrows

I don't know about other people, but I just treat them like one regardless. I just use She/Her, its easier that way.
Never in a roleplaying way though, I don't really talk to those folks.

They don't think you're female, they think you're trans.

This. The people on the other end are just words on a screen to me and I really don't give a shit about who they actually are or what they actually want.

Her eyebrows are perfect. Delete that.

>liking thin spindly gross eyebrows

>he doesn't ERP
fuck off grandpa

You wouldn't go online and lie on your gender now, would you?


I love this anime because stuff like that never happens online, I mean the helpful random player who helps you and then adds you as a friend to play together.
That just never ever happens.. right?

i always assume those types are ugly men.

I dont play mmos, only stuff like Nintendo games


No, it doesn't. People are horrible, all of them, especially the anonymous ones on the Internet. Never talk to people, user.

in MMOs you get some helpful people but they end up leaving after theyre done

Well, not so much in a disconnected way. I just don't care who you are outside of the game.

I don't want to pretend to be an Elf in game or go along with your DnD style roleplay, but if you wanna pretend to be a girl and chat/work together on some gameplay I'll play along unless it's heading into something sexual.
Though that being said, I'm also not gonna tell you to go die or something if you try to get me involved.


>but they end up leaving after they're done

I like these net-juu threads

I like you, user.

my avatar is me irl

Yeah, this is the most common. More often than anything, I end up helping someone out and then discover they needed help because they're beyond retarded rather than just being new.


no way

This. Ive changed my avatar from an anime girl to just some random pic and I've notice people treat me different and talk to me less

They've just stopped recognizing a fellow weeb in you.

I've been on the net long enough to stop assuming, so when I'm uncertain, I'll refer to the player as "them/they're/their/etc."

Internet life was hard on you user..

I remember playing an mmo a while back when I was a kid. I made a female character and then started a dungeon with two other male players. They were two black guys who were sexually harassing the fuck out of me over voice chat. Younger me thought it was funny but really weird.

You look autistic.

Just use whatever relates to their avatar's gender, if they try to confront you about it ignore them because they're clearly not the type of person you want to play with.
Or simply use their username, like anyone would usually do.


Always assume dude, know what I mean bro? It's the great equalizer in online communications.

eh, it's treated me pretty well really. The worst part is only my lost ability to detect sarcasm and differentiate between cute and stupid.

Because you identified as one

i only pick the most autistic girls to represent who i am irl

Cuz yer playing as a girl dumb dumb.

Because their first experience with the internet/online games was Facebook or some other social media internet 2.0 shit.

Faggot with anime girl avatar here.
Some guy added me after playing a bit and he talks in an overly nice tone and messages me every day.
I'm not sure if he thinks I'm a girl or if he's just an innocent person.


>Girl Fetishists are still on Sup Forums

He either thinks you're a girl, or he's gay.

You can't even tell which is her eyebrow because of the shit artstyle.

You have a good waifu, user.

That's cute you should ask him out.

You really ARE a faggot, user, but you're honest about it, so I won't give you shit for it.


>hey look at this guy talk like a fag to me
>talk like a fag back

I just assume you are all girls and judge if you are hot or not by your post.

HALLO user!
Red halt normal mit dem du dummes Stück Kot.

I'll repeat what my 60yr old WoW-Playing College Tutor told me one time
>Because you'd rather spend 60 hours looking at a girls arse, than you would a Mans.

You're thinking them as 2D waifus. NEETs are fucking disgusting and undesirable for a reason, user.

>Bump into someone and end up partying with them
>Spend X amount of time playing together
>Get along, friend each other
>Don't feel like playing the next day
>Or the next
>Never play at all for months
>Finally decide to play
>Never see them again

>once had someone ask if I was a girl because I spoke in full sentences
To be fair this was a kid on PSN in Battlefield.

I just naturally talk like a huge faggot in text form, I think it's the german genes that force me to put a retard emoticon into every second message.
Maybe that's where the misunderstandings come from.

>play mmo
>roll dice to decide race/sex/class
>if end up female that's fine
>if someone asks if I'm m/f I tell the truth
>if they assume and it looks like they're going to give me shit then I don't bother correcting them
I don't ever rp as a girl though I just act normal.



Maybe because the other guy thinks having an anime girl avatar is either girlish or gay if you're a guy

Just change your avatar and see how he responds

The patrician's metric

It did like, 15 years ago. In another 15 years, we might get an anime about a cute girl playing mobas and getting called a fag.