That kid that had Skannerz

>That kid that had Skannerz

These were the best

Zendra was my jam

sort of related, but does anyone have the 15th anniversary digivice? i kinda want one, but it's pretty expensive for what it is. i need someone to talk me out of buying one

I bought one, it's pretty neat. You either stuck with Agumon and his evolutions or Gabumon and his. It's pretty novel how you can use it to travel File Island and have random encounters with other Digimon and evolve through walking around and fighting.

The biggest issue is that you don't get any other Digimon line. So I hope you like one set.

Does anyone remember those small monster battle figures. There was a blue, red and green faction and hybrid colors too.
I think you could get ships and artillery for them too

Just emulate a digivice for the 10 minutes of nostalgia it's worth.

Man, I got POX for Christmas 2001. Get on my level.

I was about to post this. Edgy as fuck my dude

Holy fuck, I was recently driving myself crazy trying to remember what these were, I just had a vague memory of playing it. You've saved my life, thank you.

>playing with skannerz in high school

I'm glad I never came across any.

These were pretty neat. Surprised it never came back in app form.

I loved these. too bad my healing barcode ended up not working and I couldn't battle

not video games

I always saw the ads for these on Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network or whatever. I used to think that since we couldn't afford a Game Boy, one of these would suffice. Never got one though.

They had a dungeon crawler element, right? Would I have been happy had I ever received one, or were they shit?

>tfw the original battery still works

You could find all the barcodes online and print them out. That's I got my hands on the secret monsters. Was it even possible to get the secret monsters out in the real world?

For my young self, they were fucking awesome. But in retrospect, I think the gameplay was repetitive. Best part was the PVP and getting to be part of the sekrit club

>Secret monsters

Yeah, there were some secret monsters only the cool kids new about. Only a few in the first ones, but way more in the sequel. I think they weren't on a team, so you could get them on any color. They were called Exiles, maybe?

Got this for Christmas when I was 12. I had the blue one, Plasmo

From what I remember, it wasn't randomly generated dungeon crawler with the battle element that kind of reminded me of pokemon a little minus the catching. It had about 30 levels and got real repetitive . You had to find keys, battle NPC creatures for exp, collect currency and buy body parts for your creature, rinse and repeat.

I brought it to school and my friends were like cool, you got one. I didnt have anyone to battle until months later when a friend from another class bought the green one. I remember him begging me to bring mines to battle but I kept forgetting. Never got to battle.

Nothing will ever be a substitute for a gameboy advance back then. POX was neat but it didn't catch on because of 9/11, look it up not lying and plus I am from NYC. 9/11 had happened so the city turned into a paranoid police state. Nothing would until the psp came out and the only reason you bought a psp was to hack it to play GBA games.

When was the last time you fed your one Sup Forums?

That thing was dope as fuck right there.


>I suck cocks


i had a giga pet and always felt like a second class kid because i didn't have a tomagotchi

Did anyone else have a yellow pickachu version of this? Man I loved that thing as a kid.

>A game on a mini display
>Not video game
Whatever the mods have been faggots this year and are going to delete the thread anyways.

Video game consoles are Sup Forums approved toys.

oh shit really? i had heard all the original mons from the first season were available

but user, this digivice lights up, you can't emulate that!

Fuck these things
I was a fucking pussy when i was a kid because of this shit. I would scan every food box in the fucking house before eating it to make sure monsters hadnt gotten into it, if the scan had a monster i would never eat it again. This went on for months before my parents got pissed off and took the scanner away, i refused to eat for a while and ended up in the fucking hospital, i had a long talk with doctors about shit i couldnt understand before i finally accepted the monsters werent real. I was a fucking stupid kid.

>that kid who had a Pokemon Pikachu

Fuck is there a way to emulate these or something?

That's hilarious user

thats mah jam

>You either stuck with Agumon and his evolutions or Gabumon and his
I don't think you realize just how massive that is

this should be on /toy/

Didn't this thing have like a weirdly accurate pedometer? Like better then most actual pedometers?

Wouldnt be surprised if faggot mods wanted it on Sup Forums

Yeah man, that's the one. This thing was fun as shit.

>cyborg predator
>goblin gremlin
>snake xenomorph

That was the Pokewalker for HG/SS

>that kid who bought a Barcode Battler

forgot my image xd

I actually got one of these as a kid solely because it reminded me of digivice and I wanted it, even though I already had one or two actual digivices. I was fucking obsessed with digimon growing up.

I got the CSA. It was cool but it's literally just a display piece you spend $100 on for the sake of saying "hey this is a cool thing on my shelf" so if you aren't prepared for that then of course it isn't worth it.

I used to have the blue one. I had no idea what the goal was or what I was even doing but I had fun regardless.


nigga I recognize that couch, don't try to pull a fast one on me

i still have mine

oh shit

does anyone remember playing a pokemon game thing that was like inside a pokeball?? my grandma had one at her house and it was the shit

I think he means the show chains.

Agumon>Greymon>MetalGreymon and Gabumon>Garurumon>WereGarurumon


>that kid that had miuchiz monsterz

There seems to be a lot of old toys that I don't remember buying that I keep finding around the house.

I remember finding this one as a kid back in 1999 and being depressed as fuck when the dog died.

I had an orange dog one. Within a week the thing started bugging out and was an unplayable piece of shit.
I used it to read books like a shitty flashlight until it died and I saw the batteries had exploded.

Bandai is re releasing the 1st tomagotchi generation soon.

I can get one for about $20, I really want to buy it but im not gonna

I still have my original digimon capsule. Not sure if it works anymore, as the batteries have long since died

I really love mini toys like micro machines for some reason

Why aren't these made anymore?

some of the asian girls had these in my kindergarten, reminds me of the burgeoning yellow fever I developed as a boy

>that kid who got some random device from his grandma's traveling friends

kids hardly like toys anymore, these one probably took the biggest fall considering every kid in the world has a smartphone to play half-assed videogames with already.

Steve Jobs really was the worst thing to happen in the 21st century

its amazing how less shit this world was before smartphones came around

today I will remind them

we had this thread just the other week man, give it a rest

yeah. how dare they speak about something other than flavour of the month game or waifus

Why has noone made an android thing kinda like this. I think it'd take off.
It'd be like a V-Pet but with network capabilities.

These were amazing too! I had the blue one. I wish more people had these! Also wanting an android version.

>tfw I remember only college kids could sign up for facebook

Blows me away what it became. Before it was the biggest thing on the planet it was just seen as a not as good myspace for college nerds.