What's the best futuristic racing game?

What's the best futuristic racing game?

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Wipeout 2097/XL

XG3 was one of those games that nailed the aesthetic, but the track design was eh.
Atradaitoshi best theme btw.

I had my first successful wank over that pic in an issue of electronic gaming monthly

Just wanted Sup Forums to know that

Also thought I broke my dick and was going to die


fzero advantage

Wipeout 3 is still the peak of the series.

The one on N64

I like the gameplay of wipeout, but I hate the draw distance of the older games. Pulse, Pure and HD are my avorites just because the level isn't constantly loading in 5 feet infrotn of my hovercar.

My favorite futuristic racer has to be Distance, though. Some phenomenal community levels




Wait there was a 3?

The king baby

I always see this one get posted, but I've never played it myself. Was it actually good, or do people just like the cybertits

Wipeout 3, this isn't up for debate.
XGIII comes close though, fuck that game was a huge step up from the N64 titles.
Webm related is also a personal favorite of mine.




Jet Moto!!! Dope shit.

Rollercide in Jet Moto 2 has the best music.

I'm just gonna bump this thread with various webms of mine.





>list of good futuristic racers
F-Zero series
Wipeout series
San Francisco Rush 2049
Quantum Redshift
Star Wars Episode I: Racer
Extreme-G series
Tube Slider
FAST Racing series

What happened to this genre, anyway?
Seems like they mostly stopped making games like this after 6th gen.

>Championship Edition

You know it.
F-zero stopped getting games, WipEout stopped getting games, without the two big flagship franchises in play most devs didn't see a market for the genre. 2016 was kind of a comeback year for the genre with redout, ballisticng, GRIP, and formula fusion. with at least 3/4 being successful, it went alright and hopefully we get more games in the future.

They're still around, you just gotta know where to look.


>Star Wars Episode I: Racer

Very nearly the best racing game I've ever played. I remember it being shitty on a console, but on PC you used the keyboard a lot to shift your weight or move flaps around. Fun maps, good pacing, incredible sense of speed.

Rockn Roll Racing



>2016 was kind of a comeback year for the genre with redout, ballisticng, GRIP, and formula fusion.
>all indie games
I mean, I quite liked Redout, and I'd probably like those other games as well if I played them, but goddamn, it still makes me a bit sad.
Are non-sim racing games as a whole just not made nearly as often as they used to be, or not nearly the high profile releases they were capable of being in the past?

I found that gem on the Gamecube. I loved it.

>Tube Slider

faggot detected

[/spoiler]IT'S A NEW LAP RECORD[/spoiler]

the only cool thing about this game was the sound design when you broke the sound barrier.

the vehicles and the tracks were bland and forgettable. I would stop playing just because of how boring the game was.

What makes XGIII better than the other games in the series?
I've only played the first two.

this its like they are basically fucking dead. I really miss arcade racers.

well for one, no, you probably wouldn't like formula fusion. Pretty sure it was considered a failure by all.
And really it's all I can ask for. Big companies want to always play it safe and they won't bother with this genre unless they see something else be successful.

XGIII was simply on better hardware that allowed it to run at more than 20fps, and it took on a different and imo much more interesting direction in terms of gameplay style and handling. As a result though it is fucking hard as balls at the endgame. Fucking micromines holy shit.

How is red out?

it was a pretty generic racer

>XGIII was simply on better hardware that allowed it to run at more than 20fps
Wasn't that just an issue with Extreme G 2? I remember the first being fairly smooth, but it has been ages since I last played it.

It tries something different rather than just being "inspired by wipeout/fzero/diddy kong racing" and I'd say it succeeded at doing it, which is something the genre really needed. I personally don't find as much enjoyment in the whole wallbang meta gameplay style as others, but I know some really like it and honestly it's better than being a poorly planned """successor""" like formula fusion was. It also has a TON of content.

I feel like the music and track design was a little lacking in comparison to XG1 though.

Didn't really play XG2 much, but I recall being disappointed with it.

XG3 was great once you got past the first engine class. and holy fuck do you actually appriciate the practice at the lower speeds when you get that new track on the highest speed and are slamming into walls all over the place.

It was a perfectly serviceable early PS2 game (still CD-rom based), but gets bonus points due to its uniqueness and charm. Easily 7.5/10 minimum, slightly style over substance. It's probably better than Wipeout Fusion which is more of a 5/10.

I have tried time and time again to properly emulate fusion so I can make webms of it but the piece of shit refuses to run smoothly. Fuck that game, and fuck temtesh bay.

>wall bang meta
As in slamming into walls at key points to maintain speed instead of manually slowing down? That sounds a little wonky.

Not really slamming, thinking of it as reflecting off of the wall at a certain angle. Manual braking is the worst thing you can do, but it's like that in every other ag racer basically. It's not really a requirement either unless you want to set competitive leaderboard times, I just play it casually and you can still easily get through the campaign.
And no, wallbaning does not entail slamming headfirst into a corner at 100% speed. You still have to actually know how to turn.

>San Francisco Rush 2049
I thought I was the only person to ever play this game.

So many secrets. Every map had tunnels and hidden buildings, secret ramp parks and easter eggs.

I respect the level of skill required to play this game, it's OD

Idk where you're from but any kids pizza place or big arcade used to have the game. I've been playing that game since I was at least 9 years old.

Ah okay. That's interesting to say the least. Normally you'd think the most efficient and skillful thing would be to -not- touch the wall while retaining as much speed as possible, but I seem to remember something similar in F-Zero X. Nothing wrong with jank tactics though as long as it flows good in a race.

atradaitoshi was amazing but the Oceania has an amazing soundtrack too: youtube.com/watch?v=ECwKWbju63Y

I wish you were able to mod xg3 to make it so that when you used your turbo boost ability it wouldn't drown out the music playing (even though that is there to emphasize that you have broken the sound barrier, which IS pretty awesome).

oh god, 1:56 gets me fucking hyped, if I got to that part of the song while getting close a straightaway I would use my turbo boost when the song speeds up again and it was like an orgasmic adrenaline rush.

samefag here fyi, sorry for the spam but here's another one of my favorite songs from xg3. pure fucking adrenaline: youtube.com/watch?v=ez6JX4PD12w

Was G3 the one with the trash talking bots? I always appreciate that, even in a racing game.

people post this game in threads like these every time but I don't see it being fun because you're inside the cockpit. With xg3 you're controlling the car from an outside view which is much more exciting.

I don't think so. I think you saw some npc's in the menu screens but you never interacted with them iirc.

Btw here's the original extreme g3 full soundtrack if anyone is interested, the extreme g games were my childhood: youtube.com/watch?v=HxIHLOZq1MA

original xtreme g soundtrack*

It was pic related for me, but I'm with you on the fear that I'd broken something.

Do they even make futuristic racers anymore? It seems like that entire genre was lost after the sixth generation, because pretty much every game in the genre was a AA game and AA games are no longer produced.



It was pic related for me.

Redout is the only decent semi-recent one.


Are you me?

No, we've just noticed the same trend. A lot has gone wrong in gaming since the 6th generation ended.

Ballistics is pure kino