What’s the story explanation for the token diversity character who’s ethnicity we have never seen or read about in...

What’s the story explanation for the token diversity character who’s ethnicity we have never seen or read about in the movies or books.

Answer before mods accuse me of being Sup Forums and trash the thread. Hopefully they went to bed.

Nothing wrong with diversity.

Who cares it adds flavour to the boring white people in LOTR.

Didn’t say anything was wrong, but people from don’t just magically spawn into existence. Where did he come from?

>who’s ethnicity we have never seen or read about in the movies or books.

There are asian, Arabic, and black men in Arda.

From Rhun, Harad, and the Sunlands of Far Harad, respectively. Of course you'd know that if you read the book.

Anyway it does make no sense for a black guy to be fighting for Gondor.

This is bait.

So you're going with the troll men are really just blacks theory?

This thread seems awfully racist.

I’ll admit I haven’t and probably should. I remember Asians fighting for Salron in Return of The King.

Stop. The game is not canon. The developers themselves had said this. IT's a stupid video game. You look ridiculous getting upset about it.

At least sage.

they didn't give a shit about the lore in the first game, why start now?

sounds vaguely related to neog*f

alerting the mods

Only if people make it racist.

You can't just come her and say sticking niggers in European fantasy makes it interesting and not expect people to think you're baiting.

Why didnt Talion just take Celebrimbor's ring back after using Isildur's to kill him? Why didnt he just say fucking it to Celebrimbor in the beginning anyways? Why is Talion the most incompetent Tark ever?

The person said that WAS baiting you fucking redditard. Hence why i posted the "pretending to be idiots" picture.

LIKE troll men. The exact fucking quote said they were L I K E troll men as in "they're weren't actually half-troll you moron.

No they absolutely didn't.


There isn't one.

I'd have literally zero problem with black characters being in games where it makes no sense to have them if the developers just owned up to the fact that it was to tick a diversity box. The fact that they hide from it or say "We wanted to be inclusive!" pisses me off. Just say it for what it is, you want black people to buy the game and think they won't do it unless you include them. You also want to avoid pretentious college kids calling you racist.

No idea why this had to devolve into shit posting, he's Haradrim. That's the answer, delete the thread.

Yeah no shit, that's what I said.

Forgot my second apostrophe. Oh bother.


>story explanation
>coherent lore
>from a fucking Shadow of Mordor game

Are you havin a fookin laugh, m8?

Who fucking cares you stupid idiot

>I have no problem with inclusivity unless the developers are purposely trying to be inclusive
The cognitive dissonance is strong with this one.

Imagine if Japan got infected with the liberal bullshit inclusive meme and we start getting games that take place in feudal Japan with black people just randomly there in kimonos and shit. Wouldn't that be bizarre?

He's fostered in Gondor as a part of a peace agreement.

Its a story idea they clearly stole from Game of Thrones (Theon Greyjoy in Winterfell) in order to shove in diversity.

Considering how off the rails from LotR lore they went we're lucky Sauron didn't turn out to be the good guy.


The developers in the case of SoW are not being inclusive, they are ramming a black dude into the game for sales and to dodge the racism bullet in one go. If a game wants black people where it doesn't make sense to have them, I'd be fine with it if the devs said clearly
>"We know it doesn't make sense. We just wanted people to be able to be black if they wanted to be."

In LotR I can handle this explanation... However, when we're talking about real shit I honestly couldn't deal with that. Like in BF1 and CoD WW2 putting minorities and women on the front lines. Shit pisses me off, what a disgrace to the actual veterans.

sauron was always the good guy

>Ethnicity we have never seen or read about in the movies or Books
> fucking Harad



>Like in BF1 and CoD WW2
Blacks fought in WW1, and the multiplayer in WW2 isn't supposed to be historically accurate

The only dark skinned people Tolkien ever described were literally inherently evil and destructive. This is just more lore-rape.

>Blacks fought in WW1
They are wearing white uniforms and are fighting on fronts they never stepped foot on. I think in terms of stuff like this, it is disrespectful to represent the guys who went through hell inaccurately just because muh diversity.

>and the multiplayer in WW2 isn't supposed to be historically accurate
I hate this argument. The multiplayer in BF1 ain't accurate either. My question for you is: Why spend tons of money, time, and effort on getting uniforms, guns, maps, and basically everything else to be accurate of the time period just to say "Fuck it, lets make some black women fight too"? I'm just saying it isn't fair to the guys who fought. If you have to have that shit, at least represent the minorities right and give them uniforms accurate of the time to do them justice as well. Or hell, here is an idea: Don't make a fucking historical game if you don't plan on being historically accurate and disrespectful to the subject matter.

>humans in LotR
>inherently evil

>I'm just saying it isn't fair to the guys who fought. If you have to have that shit, at least represent the minorities right and give them uniforms accurate of the time to do them justice as well. Or hell, here is an idea: Don't make a fucking historical game if you don't plan on being historically accurate and disrespectful to the subject matter.
Spoken like a true tumblrtard

What kind of question is that OP? You aren't a racist are you?

I hate black "people"
if there were only caucasoids and asians we wouldn't need to hold back for blacks

Nice job retorting literally 0% of anything I said, screen licker.

Whites and Jews bizarre obsession with negroids has held humanity back for decades now.

>muh disrespect
>muh insensitivity
Switch the color of the skin and you would be exactly like tumblr

Wanting the guys who went through hell to get a fair shake in what is claiming to be a historical title is being tumblr?

>it is disrespectful to represent the guys who went through hell inaccurately just because muh diversity
Really? This is your argument? That forced diversity is disrespectful to the soldiers who suffered? And not that we're playing video games and killing their virtual counterparts for cheap entertainment?

Come the fuck on, Sup Forums.

>Game of Thrones invented medieval diplomacy

>galadriel/other maiar dont immediately intervene when galadriel's blade discovers ceribrimbor has made a new ring of power and fucking still exists

>isildur is a ring wraith now

>nazghul birds specifically described as having beaks are now just drakes that randomly populate the land already

>but a black guy??? UNACCEPTABLE LORE RAPE

He explains at one point in the game that he is from Harad originally, but found his way north to Minis Ithil at some point when he was a child. Then that coalburning slut Idril and her left-wing hippy dad let him into their house


Pretty sure the Nazghul birds weren't turned into drakes for the sake of diversity. There is a difference between incompetent and pushing an agenda.

Having beaks doesn't make them birds. There are many depictions of dragons with beaks.

Lootboxes aren't videogames

They are described as fell birds in the books.

Chris thinks his dad meant pterodactyls based on some old silmarillion drafts.

My overall point though, was that a black guy is pretty minor compared to all the other shit.

It's not minor and I've already stated why.

Black guy in gondor is unlikely.

All the other stuff i listed is impossible.

Avoid the issue all you want, it would change anything.

Yep. Far Harad, where they had dead eyes and marched with the ragheads. Tricked by Sauron's pointy nosed minions with promises of welfare and white women harems. The dirty Umbar are just greasy fatasses squatting on lawn chairs illegally trespassing on Gondor soil.

The story is so garbage that its the least of its problems.

You deserve all the things you fear for this thread. The fact that you honestly believe that "token diversity" exists is a regressive ideal.

Funny they went out of their way to justify the addition of that character but spent little to no time bothering to justify the rest of the lore rape.