How good are you at fighting games, Sup Forums?

How good are you at fighting games, Sup Forums?

never really played them but a few times here and there over the years with friends and stuff
I just don't like the concept of fighting games. too many buttons to click

Mediocre at best, dogshit at worst.
I just haven't honed my muscle memory enough to be able to pull off big button combos in a pinch.

Never played one for long enough to attest my skills, but given how fucking awful I am at Smash 4, I don't think I'd impress anyone.

one time I had like a 50 winstreak in MKX king of the hill

Okay, for a netplayer. I can perform character specific stuff competently and keep up with my friends who go to locals whenever possible, but I don't switch things up often enough in pressure and my hitconfirms are pretty bad when I do switch it up. I notice I've been getting more impatient when blocking as well compared to how I used to be.

Is it weird that i love fighting games but im completely awful at them.

Maybe average or slightly above. Great at anime dashers and was able to do kill combos pretty consistently in P4AU back in the day, also solid at footsie-oriented and 3D fighters.

I was never good at fighting games
I'm not sure why. Buying a special fighting pad is helpful but to this day I can't beat Super Street Fighrter II on the SNES on normal :(

I'm a scrubbuster. I do pretty well at locals and tend to beat a few people in pools. People who don't play fighting games think I'm amazing

Been playing fighting games for a long time. The shit people complain about on Sup Forums triggers me.

FUCK input combos
that said, i'm pretty medium bad at smash anyway

Well Smash isn't even a fighting game so you can't really gauge your skill from that.

>people actually think raging storm input is difficult
just do 3 half circles back and forth lol

Oh boy. Here we go again.

Where's the Bison gif?

Poor lad

She is playing MVC:I with auto-combos on

All according to keikaku.

>Top 128 at USFIV at Evo 2014
>Won the 1st P4U and Skullgirls regional of my city
I'm good but I still have yet to break the "consistent top player plateau". I've been slacking on improving to be honest.

Intermediate at best i have a slightly slower reaction time than average so i try to stick to characters who rely on strong reads.
I also need to work on not being free to non mixup mixups

I love fighting games.

I really miss sf4.

>narukami sweep into 5D

>Top 128 at USFIV at Evo 2014
sub 3k PP

I'm aggressively mediocre at them.
If I played online (instead of with friends) I'd stay at noob ranks.
I want to be better at air combos (I play GGXrdR2).

Cancer. Him and Chie.

Yeah, didn't play online much. Lagged too much and it was filled with shitters so no thanks. I like my offline experience better.

I like them a lot, but only really got into them recently. Pretty decent to meh honestly. I'd say my pressure is pretty good, but my execution needs a lot of work. Also need to stop fucking choking online.
Not having any locals near me or local friends who actually play hurts, and trying to get current friends into the genre is tough when you try and ease them into it and they get bored, or you stomp them and they go "Gee user, you're way too good at these game there's no way I can keep up" even though I'm pretty meh myself.

I'm poor(so shit internet) and have no friends so I always played vs. CPU. I can beat most games on the hardest setting but I lose almost all but a few matches online.

I took a game off the best 3s urien on the planet, a casual game but still
he's the reason I love the character and being able to play with and against him in person was fucking surreal
I'm still think I'm pretty awful but I at least know what I'm doing most of the time

Good at King of FIghters, not so good in Street Fighter. I enjoy KOF a ton more, but still want to be decent in SF.

I got a Qanba Drone after playing on pad almost exclusively. It's like I'm starting out from the beginning.

4.5k pp in SSF4 and 20k bp on my main and 14k bp on my sub. After the Ultra update I stopped at 3.5kpp and 10kbp on my two mains, and stopped playing online in general. Nowadays I play casually and am learning Tekken 7. It's my favorite fighting game right now.

Mediocre to bad. I don't play online but i did beat fukuas boss on skullgirls, and i hear thats an achievement
I beat Fuk

Just introduce them to a fighting game they might take interest in. I introduced my friends to Tekken and Guilty Gear and they love it - not to mention they practice way more than me. But I'll stick kick their ass regardless because the highest rank out of all of them is Expert and they don't even play GG ranked. They're also getting into DBFZ so that'll be a lot of fun.

Pretty bad, I feel like the genre is so niche that the only people I fight are veterans are people who've been playing for years.

Doesn't help I only play on PC, still fun as fuck.

Before I played fighting games, I looked at matches and thought "why didn't he just do this?" or "that should've been easy to react to". Then I try playing and realize I'm shit.