How would you feel if Gaben ran for President in 2020?
How would you feel if Gaben ran for President in 2020?
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hats for everyone :D
I'd be bummed that we'd be getting another billionaire president.
He'd be the perfect man for the job cause they can't serve a 3rd term
Yeah no thanks, I don't want a meme president.
This isn't vidiyur OP
How is this vidya related but neogaf isn't?
Because NeoGaf is based?
you made this thread just to post this joke, didn't you?
I still wouldn't vote. Voting is for people that care about their future.
This isn't vydia.
Will this OP be banned, or that rule only aplies when it can be used to defend leftist sites?
If voting worked it would be illegal.
just imagine an immigration policy based on steam direct
I'm not OP, though. Besides don't you think it's a bit contrived to make a thread just to post a dad joke?
Not vidya
So exactly like Sup Forums's policy with gaffugees, open borders
I'd vote for TRUMP again
I wouldn't care all that much until some nigger makes another unfunny Valve joke, then he's officially the worst.
Unlike Half Life 3, Gabens' presidency actually gonna happen!
not video games
fuck you
Why did this thread didn't go 404 yet?
Is it because the "not video gamez" rule is (god forgive me!) being used in a biased way?
why is Sup Forums so fucking butthurt?
They full believe the delusion that they own the site and all its boards and that everyone else needs to shut up and get over the fact they run shit. When the mods put a quash on this idea, they become very upset because they truly believed themselves to be the gods of Sup Forums. A lot are also newfags who believe that Sup Forums was always Sup Forums shit because of habbo hotel
I'm not Sup Forums, and I don't want to go to Sup Forums to talk about videogame related stuff.
If that topic ain't videogames, then what is? This thread ain't videogames. Threads about CliffB or Anthony Burch aren't videogames. Are they being deleted? No.
Mods are biased.
>Talk about video game related stuff
Posting screencaps of people on neogaf while talking about jews and (((them))) and "da sjwz" and "libturds" absolutely belongs on Sup Forums. You guys don't want a discussion, you want a le happening. Also if you want this thread deleted maybe report it. The mods are pretty over taxed with having to deal with your spamming
bitching about social justice shit has been something that people have complained about on more than just Sup Forums for a long time. Threads were often completely derailed because people would bring up the ESS JAY DUBS whenever they fucking could
that's what that sticky is about and that's why they told them to go to Sup Forums I don't come to Sup Forums to talk about social justice, positively or negatively.
>if you want this thread deleted maybe report it.
that's the thing though, I'm not some faggot who thinks he decides what people should talk about. though I suppose we can go with whatever your autistic definition of "video game discussion" is, despite your preternatural understanding of what those discussions would be despite them not happening
We'll be liberating Sup Forums when we're done tasting sweet neogaf tears
what do you think
This thread is up but you guys pruned Comfy Saturday thread. Fuck you Sup Forums mods
you get what you pay for
who the fuck is gaban
This isn't video game related.
couldnt be worst
fairly ok meme
a famous australian musician
he would win cause memes and rich
better than zuck
No, you'll shitpost and everyone will tell ypu to fuck off to Sup Forums and then you'll cry saying Sup Forums is a boogieman and that neogaf has invaded because people won't let you circle jerk your frog memes.