My preferred weapon > your preferred weapon

what the FUCK did you just say about my preferred weapon

I'm always up for a MH thread but you start the thread in such simplistic and unoriginal way I hope this threads dies soon.

>your most preffered weapon
here's your (you)

Both your preferred weapons are garbage. Low DPS, poor synergy. Only noobs pick that shit. My preferred weapon is what MH pros pick.

I am the average greatsword user. Pic related, it's me

Did you just assume my preferred weapon?

>Implying you're not.

I want to BE a Tama!

I'm so fucking disappointed MHXX didn't come out stateside.

Can't wait for MH World to fuck shit up with my Swag Axe, though.

This. I hope you fucking die for memeing OP.

Pompadour>everything else

maybe if you're a meme loving cunt

A lot of things are better than the LS, that goes without saying. You don't need to brag about it. I still like it though

Any chance of Lagi being in Monster Hunter Worlds?

I hope so, I really like Lagiacrus design-wise and I think he wouldn't look out of place in World.

Lagiacrus set is the coolest set in the series


I feel he's too colourful, but I don't know how much swimming is involved in this game. I doubt there's gonna be underwater combat, I definitely wouldn't be thrilled if it was back, but if there's a chance that Lagi is involved, I'm all for it.

What the fuck did they do to the HH? Haven't used it since unite, decide to give it a run now I've done everything in gen, and it seems fucking gimped. Moveset doesn't flow anywhere near as good as unite.

I think his color palette is muted enough for World or that the MH devs can tone down his color for a better fit.

True, now that I'm looking at it, he's got a nice amount of brown and tan to his coat. God, I miss Lagi.

Pretty sure we're confirmed no water combat already, which sucks because now all we'll ever get is Plesioth/Lavasioth clones and maybe Lagiacrus in terms of water monsters.
Oh I suppose Royal Ludroth too, but he'd clash with the new Iguana thing.

Still kind of related, but I like that most monster designs are grounded in realism to some degree. There are few that are more fantastical like Zinogre. I'm looking forward to seeing which monsters do return in World and how they look.

not afro at all times

I hope there's a way to recreate this face in MHW

Reminder that World will be shit.

List of casualisations in MHW:

>Healing while running, can dodge while healing
>Moving while shooting
>Heavy and Light bowguns have infinite special shots
>Voice acting and flies telling where to go and what to do
>Too much mobility and anime-esque attacks straight out of XX, including adept dodges with the LS and GS and flying through the air with the IG
>Environment is as good as attacking a monster
>Free traps, flashbugs, etc, everywhere
>Free farcaster that can be used anytime, anywhere as long as you're not near the monster
>Equipment changing mid hunt, including weapons and armor
>Can refill your potions anytime in free hunts, no longer a challenge like they were in Tri or 4U
>No G-Rank
>Guild and village quests were merged, and likely are balanced for single player only, playing coop is now even easier than before, expect end game monsters to be flinchlocked and die in less than 3 minutes, no challenge whatsoever.
>Monsters are much slower and don't adapt well to the environments.
>Grappling hook, which can be used to grapple to high areas and dodge attacks almost instantly, as well as giving you plenty of time to heal.
>Even easier mounting thanks to much lower mounting threshold (sometimes activating the mount after 1 hit) and the after mentioned grappling hook, which takes you right back into the monster even if you fail the mount
>Heartbeat telling you when to capture
>Damage numbers, prompt on screen that shows you combos and prompt on screen that shows breaks (can be turned off)
>Most weapons were casualised and made overpowered. Almost all of them had their aerial, brave and adept movesets merged
>No negative skills and the new skill system makes so you don't need 10 points for a skill to activate
>Armor is the same for both Gunners and Blademasters, gunning is baby mode now
>Egg carrying is easier

Not casualisations, but problems overall
>Generic orchestral, awful sounding music as well as awful voice acting
>Focus on story
>Generic, non-MH like monster designs
>Unbalanced weapons. They still don't give a shit about the GL and HH, they're both still extremely underpowered, with the HH in particular recieving no new moves whatsoever.
>Time limited quests
>Prowler mode removed

I fucking miss how it worked in FU, one of the best things about HH back then was figuring out all the different ways to play multiple songs at once

How did we go from fucking dragons to hey look it's an iguana

It's the opposite of Pokemon and I don't like it

>the chad hunter

I just beat this mufucka on my second try, how much more single player content is there after this?

[Your preferred weapon] is fucking trash, come at me [Your preferred weapon]fags

Look at this smug bastard. A shame the head is covered 99.5% percent of the time.
Is World going to change something regarding to /fa/? I only followed the news up to weapon movesets and then stopped.

You forgot Hunting Arts and Hunting Styles removed

>my favorite weapon is the hammer

To be fair, there were SO MANY dragons and Digimons, though. I like more natural designs, as in you could picture the creature living in that ecossystem.
Let's wait and see how creative they get with later monster designs.

Just started playing mh3 (tri) for the first time the other day. Is mh supposed to be this easy? Or am i playing it "wrong"? Or is this game easier because its for nintenbros? Dunno what to think. Ive been having fun but so far ive only felt my heart race once. (The qurupeco capture mission with the rathian spawn). I just got done with barroth and im about to do gobul. Is it still to early to be worrying about the difficulty?

I know this is /vee/, but you're being way too negative in a game that's not even out and that could change later. I agree to some degree, but half of the stuff you mentioned is balanced by monsters being more aggressive and the hunter no longer being able to cheese loading screens to sharp and heal, making itens more scarce or other simple tweaks that we can't say they did or didn't at this point
>inb4 shittin_on_plates.jpg



Why go hammer when you can go hunting horn?
You do have friends, right?

hunting horn is the best

>tfw can't decide between SnS, LS, or GL for World
Decide for me, Sup Forums! I can't do this shit, I'm too indecisive.

It's good to be among fellow toots.

who /LANCE/ here?

Medium Bowgun

>love using the gunlance
>every second I spend with gunlance is pure bliss
>take it online
>everyone gets knocked fucking everywhere even when I try to stay near the head
>stop using it online because people flip out in chat, too beta to tell them to suck it up
>swap to IG since I have similar kill times with it
>feel generic as fuck
>miss my sweet gunlance baby

wat do

>always been interested in the series but didn't want to buy a handheld just for it
>watching weapon previews for all the weapons in world

i want to use the ALL o fthem

Sword and Shield masterrace. Though I might switch it up for some Insect Glaive.

You toot. That's what you do.

I don't think you have to worry too much, tri doesnt have g rank and has very few monsters. I remember playing with normal hunter armor in that game until after lagi


Please do. Weaponfu-faggotry is good for the bants, but taken seriously is just the worst.

>Charge Blade

It's sword and shield, it's switch axe, it literally makes me cum fire. Give me ONE good reason why I should use anything else.

I mean like, does tri get any harder? Cause i though mh games were supposed to be really hard. And apparently they only got easier with x, and xx.

Baguette stick is just as cancerous but gets better times

>not always having a bow/bowgunner in your squad
It's like you WANT to be shit lmao.

Is charge blade cancer? I don't wanna be the cancer. Should I switch to lance?

You can play baseball with some monsters, including some g rank elder dragons, if you use the hammer.

>caring about opinions
You're cancer already. Just play what you want and don't be a fag.

What the fuck did you just say about my hair?

I'm new and looking for opinions / etiquette about online play, I literally JUST got high rank.

GL anyway, it is your right.

Basically as long as you don't cart all the time or trip your teammates, you're good.

CB and IG are only considered "cancerous" in 4U because they are easy mode

fags getting wyvernblasted better get out of the way. You can't ask a battleship not to shoot.

only 4u and Frontier are truly hard.
p3rd, X and XX are very easy compared to the rest.

weapons being cancerous is a Sup Forums meme, nobody cares as long as you're not tripping others too much or obviously AFK

Every weapon is fine, and anyone that tells you otherwise is a brainless asshole.

Obviously don't go out of your way to trip anybody, but also don't worry about it too much. Tripping your friends and blocking each other's shots is just a thing that happens in MH. People that get fired up about it are not people you want to hunt with anyway.

Why did they even decide to make World black and white?

Why do some developers think real life = no colors?

CB and SnS are pretty ridiculous or just boring shit, though.

Guns and bow also need rework but MHW is doing this.

>I don't like them so they are objectively bad
you are 6 years old.

In 4U I loved playing with the Brachydios Charge Blade

Did you play MH1 or MHF1 at least?

You guys think PC's crossover armor is gonna be spreadsheet themed?

Je suis monte, faggot

I'm going to miss Aerial Style so much.
The airdash in World looks much slower even if it is pretty cool

I'll make you stronger!


Lance and Gunlance reporting in.

(Holy fuck the GL is so much fun in Gen with all the arts, but the heatgauge almost kills it for me)


Reminder to preorder now to receive the Hunter armor from Monster Hunter (PS2)™

$5 says the guy in the picture is a homo.

Why cant GL not be shit? I just want to put a shotgun on my long stick and not feel bad for using it.

I really wish they rework HH at some point to allow free use of the notes, even if it is mostly useless, just for fun.
Maybe having a stance where you play notes in real time and the last few imputs is song that counts.
I dunno. Sounds worse than the current state even saying it. Was that how it worked before Tri or did they have a different system?

Did anyone else get PTSD from lvl 140 GQ Garuga or is that just me?

so you either be Cloud Strife or Sephiroth when it comes to Giant Sword and Long Sword. there is a great opportunity right there Capcom is missing

Look at this post, that I just found!

What changes would save the gunlance? Raw scaling on the shells or something?

That is the only change it needs. Then it would be perfect.

So gem in Artillery god and use Wide Gunlance

Quite a bit, actually! IIRC beating Shagaru for the first time opens up High-Rank Missions.

Enjoy getting fucked by APEX monsters when you first meet them btw ;D

also fuck The Master's Test. Took me a solid 5 hours before I finished it. Dual Blade user.

Screw you and your talking money.

shells are a design dead-end
make them too good and the weapon will be shell spam, make them too bad and they will never be used

shells scale with raw in frontier, and they're still not used

>No G-Rank

this is so triggering for me. I have a friend that refused to play X because of "no G rank" and this faggot didn't even get a crown in 4U as a 4Ubabby. Why do people complain about games not having content THEY DON'T EVEN CONSUME?

>No G-Rank

Fucking dropped!
Holy shit, what gives Capcom! Why would you not implent the G-Rank this time around? Are we too casual or something?

please stop samefagging and get a life outside shitting up a perfectly fine mh thread

not you m8

My preferred waifu > your preferred waifu

my bad, wrong user

>want play a gril
>armers are lamerer

You forgot the most important. NO GUILDMARM