ITT: vidya confessions

I never played Skyrim

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how is not playing a game a confession..

do you post in skyrim threads as if you had played it? that I could understand.

Hated FFVII and was so fucking bored. Got to temple of ancients or whatever and dropped it.
I love musou games especially berserk
I've played Skyrim over 300 hours and beaten it 10 times.
I spent real money on gta v online once

Because its extremely popular and everyone around me has played it

Why does paraguay have blond hair?

Thats not a confession, this is:
Ive spent $7000 USD on League of Legends

i unironically think pokemon black and white is the best game

Video game culture is not allowed on Sup Forums what are you doing MODS BAN HIM

jesus fucking christ man wtf

I still haven't beaten Owl

One day, I shall challenge him again

my man

I dont think that even God could save you, user

i didn't even know that was possible

If you are not lying then that makes me feel better for spending only 3k Killing Floor 2's marketplace.

Jesus, and I feel wasteful when I buy remasters of games of I already own. Thanks for making me feel better about myself user.

I'm terrible at Overwatch. Can't aim, get destroyed in 1v1 fights, and very rarely get gold medals, on fire, etc. I also get killed by Genjis and Tracers when I play as Winston. Despite that, I make it into Master rank every season by only playing Mercy/Lucio.

When I play comp, I need to have chat muted and Oney Plays, Super Mega, or Game Grumps on in the background because I have a massive anxiety problem and getting shit on for fucking up destroys my ego.

I also think Danny Sexbang is funnier than Jon.

I bought Soul Caliber 4 just so I could jerk off to Ivy, Cassandra, and Taki. I hate fighting games other than Smash and haven't played a single match to this day.

I cheat all the time in multiplayer games. I pubstomped for years with LMAOBox on an alt account because it boosted my ego in TF2

I've played through Fear 2 three times but gave up on the first one after an hour.

The Last of Us, Ocarina of Time, and Half Life 2 are my top 3.

I've spent around 100 dollars on girlfriend audios and I write shipping fanfiction

I love Devil May Cry 3 and 4 but despise 1 and haven't played more than an hour of it.

I once played through Arkham City 12 times in 2 months.

I absolutely love Human Revolution and Mankind Divided but dislike the original Deus Ex.

I find a lot of retro games unplayable as they lack the polish and streamlining of more modern games.

The only turn based RPGs I've ever played are the South Park ones because I used to watch the show.

I hate the Sonic franchise. Every game is complete garbage.

The only Zelda games I like are Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Twilight Princess.

I have over 400 hours in Left 4 Dead 1/2, all of which is solo play.

I never played Skyrim or any Elder Scrolls games for that matter
I only played a few hours of Fallout NV and to this day it's the only Fallout game I've ever played
I never played any MGS
I never played Deus Ex games


Are you at least good at the game?

is that like buying every hero & every skin there is? or how the fuck do you even spend that much I am s confused.

simbly ebic, this'll show them

I forgot another one: BotW is the first and only Zelda game I ever played, despite owning an N64 and Gamecube, Zelda games never really appealed to me as a kid/young teen.

I've also never played any of the Metroid Prime games and the only Metroid games I have played were Super Metroid and Metroid II on the gameboy.

i own all the dlc for train simulator

I never killed a ki-I mean jew. Yet. I know I know, I'm sorry guys but I just haven't been able to find the time for it yet. I'll get to it asap.

Shadow is unironically my favorite Sonic character

i like videogames


I recently got my catholic confirmation done at a pretty late stage in my life, I had to choose a saint.
I, of course, left it to the very last minute, so I based my decision of off jojo, I'm counting as vidya cause they have them

I've wasted like 500 dollars on TF2 and bought every non-charachter skin dlc for Borderlands 2

I did my first communion when I was 9 or so and I picked Saint Thomas, because I was autisticly obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine then. 17 odd years later and I never bothered with confirmation.

Fallout 4 is overrated.

I have

Jesus Christ. I thought spending like 30 bucks on TF2 shit was bad

X7 is a okay game

I owned a PC that was moderate specs at the time but only played games 5 or more years old. Basically Total War and Civ IV.

That's okay.

banter stops user here
autism alert
I picked isidore of seville, because he died in the year 636 AD, this has to do with jojo cause, in part 7, Gyro Zipelli's racer number is 636,
which is a japanese number pun for fortunate/ lucky one

i dont see the problem with these

>I have over 400 hours in Left 4 Dead 1/2, all of which is solo play.

Nigga what

Why the fuck? Even if you make 6 figures, how do you continue to spend on nothing? Put it in a 529 for your children, you short sighted nigger

I never played Mass Effect because I heard you can't kill the faggots or make a only human crew. Why would I want disgusting aliens in my crew?

I never played a game

>Implying he has children.

I buy with my dick a lot

I thought rachet 3 was the best in the series

not user but multiplayer is toxic as fuck in those games. i dont use that word to describe such things but in this instance its true. i dont know how many games i joined and was immediately booted from the room, immediately

>paraguayan genocide
Those were the days

>i never played the game so i didnt understand the point of the story or even know i can tell people they cant join my crew


I think overwatch is gay and esports are cancer.

wtf. more than half of these arent even "confessions" and normal fine opinions.

I have had more fun with Agents of Mayhem than any Saints Row.

He might have them later, you short sighted nigger

You can spend money to buy things for other people that or making multiple accounts

A read enough about to know what it was about.
Anyway, the retardation is why this is a confession.

I enjoy pretty much everything, from competitive FPSes to mobile garbage, from eurojank RPGs to walking simulators.

>I enjoy video games
truly, the most autistic of all these confessions

>Ive spent $7000 USD on League of Legends

I like all the Witcher games
I think PoE is good.
I didn't think Skyrim was that bad

I have been really interested in the latest Xcom games but I am horrendously bad at them so I have to save scum continuously to stand a chance at winning. Feels bad man.

700 dollars isn't too bad I think?

Do that shit all the time. But anytime I"m playing video games
>Danny is funnier than Jon
I can agree but they both have strong points
>DMC 3 and 4
I can agree on that too. Although i thought 1 was decent. But I have to replay it

Reminder: you're giving money to a Chinese propaganda machine bent on oppressing people's beliefs and conditioning them to suck government cheese dicks.

Add a 0, and that already is bad being in the triple digits.

>I literally cannot play a game unless it has a girl (female) I consider cute.
If it does not have one, or if I cannot create a character to fit my tastes, I drastically lose interest.
>I will buy games solely for the lolis.

I jacked off to Splatoon porn

I like sonic unleashed a lot, especially the soundtrack

Also it has a really cute Halloween short

I like video games.

One of the things I always look up before buying a game is how long is it. If the game longer than 8h then I won't get it. I still haven't find a long game that isn't copy-paste galore.

There's nothing wrong with pear-shaped lolis user.

>Bought a stick
>Costed 300 USD
>Feel bad I never put enough time into fighting games because of school anyways
>See this
I'm glad that people like you exist

BioShock is shit and so is any other FPS.

I have no interest in newer gen games
I keep buying games for my 360
I work with online multiplayer shits who only play popular garbage.

I actually really like horde modes on shooter games, especially if they emphasize coop. Mass Effect 3's multiplayer is probably my favorite.

I pretty much just play TF2 for Mann vs Machine.

I have a habit of playing snowflake characters on single player games, because I like playing as something strange and new.

I died about 12 times to Wolnir.

Beat Dancer and Pontiff on my first try.

muh nigga

>I work with online multiplayer shits who only play popular garbage.

I was born in a poor country then moved out, but because of how I grew up, I'm scared of buying games on the off chance that I wont play them, no matter how cheap they are I feel like shit for not playing them and waste money on them.
I've bought games that are 2 dollars and I feel like shit for not playing them

I posted a thread about a video game on a Sup Forums video game board.

mods deleted it despite it literally being a trackmania thread with nothing to do with neogaf bs

I instantly download games when I find out there's any reference to crossdressing on them.

I too saw that, janny is getting more insane by the minute.

I never finished GTA SA cause PC died
Unreleated I just farted and smells like rotting lemons

I watch esports of games I don't even play.


I love call of duty. out of literally any of the big fps shooters of the past two decades, i had the most fun in call of duty.

I saw that thread, you shouldn't have mentioned it in your OP. Shame because I wanted to know more about Trackmania as I'm deciding on whether I should get FH3 or not.

I'm pretty sure I only ended up buying Nier: Automata because 2B was hot, because I had no interest in the series until she came along.
No regrets though, it was great and would make me want to try previous titles.

I grew up with parents that would throw/give my stuff away after a time, including my snes and pc that I built myself.
Because of this, I'm the kind of person who compulsively buys games and consoles just incase they ever disappear or become unavailable.
Kill me 2bh

yeah the exact same happened with me
im no stranger to buying games knowing full well they're just fap bait so i bought NieR: Automata solely for the ass at full price
goddamn that game was fucking beautiful
first time i ever cried from a video game

What the fuck user, they have no right to do that. Fucking get mad at them and tell them you don't want your stuff sold

>I've spent around 100 dollars on girlfriend audios
You can buy those? Where have these been all my life?

I've never spent more than 200 hours on a single game
Maybe related, but I don't play multiplayer very much
My highest playtime is Fire Emblem Fates Conquest, around 150 hours. No PVP, just a lot of runs.

>I have over 400 hours in Left 4 Dead 1/2, all of which is solo play.
Stopped reading right there.

>pc that I built myself
What the fuck was their reasoning for that?
I'd probably move the fuck out, even if it meant becoming homeless. Not because of the PC, but because of the insane lack of respect.

I feel like every single South American country is austistic, they can't even handle a simple drug problem and destroy corruption.

That is also including Mexico.

I'm a White American with family from Mexico.

China fixed their drug problem pretty easily. Execute the drug users. Probably a more humane solution than getting innocent bystanders killed in drug wars.

Do you know how many upper middle class white kids are addicted to opiates?

As in prescriptions or actual heroine?

Tell me the number.

So? Personally I think all drugs should be legal, but we shouldn't have any social programs to make the junkie lifestyle any easier. Just let nature run its course; they'd all be dead in 5 years.

I can't play anything besides artsy/hipster games like Limbo, Inside, Oxenfree, witness etc. anymore. I don't know what happened. If a game starts with a huge box of dialogue, I turn it off immediately and uninstall. Can't stand gigantic lores and games with too much to do.

Exactly, Mao Zedong Mexico and South America.

Or a Mexican Fascist party where they recruit castizos/Harnizo and white people to kill everyone else.