Just beat pic related now im in the mood for more hardcore games

Just beat pic related now im in the mood for more hardcore games.
Any recommendations Sup Forums?

Is this really a question? It's like you're asking for memes.

Should I assume you've already gone through the must-plays of difficult platformers? Contra, Ninja Gaiden, Ghosts and Goblins, etc?

Rabi Ribi

super meat boy



Dark Souls, the hardest game I've played since hc

Kirby's Dreamland 3.

>more hardcore games.
Skyrim i guess would be hardcore for you

Ghosts and Goblins

Dota 2

I'd recommend the timed levels of Rayman Legends, or the original Rayman for PS1

>Buy Rayman Legends
>Only play the timed levels
>for the challenge, of course
>get bored and decide to play Dark Souls
>too easy
What am I supposed to do now?

Alien Soldier.


What did he mean by this?

He's trying to say Cuphead is devoid of any challenge. (Which it isn't.)

I mean Hardcore is right there in the title.

You could try ikaruga.

>or the original Rayman for PS1

This man knows what's up

Silhouette Mirage, obviously. It's a run and gun game that requires some strategy. Since you've learned the basics, it would be a good idea to go a bit further out.


but yeah play this shit


The only thing that's hardcore about Cuckhead is how many dicks people who play it suck.

Demon Crest isn't too bad

This. Gunstar Heroes too.

gun frontier

wow haven't seen that in a while

Contra 3
You can do it

>cuphead is hardcore


>butthurt S0nygger
Don't worry, your movies will be respected sometime in the future.

/vr/ here
I just played through Cuphead. Is this shit really considered "hard" by Sup Forumseenagers? I mean I enjoyed the game thoroughly but I don't get this whole "CUPHEAD IS SO BRUTAL" meme. Are modern gamers just bad at anything that isn't an FPS?

Screw that, play the NES Spelunker if you want true pain.

They are.