is anyone actually looking forward to this? I feel like its going unnoticed and there seems to be like 0 hype for it.
AC: Origins
As it should
Plenty of memes everytime someone mentions it.
>being hyped for an AC game
Honestly looks like the best Assass Greed in years. Probably going to pick it up on steam and return it if I don't like. However, I'm worried about the state of the PC port. Rumor has it that it's Unity levels of bad
>Actually being hyped for any AAA game anymore
The whole industry has gone so far off the deep end it's not even funny.
I know your site just got shut down but you should find somewhere else to post.
Unironically kill yourself ubishill.
I'd play it if Ubi allowed it to be on Steam
Nope. Last good game they made was Black flag. Rogue was somewhat decent but not good.
Search your hearts, you know it's true.
>opening sequence including the same usual intro but with "gender identities and sexual orientations"
It's gonna be even more hot garbage.
I don't think I've played one since Black Flag. The modern day story was fairly boring and tedious.
I thought the relative modernity of Syndicate would differentiate the gameplay. It did not, and it underutilized a ton of awesome ideas (Build a gang, but only out of these 4 enemies that all look exactly the same always; Your base is mobile because it's a train... But this just means sometimes it's worthless to fast travel there and we won't do anything else with it).
So while I see how it could be very good based on the setting, I'm pretty sure the only difference is gonna be a micro-transaction-free (temporarily I'm sure) version of Shadow of War's lootboxes, and you climb pyramids instead of radio towers.
6 posts into the thread this time
We're getting better
Rogue would have been good if it was a real game, instead it was a halfassed console appeasement. Conceptually it's the closest they've come to an original idea since Liberation's story (which was handled terribly).
Fuck off already. I'm sick of this shit.
if it turns out okay and not another syndicate disaster i'll play it next year when gold edition is 10 bucks.
Marketing Thread #1045
It's either "I'M SO HYPED I CAN'T WAIT" or "Why is nobody talking about this".
I liked Watchdogs 2 and I'm currently playing South Park 2.
>watchdogs 2 and South Park are assassin creed games
Convince me not to, please
>Watchdogs 2 isn't an assassin's creed game
Idk what he is talking about with South Park tho.
Check the forums and see if they still banned kangzposting. Compensate them if you agree with their level of moderation.
Hey, it's as good a test as any.
Wait until the complete edition is 14.99 in 2 years. There are too many fun games to play right now to spend that much on one game just because it's new.
>ever preordering DLC
Holy shit.. I assumed people who did this were misguided divorcee parents trying to buy their kid's love, or retarded infants with a parent's card. People actually buy the "precious metal" editions of games?
Have you played any recent Assycreed games? If you're satisfied with that amount of getting fucked in the ass you'll like this one as well.
If I like it, I'm going to want the DLC. If I don't I can refund it.
Rogue was good though
I kind of am. I really liked Syndicate and I've never been into the AssCreed story or cared about the main characters so I'm not bothered playing a kang. I'd never pay full price for an AC game though.
Why do you ask this on Sup Forums?
Sup Forums doesn't represent the industry.
More often than not, it represents the complete opposite.
>posting we wuz on the night mods are on high alert because of the thing that happened
Are you trying to get b&?
Combat looks worse than ever and they shoved RPG elements in everything, even enemies are leveled now
I enjoy AC games but this is going to be shit
One fan service deepest lore mission doesn't count.
>implying the first scripted sequence in abstergo+cutscene+child segment+mass tutorials will be done before the 2 hour mark
this. fuck off neogaf scum
I see nothing wrong with banning shitposting. I wish Sup Forums mods were as ban happy as they used to be. They'd ban somebody for 5 minutes just for being a fag
I skip that shit. You can watch it at literally any time.
I'm just disgusted they're requiring pre-orders to unlock missions. That's verification can level scummy.
>Sup Forums doesn't represent the industry
More so than a certain other site that claimed to before, well, what happened recently.
This is the unfortunate truth.
Ubisoft shit the bed hard with Unity, they then had one chance to clean it up with Syndicate, but ending up just smearing it around a bit.
They should of done Egypt years ago when people still cared, right now it’s too little too late.
I guarantee you their next last ditch attempt will be Japan, which people have wanted for as long as AC has been around, but people will care even less by then.
mentioning AC in a positive light should be a bannable offense.
>More so than a certain other site that claimed to before, well, what happened recently.
Neither those.
No website does.
That's why everyone on the internet hates COD, and why COD is still the most sold game of the year all the time.
>They'd ban somebody for 5 minutes just for being a fag
You deserve a 5 min ban for being a fag
I'm agnostic on the whole thing. Like, I don't think people are gonna take a bunch of Sup Forums shitposting on the steam forums into account when reviewing gameplay, but I can see the argument for banning it, too.
Did you play Syndicate? You literally can't skip it. It's in-game. You ride a fucking elevator that breaks, and then you have to do some stupid ass hacking minigame. In first person.
Or even worse, Asscreed3's child section/learn to hunt section/hide and seek section? Couldn't skip them either.
At least Sup Forums knows why CoD is popular, though.
Ubi is too shit to do Japan/ninjas just like they are too shit to do a modern asscreed game which is why they killed Desmond off.
>supporting a company that pulls shit like this
It gets in the way of actual discussion.
The mods don't have the stones anymore. They're too serious.
I did. None of those things took very long and in the case of AssCreed 3 the Haytham section convinced me to play the rest of the game. That was the first preorder I ever regretted. Fuck that game, but I give it credit where it's due.
No. Fools being parted from their cash easily is how I feed my children.
Buy 2.
I'm not retarded enough to buy games for internet sluts. 1 is enough.
>It gets in the way of actual discussion.
So do review bombs. If there's actually enough outrage, for whatever reason, give 'em some way to get it out of their system while they analyze how it would affect sales.
jesus. Haytham section is decent, but if you unironically enjoyed the mass tutorializing of the rest of it, nobody can help you. You legit like even the worst parts of asscreed.
I mean, I guess that's just taste though user. Spend your money.
I literally said I regret buying it, do you even know how to read?
True, but it won’t stop them trying. Their shareholders dividends mean more to them than game quality ever will.
>None of it took very long
>Refund window is two hours
>Refund for physical copy of Asscreed 3 from Gamestop or Bestbuy or EB or any major retailer is 7 business days from point of purchase assuming you live in the first world
>You didn't refund it
I can read, but just because you say something doesn't make it true. If you didn't return it with a week to decide, you won't return origins with 2 hours to decide.
Egypt was created by the white race and it's offensive to my people to have a nigerian appropriating it.
I live in America. Gamestop doesn't take returns here and this was long before Steam gave out refunds. Remember, this was Assassin's Creed III launch, released way back in 2012 and it was not on PC until a month later. I didn't own a gaming PC at the time anyway.
Sup Forums has been saying this for ten years but good games still come out try not being so jaded
I'm not buying into micro transaction / Pre-order DLC / Loot Box bullshit
I'm sick of that shit being shoved into every game lately.
how come so many of you autists cant talk about videogames
just pirate it then mate none of those affect the actual game
Except that the whole concept has fucked over games already.
I'm not doing it.
All Gamestops in America have had a 7 day return/30 day exchange policy since at least 2006. Any simple google search will show that. My point was if you couldn't decide to return it in 7 days, how are you going to return origins in only 2 hours.
Every AC is identical to the last.
>no challenge
>enemies slowly attack you one at a time
>mash a single button to kill an entire army
>generic 'point A to point B', 'collect X number of this' quests.
>tailing missions
>objectively boring plot with forgettable cast
>ugly HUD that baby's you with waypoints and indicators everywhere
>shitty AI that can be abused/manipulated by an autistic squirrel
>no consequence for losing
>b-b-but muh black flag!
no. Every single AC is uses the same recycled formula.
Do you know the history of assassins creed? Lazy iterations every time. Even if this time is different they don't deserve the money. Fuck them.
honestly, anyone who preorders an assassin's creed game should kill themselves. I mean that in the most unironic, genuine way possible.
People don't mention black flag because it was a good game. They mention it because the ship portions were legitimately fun (and if you weren't shit at them, you could just use your small cannons to kill everyone when you took a ship over and never use the combat).
It has maybe the worst story (once the fucking piece of eden shit starts up) of any Asscreed, and some of the longest "listen to the conversation and do nothing" missions in the series' history.
>not a good game
>worst story
>do nothing missions
You are entitled to your shit taste of an opinion.
2 hours of gameplay, not 2 hours after purchase.
Pirate story was good (especially mary reed/cpt. kidd). I just said the piece of eden ruined it, which I still believe. Magic crystal skulls? Really?
And there is more than one conversation listening mission where you just hide in bushes while people talk for extended periods of time. That's an objective fact.
>I regularly buy games at launch and don't play them for a week
>I'm entirely changing my argument to grasp at straws because I didn't think you'd google whether Gamestop's return policy had ever changed.
it seems like its going to be interesting but ubisoft is treating it like THE ALL-TIME COME BACK
Some people think that the sjw shit of this game will destroy the game, but I think the boring "gameplay" will destroy the game.
Assassin's Creed games are normally 10/10 with the environment, even the story isn't so bad... but the repetitiveness of the gameplay is just unbearable. It feels like after you have finished the first mission you are wasting your time.
If I have to follow ONE MORE TIME some fuck and not being seen, I will uninstall the game. I just can't stand this shit missions anymore. Also the climbing seems so fun at the beginning, but after you realize you just need to be as fast as possible at the marked position on the map, you normally just run to it, because if you climb you have to touch the ground in most cases anyway.
We're angry the mods won't let us discuss internet drama
Open world games are played out unless it’s gta than it will never stop selling
you're indecisive faggot basically
I'm actually playing through the first 4 atm. On the 1st game still, but always loved the first 4 games.
They will inevitably hit the Tony Hawk wall of endless iteration and no one will care anymore.
The entire game would have been ten times better if you were just hanging out with pirates doing pirate shit. The assassin and Abstergo shit are 100 percent anal seepage.
It looks like it'll be the best asscreed since black flag but I'm going to pirate just because ubi are an awful company
This plus the changes to the gameplay seems to be for the worse. It's hilarious they thought making the enemies damage sponges would make the game better. Its such a typical boardroom decision based off of the success of "le " souls games.
My expectations are set pretty low so who knows. Hopefully it’s good.
That marketer who keeps making those threads seems real hyped for it.
Unity wasn't an awful game, they just fucked up the launch monumentally and could never quite recover it.
fuck no, AC ended with Revelations for me
this. I am looking forward to it but that turd of a company won't get a single cent from me after AC3.
It's a single player MMO now. Yeah I'm sure AssCreed was only missing loot level and rarity to make it reach the next level. I mean what it needed was the ability to not shank people to death because no one likes being able to assassinate in this game.
It reminds me too much of the worst game in the series, AC3, just with sand instead of snow. Huge empty maps with some pointless collectibles and MMO-tier side quests.
Stop with this meme. Black Flag was the same as every other Pure-O Ubisoft garbage
>muh sea shanties
Unity is the last one I played. It was just beautiful how you could explore French Revolution Paris. What is this feminism I hear of in the new AC games?
watched the trailer.
cant explain why but the homing arrow really pissed me off
black flag was objectively the best because the ship battles were an improvement with everything else being the same as every other game
*smacks lips*