anyone else feeling a little underwhelmed after watching the leaked gameplay?
Anyone else feeling a little underwhelmed after watching the leaked gameplay?
a little
No because I actually played it
I've been staying away from the leaks. I like going into games blind.
Yeah, a little. Linear as hell. At least the levels themselves seem terrific but... damn
The difference between Nintendo and sonybros game is gameplay.
Nintendo game is exactly fun to play while Sonyygers game is a twitch, YouTube, movie experience.
I pre-ordered it, and now I feel I fell for over hyped souless game.
Im a big open world fan, and it just to me looks so linear and easy.
Is it actually linear though, compared to the other 3D games? When I think linear, I'm thinking Galaxy/3D World
Neogaf really is out in arms tonight. Is it because it's not a school night?
You are so fucking spoilt. Nothing would ever make you happy.
played sonic mania and p5 which came out this year and i had fun...
Maybe not as linear as those 2 but still streamlined. Progressing through Kingdoms is just as simple as beating them. The kingdoms themselves with the required moons are kinda short too.
A fucking bunch of romhack Sonic levels made you happy but this won't?
im just underwhelmed dumbass, relax. christ.
Then don't buy the game, or are you just whining for the sake of whining?
Because you're a retard?
kek you guys are getting so mad over nothing
You are playing the "U mad" card in 2017, and for no good reason nonetheless.
And you're spreading your negativity...why?
What a bunch of triggered babies, not replying to this thread would be much smarter, but nope.
>wtf is happening I wanted to circlejerk with my fellow depressed anons and be angsty teens together
I'm depressed, but it's an angry and bitter depressed.
Go circlejerk in your threads then you limp dick cuck, stop projecting your deep insecurities.
What are you still doing here bumping this thread.
I'm a little disappointed. All the trailers made it seem like it was going to be really similar to Mario 64 and Sunshine with the open world design and objectives. I'm still looking forward to the game since it looks fun even though it's not exactly what I wanted
>being this much of a Nintendie
It's not a bad game, that's for sure
Its basically 3D World 2.0
This is the shit nintndies hype up kek. You're absolutely right. There is basically no reason to buy this piece of massproduced trash.
doesnt matter i won this thread is already gaining traction
Bump for Nutendie asshurt
For a game that is supposed to be the TRUE successor of 64 and Sunshine it kinda feels a bit small and linear, from what i saw its just a less imaginative version of the galaxy games.
Exactly. It's a soulless shit fucking game shilled by brainless toddlers. So glad Sup Forums is turning against this piece of shit game.
>the game is souless!!!!
Congratulations, you realised that you've grown up and that you don't see games the same way you did when you were a kid. At least try to come up with a real critisism when the game is actually out.
>when a vast majority of the only good vidya discussion community rightfully shitposts against your massproduced nutendo turd so you have to find a quick damage control
>Sunshine is not linear
>goes over the actual post directly to the ad hom
Sup Forums in a nutshell.
>sunshine is linear
game looks so boring
but it isnt?
Fuck off Nintodddler
Anyone who isn't a nintendie will agree with you. This thread is a reminder that shills need to fuck off.
Their website is down, so they have to shitpost here.
small compared to fucking what
>A game where you can sequence break into the final (not corona mountain) world is linear
>0 arguments
haven't watched any of the footage
is it bigger or smaller than super mario 64?
Bigger technically, but it's also way less dense.
Choose your poison
It's a linear piece of shit. You'll never hear that from the gaming MSM and the fucking rotten gaming industry promoting rancid trash like BotW and 06yssey.
for a quick redpill on Nutendo's control over review scores. The Nintendo bonus is real.
>a game having sequence breaks aka glitches that disrupt the level design means that it's not linear
yeah, I was gonna buy a switch for it but now I'm not so sure
looks too much like a collectathon and the levels seem really bland compared to the other 3D marios
Do not listen to anything Sup Forums is going to say about the game. Either watch or play it for yourself. There's an aggressive autistic attempt to shitpost about the game.
>spreading negativity
where the fuck do you think you are? Jesus christ nintenbros literally require a safespace for their games
I felt underwhelmed since months ago
You have a persecution complex, the game has flaws and you are fucking blind to them because of your brand loyalty
Dead on Arrival unlike the PS4™ and the Vita™
Where the fuck is the Seconds since Sup Forums last cried over SMO image?
Spoken like a true nintenbro
Typical nintendie hiding the fact that the gaming MSM is in Nutendo's hands. You're the reason gaming is dead.
Seriously, the 06yssey redpill force is the strongest it's ever been, more and more actual sane adults coming out against this overhyped overmarketed overmonetized piece of shit. Feels good man.
Pokebarneyfag, are you finally gonna end your life when SMO is declared the GOTY?
fuck nintendo seriously, they have been in decline since the super nintendo era. and even then the genesis was better
>You're the reason gaming is dead
Fuck off barneyfag. The last Nintendo console I owned was a gamecube.
Kill yourself, pokebarneyfag.
>all this aggressive shitposting
Videogames are not fun.
Name one positive aspect of 06yssey that earlier 3D Mario games can't already do.
You can't
It just looks like a bigger 64/Sunshine. The fuck are you fags on about?
>redpill force
I didn't know sonygays came from Sup Forums
Post face, faget.
it's crazy how corrupt this board is. all over video games, made purely for entertainment
Possession, Barneyfag.
The biggest positive aspect is how assblasted it makes you, pokebarneyfag
LMAO pokebarneyfag. Sun and Moon were the best.
I'm buying Assassin's Creed: Origins
Well, it's classic 3d mario as always, and that's already old and insufficient.
I thought it wasn't gonna be that good, but I didnt think it would be this bad.
2017 is the year were indies made better mario, sonic, and metriod. Its really messed up
>mfw people seriously think that the cuck shit of Metroid Samus Returns is a viable alternative to AM2R, a game that had actual heart and soul put into it
Fuck this industry and fuck the Nutendo-controlled gaming media.
Hate to break it to you but Mario has always been easy.
this! fuck nintendo!
Ok you motherfuckers I'm already starting to feel buyer's remorse about my preorder what the fuck make up my mind about not just cancelling this shit
Indies haven't made a better anything? Oh, you're trying to meme three worlds, a lava hallway, and a train: the game as being the best thing ever I see.
What's the good indie Mario?
>Indies haven't made a better anything?
What did you expect from the Sonic 06 of Mario
The likers of this game are pure shilling.Now their game got exposed as a huge piece of shit and they are in max damage control. Literally noone is hyped anymore.
>Now their game got exposed as a huge piece of shit
When did this happen?
sonic mania will be better than sonic forces and you know it
Why are you angry?
Why is anyone here angry?
Your call, user. I cancelled my pre-order. However, if you don't have a Switch yet and have other games you wanna play, the Odyssey bundle could still be a decent pickup, so keep that in mind.
t. Sonic Mania dev
Literally the fucking stream exposed it as an empty linear soulless piece of shit.
Who didn't cancel their preorder? God what a blunder.
The levels are too big and the moons are korok seeds.
What's more is the levels seem to be filled with gimmick sections instead of just having free gameplay. Like that 2D mode shit.
Mario has a good set of actions but his physics is all basic like in galaxy, he doesn't look very fun to control.
I'm a bit worried Odyssey will focus too much more on exploration than platforming challenges. Breath of the Wild already has exploring on lockdown.
And I haven't actually played it but the movement and jumping challenges look less fun than Hat in Time
>empty linear soulless piece of shit.
You mean like the only good parts of Sunshine? I fail to see the problem.
I think it will end of being an inbetween of BOTW. It will have a little more substance and a little less flash. I'm sure those with low standards will love it, but it looks like a decent game with wasted potential.
>this looks better than odysseys knock off levels that try to do the same thing
It's fucked up I know
>I'm sure those with low standards will love it
Fucking lowkey burn from a redpilled user. You're exactly right, I don't know who would actually enjoy this shit besides bottomfeeding shitlets who are easily impressable. Everyone is ganging up against this shit and it's amazing.
This too. God 06yssey is the most soulless game this year.
This isn't a word.
Did the streamer played through the whole game?