The great debate

The great debate.

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Claymore > Bastard Sword
At least in 1 and 3

in thrust we trust

Claymore's stab makes it more tactically versatile than the bastard sword, which is why it always requires more stats to use.

Always Claymore. Usually.
Unless I'm in a contrarian mood.

Claymore, but both are incredibly boring.

>sword without a thrust attack
Fucking stupid

Go suck on some rapier.

>he doesn't use the straight sword

Claymore, how is this even a question.

Claymore all the way.


There's not much to discuss, Claymore is simply better. Except in Demon's Souls, Bastard Sword fashion rating is way too high in that game to not use it.

>Actually preferring the bastard sword
Familiarizing with it's namesake much?

Heater Shield :^)

>Using a piece of scrap metal

>100% phys
>2.0 weight
literally cant be beat

This. I often use thrusts much more often because of range.


Longer range, has a poke, usually does equal or more damage than the bastard sword


Yes it can.

Just use the SKSS

Why are weapons and armor in Dark Souls so sexy?


it never was a debate to begin with Claymore was always better.

But that shield is shit against anything that isn't lightning.

Claymore for those sick thrusts
BS if you're a contrarian beta cuck

But it has the highest stability of all normal shields and looks nice.


I kind of hate that the claymore is so fucking good, because it makes all the other swords look like shit and not worth using.

>find cool looking sword
>almost always worse stats than Claymore
>almost always has worse moveset

I love pubic hair sword too user.

Claymore is only the best when you're running a Quality build, and there are better options when you're doing different builds

>5 unit shield

Nice Havel's Ring, faggot


not as many frames on it's parry tho

Bastard sword in 3 because it has a better weapon art.

>Flamberge outclasses it in 40 Dex 28 STR builds and is a solid sidegrade on 40/40 builds
>Man Serpent's outclasses it on a STR build
>Moonlight Greatsword is the king of INT weapons
>Obsidian Greatsword is great since it's a dragon weapon that can be buffed with a large AOE attack

There's many more good weapons than bad ones in Dark Souls. It's not my fault you don't take the time to experiment.

Dark souls 1 claymore was the GOAT dark souls weapon. Sucks that they fucked it.

Obsidian Greatsword beats it out because you can buff it. So with the same stat investment as a 28/40 claymore build, you can get the stats to wield the Obsidian Greatsword, Sunlight Blade, Wrath of the Gods, and have significantly more VIT.

The Demon's Souls claymore was so broken its base R1 attacks infinitely stunlocked people.

The claymore has gotten progressively worse with each game. I guess it was better in DS3 than 2 though.

I have the worlds most stupidly OP Obsidian Greatsword twink
>SL 50
>Cystal Magic Weapon with Crystal Catalyst on a +5 Obsidian Greatsword
>Dark Bead
It was so brokenly OP it actually made me stop playing the game. I'd invade SL300+ people and two shot them, and the R2 of the Obsidian Greatsword could one-shot people if it landed.

The Obsidian Greatsword R2 was retarded in Township Duels
>corner people on the steps to Artorias' arena
>buffed R2
>instantly win

I just remembered how the Claymore's 2HR1 had to be nerfed because it was too fast for something so good at stunning people.
Honestly I miss pre-patch Dark Souls. A lot of things were broken in a good way. Sure the ninja flipping Havels were ridiculous, but you can't say you didn't chuckle at the sight of them.

I'm not sure why people loved how there were so many weapons in DaS when most were barely different from one another.

Because that Barely was more than enough in most cases. Playing with Ricard's Rapier required you to play completely differently to playing with the Estoc despite most of the moves being the same.


I used a silver spear for the entire game

I don't care if the Ricard's Rapier R2 was parry bait, it was always satisfying to watch the salvo tear someone's HP bar apart.


psshh it isn't even a debate, kid
no seriously the claymore has a way better moveset

That blade is fucking awesome.

Longsword because I'm a faggot, but also because I need a melee weapon when I'm not using the Greatbow to blow enemies to hell. I seriously love that fucking bow.

dark souls
with loot boxes

Low standards

Claymore bests it in all aspects.

I hope you get cursed.

How you guys can tell these swords apart from their samey-looking hilts I'll never understand

the claidheamh-mór (great sword) has the distinct hilt styling colored gold, while the bastard (illegitimate) sword is silver blobs next to a blue handle.

>bastard (illegitimate) sword
lmao, that's why you think it's called a bastard sword dude?

How can you NOT tell the difference?

baller swag sword

yes nigger, I think it's called a bastard sword because the mommy and daddy sword fucked out of wedlock

Claymore is superior in every game which is a shame because I really like the look of the bastard sword. They should really have made it faster or given it a scaling bump. Same with this badboy in pic related, I love it but it does NO DAMAGE

Haha, quality post, my dude!

Mind if I post this on r/darksouls? I'm sure they'd love it!

>using a shield

I bet you wear something other than the Maiden Set too.

I don't think I was ever satisfied using the BSS.
Something about it just feels lacking.

>Dual wielded the claymore and bastard sword for most of my dark souls 2 run wearing what boiled down to a barbarian set
Was fun if completely not optimal

was it the huge damage and reach or the supersonic speed?
it's good as fuck user

Anyone who knows their shit knows the thrust of the claymore makes it much better than the bastard.

The sword is badly proportioned.
The blade is too long for something so thin, and the hilt is too big.
It's like a poor man's Penetrator Sword looks-wise.

say that too my face fuccboi
but I don't have a face

Since this is a DS thread let's talk a bit about DS2. Just started a new playthrough today and it's much more fun now that I know what ADP does. How do you guys feel about parrying in that game too? It's somewhat different than 1 and 3.