Do you fags really hate this game or just the dev

Do you fags really hate this game or just the dev.

I actually kinda like the first borderlands

Lol, no way! This game is BADASS™!

I only played the first one. I liked it.

Best atmosphere/world. Worst gameplay.

I liked all 3 games, myself.

The devs.
Randy bobandy even fucked over turtle rock.

I dislike the first one.
Gameplay is clunky. Hard to get into.
A Remaster with some control tweaks would be nice.

I actually enjoy 2's core story, and several of the sidequests.
TPS was really weak, but holy crap, Athena and Wilhelm are fun to play as.

The first one felt like it needed a lot of work. Then BL2 came out, and for every improvement it made it felt like it also took at least one step back, yet at the same time it still felt like a better game overall.

I didn't dislike the first Borderlands until the sequel made me look at it in a new light, because BL2 was a better game that I hated.

Most of BL2's issues stemmed from writing

shooting things is fun.

but, I hate the word badass now.

I loved Borderlands 2, though I haven't played the first one. I completed the third game but it didn't make me play it over a hundred times like 2 did.

I played the fuck out of BL2 with a buddy. Super fun end game with all the DLC raid bosses.

The first game didn't have much in the way of writing, so...
I understand the hate for all the memes/references but most of that stuff is relegated to side quests. The core stuff with Handsome Jack is great, unfortunately they just can't let the guy die. (Dragged him out with two other games and DLCs)

Borderlands 1 is a great game with some polish issues that make it feel dated (very little voice acting, samey environments etc...) but the core gameplay, and especially loot system was very good,

Borderlands 2 was an abomination. The only improvements were enemy variety, boss-design and skill tree's. Story, scaling, loot, level design, atmosphere, shooting mechanics, all got worse.

I played the first Borderlands but got bored after doing the same thing over and over. The art looks pretty nice, and the gun customization is a nice idea, but it's terrible quests are the biggest problem.

>the core gameplay...was very good


2 > TPS >1, but I enjoy all of them even if they're showing some age. Hoping the writers for Tales are on the third game.

Brothers in arms died for this shit meme series

Fun series, good enough DLC, I just hate Randy Pitchford being unable to not make an ass out of himself and being horrible PR.

The devs are terrible but the horrific cesspool of the console community attached to the franchise are the absolute fucking worst.

>A "literally what" series died for something that actually has an identity.
Oh dear.

It's fun playing with friends and your all chatting over the horrible dialogue

In Bl1 "badass" was only ever used as a prefix for the toughest versions of enemy's.

> Skag Pup
> Skag Welp
> Adult Skag
> Elder Skag
> Alpha Skag
> Badass Skag

It was never used in any other way, and wasn't a tagline of the game or anything like that. For some reason during development of Bl2 they decided to make "badass" borderlands' thing. And then eventually made it Gearbox's company phrase.

Been playing it for the first time.
It is kinda fun, had to edit FOV because holy FUCK it was awful.
Sometimes it feels like shooting is just random. Whenever I try to snipe someone, even though the point is in the middle of the character, it misses. Pisses me off.

The first was good.
The later games were fucked for various reasons, 2 was Burch n' Randy'd and """Pre-Sequel""" has no content but at least it has some aussie shitposting.

>shooting is just random
There's two ways to do this:
1. Give each gun a cone and random distribution within it.
2. Simulate wind, bullet drop, rifling, and other such things.

Guess what, 1 is easier. Enjoy your bullshit and aim assist.

I disabled Aim Assist because shit made me miss even more.

I enjoyed the first game a lot, but the second felt like a chore where after a while it seemed like all the enemies turned into extreme bullet sponges. Maybe the first was like that too and I'm just misremembering it though.

replayed it - one of the worst skinnerbox time-flushing machines

I despise the devs.
As for the games, the first one was kinda alright although repetitive but the second one was completely obnoxious and extremely padded.
By the time I reached that Bloodwing mission I just wanted that thing to end since it felt like most of the shit I was doing was just there to make the game longer.

I like the first one a pretty good amount. Didn't like the second one at all, but despite the meminess it did have a few really funny moments.

First borderlands is good

And how loot dropped

First one was good, if a little boring in terms of the story. The gunplay felt alright, and the loot was satisfying.

Second one tried harder with the story, to cringeworthy results, but there were a few funny moments, and the guns, loot, and skills all felt improved from the first game.

Literally everything else Gearbox has made was trash. Except Opposing Force

BL1: Had its flaws, but was overall enjoyable. Especially Knox runs even if it was a glitch.
BL2: Fixed some shit of BL1, but also had a variety of problems, more-so than BL1. Most notably being the end-game is utter aids and unfun because you die instantly if you're not constantly healing due to health gating and everything is a damage sponge, with balance thrown to the wind with 1 character dominating while the rest are all a mixture of OK and bad.
1.5: Fixed the balance issue of 2 simply because it didn't go as far as 2 in terms of power-levels, but had a strange fetish for stacks of shit in the Skill trees and little content.
>The only "raid bosses" in the game are just stronger versions of the final bosses of both the main game and DLC
>There's also that one guy you call a dick and the big ass Skag in the lava cave, but those aren't proper raid bosses so much as big enemies you can kill and they even went on to Nerf the loot of the Skag because he was too easy to farm, since you could just scrap his Legendary Rocket Launcher at the crafting thing for other Leggos

>1 character dominating
Sal or Gaige?

BL1 was alright

Sally. Gaige is also pretty strong, but Salvador is unmatched in terms of power level in OP8. The ones who are most shafted are Axton and to a lesser extent, Zer0. Maya is better as a support-slut for Salvador and Krieg is just riding a meat bicycle by himself.

Gaige can be jacked off to

But I don't hate it? The first one was good.
That's about it really

I've never attempted, nor will I, you sick fuck.

She's 18

So? Ciri is like in her twenties in TW3. Still wouldn't.

Sick fucks the lot of you.

Maybe you're just gay

I'm 18, there is nothing wrong with getting off to someone my age

Lurk 2 years before posting, idiot.

there's not a lot of good artwork though

lurk 7 more years friend

forgot image

Sal is dominating? I guess I never had the right build because I can't even get past fucking OP3 with Sal when I played last.

I like them just fine, even though they get tedious fast. I wish they'd put Duke Nukem in BL3.

Yesterday a bunch of 'gamer' dudes at my uni told me Destiny is shit compared to Borderlands because Destiny doesn't have memes and that pvp is for tryhards

Jesus Christ, they're going to make Tina an adult in the next game.

The gameplay was better, mostly because the talent trees were more engaging and interactive, but the scaling basically fucked the entire game.

Give me source, right now

Destiny is shit because the PvP is generic and the PvE is shallow.

Destiny IS shit but so is Borderlands for the most part sadly.

>when people say "I love tiny tina she's so funny"
fucking hell

John Doe

It's still funny that Tiny Tina made people like Claptrap. Brilliant move.

Destiny is shit, but you don't need BL as a benchmark.

The whole RPG/FPS blend really didn't work that well (and still doesn't).

I picked up the first Borderlands just after it released because it looked like a stylish and fun FPS that stood out from the crowd but only played like six hours before getting bored as fuck of the shitty game world and repetitive missions.

The way loot is handled is pretty shit as well. Having billions of weapons sounds cool but it basically amounts to spending most your time in the game looking at stat bars to work out which almost identical weapon is better.

CRPGs got the whole loot thing down much better by having only a few weapons outside of generic starter equipment but each of them either had a marked difference or at least felt unique.

What notable shoot n' loot predated it?

Maybe it had something with Burchy boi?

I get legit really quietly bitter whenever someone says they like tina. Fuck them.

That isn't the point that I'm trying to make.
Destiny is just a bad poorly realized game, man.
You don't need to compare it to anything, BLs, Halo, Wolfenstein etc etc. To realize this.
It stands, or rather falls, on its own.

see I loved dying light which is basically a melee focused fps rpg. I guess it all depends how it's done.

the ending really let me down. i thought there was gonna be better items .

>all these musclegirls too
Thank you user, my dick has become fucking bedrock

Borderlands is shit, with or without benchmark.

Did I say anything to the contrary?

>Most of BL2's issues stemmed from writing
and gear/level scaling
and loot drops
and unbalanced enemies

>instead of an improved Borderlands, we got Borderlands 2 and subsequent releases of trash

I blame Anthony "Faggot" Burch for everything.


Nope. Just wanted to clarify.

Yeah like I said shit meme series that only gained any traction bcuz of "over 9000 guns xD".

I really had a hard time during some segments. I remember raging at some point cause I basically HAD to headshot those big dudes with the tiny skull with my sniper or else i was basically done.

What game is this?

seriously. I could put up with the shit writing if they hadn't made the level scaling awful. Also I didn't know that that dumb minecraft hidden area only dropped one gun that scaled to your level and then never did it again. And we found it too early. What a fucking waste.

Borderlands 2 is improved. The weapons brand gimmicks them actually feel a bit different. And the skill trees in BL1 were horribly balanced.

looks like hellgate london

First game had random gun builds which allowed a lot of crazy stuff but most classes sucked ass, second one made classes less ass and released tiny tina doc which is honestly the best one but all characters were obnoxious as fuck and weapons got hardlocked into models. Never played a BL after 2 because it devolved into insane grind and commando still sucks ass, couldnt give a shit from the devs except for fucking over space marines, fuck them.

>mfw playing with PCbros
>they used MKB, I used controller
>they never understood Moxxi's good touch

>I basically HAD to headshot those big dudes with the tiny skull
I always intentionally shot their helmets off and tried to level them to their maximum form because it gave me the weirdest boner.
Now I fap to power growth and same size vore/asset theft so I guess Blunderlands helped me discorver a fetish

2nd is best one overall but they put in a bunch of memes.

In this case I'll take shit meme series over generic series.

borderlands 1 and 2 is the only good shit these devs have put out, and you could see the writing on the wall with them as well, with all the meme dialogue and shit, but at least the games were fun.

Every other game they have tried to make is a trainwreck, they are only good if they make borderlands games but they keep failing at other shit anyway.

The weapon gimmicks were fucking horrible. Weapon brands should have powerful traits which make you want to choose to use them over something else, not shit tier gimmicks which feel like a chore to use.

Jakobs and Tediore are great, fuck off. All of the guns in BL1 felt exactly the same, you just get some bigger numbers.

Up to this day I see wasted opportunity in doing weapons like dead space 3 where you could collect parts over many playtroughts and build a gun however you wanted

Jakobs and Vladof were literally the only fun traits and Jakobs was basically BL1 tier
>Tediore is a meme
>Hyperion fucking bucks all over the place and feels ass to shoot for a few seconds
>Maliwan is literally just "More elemental" aka Borderlands 1 tier with nothing extra
>Bandit weapons are hot fucking garbage unlike SnS
>Literally can't even remember any other brands

It's shit.


Tediore was ok, just eated ammo like a fucking vacuum, agree on everything else tho. Vladof and jakobs was the way to go, tediore if you found some really high damage wep. since you would shoot once and throw and chunk really fucking hard

the greatest secret never told about hyperion guns is that aiming downsight is the same as shooting
the more you're aiming, the more accurate it becomes
this applies to sniper rifles in particular

Oh right, Torgue
I can't believe I forgot them considering I used them a lot but they were only ever good as shotguns anyway

>the greatest secret never told about hyperion guns is that aiming downsight is the same as shooting
wtf I love Hyperion now

>since you would shoot once and throw and chunk really fucking hard
>AKA glorified explode on impact nades that costed a million dollars in ammo at level cap

Most nades are shit anyways, you can roll with the level scaling one up to 50-54 if you push it, after that you need the vamp nades since everything gibs you, also tediore is useful for FfyL mode.

lil bit of both.

Hyperion is great for SMGs in 2 because it only takes 3-4 shots to get to full accuracy
Tediore is, indeed, a meme.
Maliwan is pretty much more of the same, as you said.
Bandit weapons are 95% shit with the Tattler/Slagga being GOAT for SMG builds
Torgue is pretty great for high damage shotguns, but that's about it