What's your opinion on Weapon Degradation and Jamming systems in games Sup Forums?

What's your opinion on Weapon Degradation and Jamming systems in games Sup Forums?
>Post good examples of said systems.

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STALKER had it and it infuriated the fuck out of me. It another reason why I save-scummed through firefights.

The only game I've ever not hated it in is Monhun, because instead of some tedious survival resource management bullshit, it actually felt like I was a professional maintaining my gear as I went about my job, rather than some idiot video game protagonist slapping duct tape on my gun every hour.

it's good so long as weapon clearing is a proper mechanic instead of just reloading over and over

>failure to chamber
>failure to fire
>failure to extract
>failure to eject

It's a shitty gimmick because malfunction happens way too often and its not realistic or fun.

>fly took a shit on brand new AK
>stovepipe after one mag

fuck that

It's dumb.
sums it up.

It's an interesting idea in theory to introduce "realism," but in practice they go one of two ways, either 1. The weapons break so fast that it's a source of constant frustration that sucks you out of the game. 2. The weapons break so infrequently there's almost no point having them in the game.

Arcanum is the only turn-based RPG I think I've ever seen implement a durability system, and I thought they did it well, because it was realistic. by which I mean your weapons basically took no damage unless you critically failed an attack, or you're trying to stab a rock golem with a rapier.

>nobody in this thread better post Breath of the Wild as a good example of weapon durability.

Good idea, but almost always purse shit in practice. Either it gets too easy and you can gobble up dozens of repair items in advance, or on the other end of the scale it feels artifically restrictive. Really hard to find a good balance on it.

SS2 degradation is too extreme. It's not that it makes the game difficult, it's just that it adds tedium rather than difficulty. Thankfully, there are mods for this.

Far Cry 2 almost got it right. The enemy weapons ALL jamming up within minutes of picking them up is shit, but you rarely have to do this once you own two decent weapons from the store.

weapon degradation should affect the weapon's handling instead of affecting the weapon's action.

>worn barrel shits on accuracy
>worn trigger mechanism make the gun feel "spongy" and have a wind up time between click and fire
>worn handguards shits on your recoil handling
>worn bolt/internals makes the gun actually malfunction and jam
>worn magazines/feeding ramp/extractor leads to jams, wobbling and slower reloads
>worn/broken stock makes your recoil handling fucking negative

and the ones that are really really dangerous:

>broken chamber could explode
>squib loads
>broken firing pins
>broken recoil spring
>broken guide rods

Very much reaching on both of these
>Weapon Degradation
Baldur's Gate 1 non-magical melee weapons. They just break randomly, mostly on crits. It's a way to get you to explore and find magical weapons for yourself. Searching for the culprit for these breaking weapons is also the first chapter of the game.
Gears of War when you fail an active reload. Normal reload is 3s, perfect active reload is 1.8s, failed active reload, when the weapons "jams" is 4.1s. It's just a minor inconvenience for failing a quick time.

Dark Souls 2 actually did it okay, I think
after they patched out the corpse durability glitch, anyway

I remember liking the original America's Army for the jamming mechanic, always amused me that it happened to the M16 and M4 way more than anything else, I think the M82 was third most likely to jam.

>AK jamming or breaking


I'd also add barrels being worn down exponentially faster under sustained fire due to Barrel heat.

get mud in there and it will

Weapon Degrad is FUCKING RETARDED, that's my opinion.

Weapon degradation has never been used properly in any fucking video game. And it never will because it's a shit mechanic that adds nothing to the game except tedium

i like it when its balanced and has custom animations

>Weapon degradation has never been used properly in any fucking video game

having to mantain your weapons was ok in TES because you at least levelled by doing it

It's always a barebones mechanic that adds nothing to the game besides needless frustration. If it was an actual mechanic that was implemented closer to what happens irl it could probably work. Just rolling some dice to decide if you can't fire until you reload again though is just as stupid as having limited flashlight power only to have the flashlight recharge in half a second anyway.

The only real instance it's pissed me off was Zelda BotW. It felt like every single weapon in the game that wasn't a fully-powered Master Sword was made of glass.

Durability is dumb, jamming is only okay if it's like America's Army where it's a team game, both sides can jam, and covering the jammed guy is part of the gameplay

>where it's a team game, both sides can jam
So, that excludes where an AI NPC can Jam in a Singleplayer game?

>Weapon degradation has never been used properly in any fucking video game.
It works in MonHun, it's punishment for hitting the monster in non-vulnerable areas and/or a stat trade off / gameplay trade off for using a certain kind of weapon

It's like adding leg cramps to a video game. Sure it is realistic and can play through it, but it isn't fun.

The thing with a single player game is if you jam and you're not part of some large squad, it's a disaster.
If the enemy NPC jams and there's a dozen other mooks, it doesn't even matter.

>SS2 degradation is too extreme.
I disagree, the tools for maintenance are fairly common.

It's mostly used to add tension.

I'll fight you, I love EYE

I love it.
I have a thing in real life, if I have something for long time and you can see it was heavly used by me, I can't throw it away.
About system itself, the best one was in FC2 and nothing come close to it. I liked to use weapons untill I have only machete working.
Lack of this system was one of main reasons I gave up on series, I played a little FC3 but that's it.
I wish FC2 was open to modding, because without few annoying things (respawns, checkpoints, enemies cars always faster than your) it would be perfect.
I know few people manage to change some things, but that's not enough.

Please someone post the link to that site where someone talked about weapons in far cry 2 and how they degraded and explode. Shit was funny

games should be fun and weapons breaking or jamming is not fun.


>The Makarov blows up; that is indeed the hammer about to subject Frank to a life of pirate jokes.

Yes, thank you my man



FC2 weapon degradation is bullshit.

You telling me my goddamn G3 blew up? Fucking hell, not in a hundred years is that possible.

>games should be fun
I disagree.


They aren't indestructible user, just really sturdy.

It rarely adds any depth to game and is annoying.

If devs want to start throwing in realism, might as well include having to clean your guns as well. And that isn't any fun.

I'm probably the only faggot on this gay earth that doesn't mind/likes weapon degradation.

I only ever see fags whine about it.

>games should be fun and running out of ammo is not fun.

fuck no.

limit ammo has its place and can add depth to a game.

Most games rarely do anything that takes advantage of a gun jamming or degrading out of making reloading take longer.

Farcry 2 was a unique experience thanks to that degradation system, but that same experience was borderline annoying. If it was in every game I'd surely be complaining.

I give my left nut for a game that took that kind of care and detail into weapon degradation, for me that'd really up the immersion. The caveat is that it has to be a game where it fits, your Fallouts, Stalkers, etc. But it'll never happen.


IMFDB can have some damn hilarious stuff on it.


Context, he just pulled a charging handle to pull another charging handle that is blocked by rails from moving, somehow this works.

They basically redesigned an uzi just so they could put never used rails on top of it.

I liked it in Far Cry 2. It made your unlocked weapons special and gave you that "fresh" feeling when you left a safehouse

cleaning guns is fun man. I welcome any game to add world of guns type disassembly and cleaning. They could just limit it to just a basic field strip, clean and lube.

Also more guns need to have magazines actually be a thing, rather than all your ammo just being in a pool that you can pull from infinitely. Arma and Red Orchestra get that right. There was a great stalker mod where you had to buy magazines, and actually fill them with rounds one by one to use them. It was immersive as fuck running through a crumbling factory, swaping out mags, realizing you're utterly fucked because while you have a box of ammo, it's not loaded, so you sit around a corner clumsily loading round by round hearing the mutants close in on you. Also could give advantage to the player, letting you get customized extended magazines.

Thanks. Had a good laugh.

Heres a good example. youtu.be/TJfcaCmMy7c?t=4m8s

i only enjoyed it in Far Cry 2 because it was properly animated