235 days until E3 2018
What are your hopes?
Your dreams?
And your nightmares at next year's event?
235 days until E3 2018
I wanna more of metroid prime 4
>other posters are dead
This is not the night for this.
None the less,
good man.
Time for hamster spooks
>technically the first post since it has an image
>E3 isn't a video game or a video game series
Nut vidiyur, banned
The man has got jokes.
It magical how fucking EA managed to shut down my hype for their other game that is being made by going back to the drawing board to possibly add unnecessary features to extend replayability. With the BF II beta being launched with zero heads up on loot boxes and now this SW games are in a bad place. I'm really not surprised by this at all, just kinda in disbelief and the continued fuckery that comes from EA
>BF II beta being launched with zero heads up on loot boxes
What's their grand money making scheme for that?
It's rng pay to win, you can get weapons and abilities from them.
Bloody hell how do they keep ignoring their image problem in handling Battlefront and just keep going full retard anyway
Because money, to get more but also to try and counterbalance what they miss out on with how the money divies up when a game is purchased.
They'd better be announcing the dlc for it by that time
That little bit at the 3 second mark is literally the only footage i've seen of someone holding the triangle button in that game
Desu and metrid WAKE UP!!!
I will post this everyday until E3
I will cling to hope in possibility that a new Devil Survivor and Zero Escape game will be announced
I will post this everyday until Prime 4
I will cling to hope in possibility that the new metroid game will be good
New Armored Core game, inshallah.