Banjo-Kazooie series

What went wrong?


Hard to make a sequel to perfection.

the stupid ass board game in the first one. cant believe they brought that back for yooka laylee to

terrible physics/movement



>he doesn't know Grunty's first boyfriend's name
git gud

Nothing at all, I actually replayed the game twice in the past couple months.

Tooie was made just a little too soon, should've been a Gamecube game for as ambitious as it was. Pushed the N64 hardware just a little too hard. And then Rare went belly up shortly afterwards.

this. the game ran at like 2fps, thank god for the 360

It's Greasy Grant... wait- why do I know that?

I'm genuinely convinced Rare lucked into a good game with Kazooie. They hit all of the right notes and every attempt afterwards they've completely fucked it up. Tooie, DK64, Yooka Laylee. None of them were half as good and honestly I'd say DK64 and YL are downright terrible. I think Banjo Kazooie was a total fluke. A million monkeys with keyboards sort of deal

years of nothing followed by weird sequel

you know the answers are randomized right? theres no correct answer

Tooie, DK64 and YL are all much larger, ambitious games whereas Kazooie was simply tight and well-paced. Not much of a mystery there.

Those are fighting words son

I do. But I think Kirkhope mentioned it once. It's one of the three.

I didn't say it was bad, I said it was half as good as Kazooie

I said DK64 and YL are bad. Because they are

i loved it also even more than kazooie.

Mascot platformer on a dude bro platform

>t rex
wow who cares, you use it for like 5 seconds anyways

Still, he remembers the answer for the file he used to play in.

You don't really see the T-rex in Spiral Mountain, though.

N64 might've had the multiplayer crowd on lock but it was also spearheaded by Super Fucking Mario 64, not to mention it was the mid/late 90s. Dudebro platforms weren't really a thing and mascot platformers were fucking everywhere.

I'm sorry I thought we were talking about the series in current day.

I recognize Nintendo will always find a way to make mascot platformers hotshit even if the N64 somehow ended up as the dormroom dude bro console because of fps and wrestling games.

>the series in current day

Banjo exists in the current day? Honestly, I just kind of ignore everything that happened after Grunty's Revenge.

Tooie definitely has the flaws of needlessly padding by locking some jiggys until you get moves from later levels, playing as Mumbo consisted entirely on walking to a Mumbo pad and pressing B and kinda overdid it with the collect red, green and blue stuff mini-games (though Saucer of Peril is fucking fantastic)

But it did some really good stuff like the boss fights, most of the levels being connected, better transformations and a lot of new moves without losing or having to relearn the ones from the previous game.

And I personally consider Grunty Industries to be the best level of the franchise.


pretty accurate except for the fact that nintendo told rare to fuck off

Yeah I wasn't a fan of the backtracking needed in Tooie. The levels being interconnected was really cool. The fact that they managed to fit in the Goldeneye multiplayer as a minigame was crazy too.

I still love Nuts and Bolts as well, even if the worst parts of that game are the Banjo parts. The vehicle creation was super fun.

Tooie runs fine on the n64
Perfect dark on the other hand is only playable above agent on 360


Dk64 has fun bosses, great music, and alot to collect. The platfomring is also as good as banjo kazooies. The only bad thing are the minigames. Still dk64 is a product of its time. Trying to put alot into 1 game because back then many kids didnt have easy access to many games like they do today.

releasing a platformer when the genre had died in the ass and the kids where playing fps's.

I don't know why I enjoy backtracking so much. There's just something about exploring old areas with new abilities that really gets me rock-hard. Banjo-Tooie was everything I ever wanted in a video-game and I'm glad it exists.

It focused on being a collectathon instead of being a platformer, which is what most 3D "platformers" in the 5th gen did.

I wholeheartedly believe it was rare genuinely wanting to try something different. No one cares about racing though, should have been a side thing.

Still I hear rumors abotu Microsoft ramming their directXXX cock into rare making them make it how they wanted due to market share or whatever but eh.

Oh, I forgot Tooie's biggest flaw:


Series made by a dead company being hoarded by conglomerate greed.

I'm sure some developer out there could do it justice.

My nigga, I really like games that actually give you a reason to check out older levels even after you've beaten the game.

I like Grunty Industries because it's like some super locked fortress, and my playthrough of it is twice as long as my playthrough of all the other levels.

Canary Mary always gives me a blister when I get that Cheato page.

They tried too hard with Tooie
>Worlds are fucking huge but Banjo and Kazooie being kinda slow and FPS problems they're tedious to get around
>Levels like Jolly Roger Lagoon which are huge boring underwater levels and Cloud Cuckoo Land which is a complete clusterfuck of level design with nothing connecting coherently
>Godawful world-connection jiggies that are there for padding so you can't get everything in one go like in Kazooie
>Every world reuses the same basic shitty minigames (Destroy something - Blue gets you 3 points, green 2, red 1) or those god-awful FPS missions
>Mumbo and the transformations just aren't fun to play as, going double for Mumbo. He usually has one use per-level and is fucking useless otherwise

Kazooie had perfect level sizes, big but not going overboard. Tooie just tried too hard.

Go play Mario 64 then.

What does Mario have to do with anything? I love Kazooie and over-all enjoyed Tooie but that doesn't mean Tooie is perfect and doesn't have problems. I just didn't enjoy it as much.

Tooie is probably my favorite N64 game but Hailfire peaks had to be in the single digits most of the time. I bought a 360 just for Banjo games at a good framerate.

Does 360 run at a solid 30 FPS for both games or still have dips here and there?
Kinda wish they'd let Nintendo release the games like that. BK and BT would be nice on Switch.

1. Grunty Industries
2. Rusty Bucket Bay
3. Witchyworld
4. Click Clock Wood
5. Terrydactyland
6. Clankern's Cavern
7. Hailfire Peaks
8. Freezeezy Peak
9. Gobi's Valley
10 .Treasure Trove Cove

Solid 30. I just want Rare Replay to come to PC even if it is only through Windows Store

If there is a game that had shitty transformations it was BK.

>ant does nothing except being able to climb steeper hills
>walrus is only good for befriending Wozza and riding the sled that Banjo wasn't able to use for some reason
>pumpkin is only used to get into small holes
>bee can only be used in spring

The croc at least was useful to explore the swamp and it had its own mini-game.

I'd argue the Bee is still good because I found the free-flying fun but you're right.
Tooie's weren't that good either though. Especially when they had the potential to make the T-Rex really fun but made turning between big and huge T-Rex' tedious because Mumbo needed something to do and both don't do much.

Only Tooie one I really didn't like was Snowball because of the growing gimmick making it impossible to fit into certain areas without harming yourself (Like the plunger but even shittier).

Hit and Running with the armored van was so much fun.

>Hit and Running with the armored van was so much fun.
Yeah, too bad it didn't get a race mini-game.

Nothing went wrong. BK is a timeless masterpiece, BT was more of the same, and Nuts & Bolts is one of the most creative platformers ever devised with some incredible graphics and music. I absolutely hate the stigma attached to N&B, it's a really cool fucking game. If more people actually played the game they'd realize that it's a masterpiece that's been memed into shit-tier status by faggots who wanted a clone of the N64 games and were upset when they were given something much more unique instead.

Tooie also had humba wumba

The problem with Nuts and Bolts is that it's not a bad game, but it shouldn't have been THE comeback game. It would have worked if they did a regular platformer first, THEN it. It's the same problem DK had in Gen 6, too many gimmick titles and no mainline game to hold the IP strong (Jungle Beat is NOT a mainline game, it pales in comparison to even the first DKC and Land Trilogy.

Nuts & Bolts could have been a Diddy Kong Racing sequel.

>make two games
>sit on license for almost 10 years
>finally make a game that's nothing like the original game aside from characters
Gee I wonder what could have happened.

Honestly after recent events I'm glad the original BK games stopped after Tooie


Tooie > Kazooie

No Banjo-Threeie.

And not even the cars game was that bad, outside of having heavily copypasted missions.
But it feels like they were held on gunpoint to do it, given all the self-loathing jokes they make about modern gaming and the entire character of LOG.

Nothing. BT is the best game of all time

N64 emulating fucking when?

13 years ago?

No one appreciating the GBA games

Do you think Banjo was gay?

>And I personally consider Grunty Industries to be the best level of the franchise

Stopped reading there

not even a furry but I'd cuddle banjo :3