What did you play today you piece of shit?
What did you play today you piece of shit?
Not kill myself sim. For now
Nothing good
I finished SP: Fractured But Whole, and am fully focusing on playing Etrian Odyssey V now.
Sonic Mania
Secret World Legends
Farming hourly Halloween event boss.
What the FUCK did you call me?
Nothing, I just woke up.
Amnesia: Justine
Please don't make "No saves and no checkpoints" a gimmick if you have any game-breaking bugs.
a bit of dying light but i got frustrated with human enemies and dont know where to find a bunch of assault rifle ammo
this movie was so over my head
Haven't played anything today but I'm about to install Bomber Crew
That movie was spooky
A little bit of Cortex Command, a little bit of Binding of Isaac: Antibirth, a little bit of 100% Orange Juice, and a little bit of children's online LEGO building game. Everything is hunky dory.
Vanilla raiding
Just fucking shoot me
Almost champ in rocket league.
I will get that purple you fucks
Nothing, but I'd like to
I want to finish this art commission first though
Afterwards I'll probably continue with Danganronpa V3, check out the new TF2 update, or finally start a Hat in Time
Xenosaga and watching CENSORED go down in flames.
Cuphead with a friend, some Picross
it's been a good day
we used to pug MC pre-BC patch...
Games involving the breaking of eggs
Started up my arx fatalis save from 2005, ran around for a bit, but was even more lost than I was a decade ago
Co-op Cuphead. Then Overwatch. Wondering what to play next.
Monster hunter tri on dolphin. I think ill just attempt 3ds emulation or buy a 2ds xl instead. Pisses me off theres no g rank.
Which xenosaga did you play?
Guild wars 2
The Evil Within on Akumu. There's a section in chapter 11 that makes me wanna bash my own head against my ps4
Good taste
How was Fractured but Whole?
I still havent played the first game yet, but im interested in both of them
After that I am playing Harvester, Clock Tower 1, Blood: One Unit Whole Blood and the Silent Hill games once I get them working on the PC into November.
WOAH man... rude.
behave yourself OP
path of exile
Vanilla WoW, I was messing around on my dwarf paladin. I hate and love leveling on an overpopulated server.
Wanted to give PSO2 a shot after seeing those threads in /vg/. Turns out I'm 5 years late to the party.
WarThunder because I needed my balls busted.
I'll play it when it gets a western release.
Too lazy to go through the install process.
Tried playing TF2 but the server are unplayablely bad
Went to Hollow Knight and made it through the White Palace and didn't manage to beat Radiance but I'm working on him.
The played R6:Siege to round out the night
Gameplay in general was improved, combat massively so. Interactions with the town were on point, overall a very enjoyable game. A great South Park experience in general. The story was total ass though. Absolutely trash to me. I personally did not really experience too many bugs, but I played on PC with a 360 controller. There are apparently a lot of problems with keyboard and mouse, and some people reporting other hardware issues.
First game is an absolute delight though, I can fully recommend that. Since Steam sales are coming up soon I'd say to wait for one of those, but even at the full price I loved Stick of Truth.
Street Fighter V. I wish I were dead.
played and finished fft advance
fuck all the stupid side missions you have to jump through just to get all the cool weapons
Resident Evil 4. I'm replaying it for Halloween.
Didn't play shit today. Snuggled next to gf and watched her play Stardew Valley. Game looks comfy.
I played and am still playing Shenzhen I/O
I just got to the part where they introduce more complicated chips and holy fuck my brain is gonna explode
Dark Souls, drained the water in New Londo, trying to find a very large ember. Ghosts are annoying. Drakes are hard. Darkwraiths are really easy.
Also just started playing God Hand, holy shit. Only like 3 levels in and this is the first game that actually gets my blood pumping fucking hard. I love it.
Also played a bit of We Love Katamari, and Devil May Cry 3
Finally finished Tales of Xillia 2 after its been sitting around for over 2 years.
The ending was so cute.
Got ending A on Nier Automata and made it to the Dorm in Mary Skelter. EOV is coming in the mail tomorrow morning.
Can someone talk to me I'm very lonely.
TF2, seeing 5+ pyros every single match is starting to get on my nerves, I'll probably wait a couple of weeks before giving this game another try.
I wish I had an excuse to buy Guilty Gear, I really want to play it, but I know I won't have anyone to play with other than some super dedicated fucks that will pound my ass constantly.
Played ESO and drank beer pretty much all day today.
I kinda regret drinking all that beer because now I feel like shit.
I hate the person you are.
The depression game, comes with free "can't even sleep to escape from this hell" DLC
..and Evil Within 2. Feels like a somewhat soulless B Team open world hybrid, but I'm close to the end so atleast I got used to it
I finished Danganronpa V3.
That's about it.
I also finished watching the Chimera Ant arc of Hunter x Hunter.
Angel's egg is 3deep5me
it's like Lynch directed an anime
still pretty impressive piece of art
you are what you eat.
That sounds pretty great. Story always comes secondary to gameplay for me, and at least the character interactions still keep things interesting
I already own Stick of Truth, but I think i'll download it and try it out soon.
Never has a mangaka made so many unique characters without any of them being memorable.
How is it compared to spacechem? Is spacechem for brainlets compared to Shenzhen I/O?
11 hours of Guild Wars 2
I bet this sad piece of refuse thought that was a clever addition to the thread.
Metroid Fusion. Currently doing a no powerups run.
Destiny 2. Just prolonging that time to write some stupid exam.
I finished my Destiny 2 weeklies, 100 percented Metroid 2: Samus Returns, beat Megaman X again, and am playing Star Fox.
Paladins, I'm apparently pretty gud with Jenos but I ragequit after 2 rounds because casual was literally nothing but retarded flanks on both teams
FGO and Digimon Links
What? Every character in CA are very memorable. Meleoron, Ikalgo, Palm, Knuckle, Shoot, etc. all stand out very well and Togashi masterfully makes the reader care about each and every one of them.
Dead Rising 1. I was planning on doing run where I would only rescue survivors, and I rescued all of them up until Simone. Since I didnt have time to do the story missions I let them expire, but reading Simone's requirement is fucking brutal.
At least I beat Kent for the first time.
Just beat A Hat in Time. Sitting around ~70%. Debating if I should bother for the 100%(cheevos too). I feel like it'd be a chore. At the same time, I wonder if I got $30 worth for 7 hours game time. It was 7 good hours to be fair.
FF14. Slowly making my way through the Stormblood main quest.
Waiting for Etrian Odyssey 5 in the mail.
Tell me that in two months.
schadenfreude 2017
Whats up bruh?
I'm not the guy you were originally replying to, though. I read CA while it was being released.
Fortnite Battle Royale with the bros, Phantasy Star 4 (just killed Zio, shit was SO cash), and Elex.
Good day.
Or maybe there's nothing and there's just rain outside.
It was pretty much noahs ark if that bird never came back.
was planning on finally finishing Bravely Default, but ended up playing Pokemon Conquest for 5 hours instead.
finished Fran Bow about an hour ago, im pretty upset about the lack of an emotionally satisfying conclusion and it ending very abruptly, like the devs ran out of money or time and had to stop there. left a hole in my heart im gonna try to sleep off.
Thanks for the warning user, removing game from wishlist as I type.
I wouldn't say that, no. Spacechem gets pretty fuckin complicated after a while, I never beat it
Shenzhen is kind of different since it's got actual writing of code in it, difficult to compare the two. I can tell Shenzhen's going to get fuckhard too though. I really like both games
yakuza 0 and a bit of doki doki literature club
I'm playing doubles advocate for (you)s I think hxh is great except for something.
Puyo Puyo Tetris on my Switch
what server?
i have been itching for some vanilla for atleast a year since legion didn't turn out so well, but there's no good servers
I played ten desires and kept dying to bullets I didn't see!
That's a problem I almost never have with other 2hu games, only TD. send help!
its a good game user, it just ends when you think the third act is ramping up, if you can you should still check it out, everything else about it is nice
>Bullying the chuuni
Zestiria but I might install civ 3 tomorrow
zelda. it's the only game that came out this year that is remotely interesting to me.
I picked up Mario 3D world again after 3 years. That boss rush stage is complete bullshit. Now I gotta get the rest of the green stars to unlock Champion's Road.
I've been playing a bit more warframe again lately, so that, and siege, those are sort of my go to games for a while now.
Just made it to Venom on Route 1
Might play secret of mana since I've not played it before
Played Mass effect 2 all day, never gets old.
How ya doing'?
Cuphead. Got to the devil after playing for a while. Tried the devil 2 times and it glitched out the second, so I thought that was a pretty good stopping point.
Deus Ex