Now that this isnt part of nexon will you play it?

now that this isnt part of nexon will you play it?

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Pretty top quality shooter imho

What happened to it? Nexon dropped it? Who picked it up? Is there still a cash shop?

I'm playing it now, but the card loadout thing is annoying and the characters are too expensive

it's pretty decent for a free game but i don't like the card system at all
i already own shooters you have to pay for and they're better in terms of game mechanics and character accessibility so i don't have any desire to go back to dirty bomb

Did they bring back the 16 player games yet?

I honestly forgot it even existed. Do people still play it? I remember liking how the characters cooked their grenades

for a team oriented game, locking characters behind a paywall is stupid as hell

>Objective got rolled into horrible "matchmaking" because it's "casual" and dedicated servers only exist for Stopwatch

They lost me for good.

I'm thinking about reinstalling it. I need a bit of a break from Paladins.
Is Proxy good? I enjoy paying her quite a bit when I was playing DB.

Proxy is great

been playing turtle alot best op after proxy

Does the game offer something like smite where you pay like $30 and get all current and future toons?

It's nice they've finally started adding more maps and classes but it's too late
Also instagib rocket lady is bullshit

It sucks that characters are locked, but at least the character that generally gets soft banned for being too strong in tournaments free (Aura). They also give you a lot of cases during early levels. It used to be around 50 you would have everyone unlocked, but now it's maybe 40 or 30. I may remake an account and test it since I've played for over 1k hours and have everything on my normal account.

Alright game, got back into it for a couple month
Jav and guardian did not help the game much in terms of population sadly.
Ridiculously amount of problems still not solved(EV collision for example).

Proxy is the worst engi atm at the highest level, but is still annoying as fuck and a pub/shitter stomper. She is the low skill floor merc, but I like her too.

I'm guessing the answer is no then

You pay $30 for all base characters. I think that's everything besides Jav and Guardian? You get enough to buy a merc every 5-10 hours depending on how good you are and what mode you play. I'm sure retard shitters take 20 hours because they refuse to throw ammo

Is the phoenix still good ?

one of the best

Played it a lot back when it had it's hype with the youtubers/streamers, played it for around a year after. Shit's still pretty fun when I do get around to it, would def recommend.

Did they finally lift region locks?

Where was it banned? I see Asians and BRs all the time at night

I'm playing it right now actually.

It's my favorite FPS, I just wish the dev team was a bit better. Things like the laggy UI just makes it feel so cheap. Also having every perk broken for the weekend is pretty incompetent.

Best time to play ranked. Imo perks turn Sparks into a cunt.

You mean it not being available in the store everywhere? They said they were working on it a month or two ago, but I have no idea if it went anywhere since I'm not in one of the afflicted regions.

Get up potent packs skill cool down on sparks is fucking crazy

when you use snipe someone with sparks revivegun

I used to play it every day for the longest time but stopped about 1.5 years ago. I got tired of never being able to find a ranked game, and they never did implement a casual ranked or party system so you can play with friends which made even playing with just my brother a huge pain in the ass.

I really liked it but that got old so I just ended up buying Overwatch. OW is shit, but at least it has players and I can find a competitive game in

Pretty much all the characters are good. That's why it was so much fun for me. You can play literally any of the classes and still do well.

DB still takes a while for ranked, but the times are now 3-10 minutes

That's reasonable, before it was pretty much nonexistent, even while searching in EU I couldn't find a game.

Also placement matches are cancer since everyone is together and there a bunch of minimum ranked level 7s trying to fucking snipe, but miss every shot. 9 out of 10 wins have been surrenders because of a dumbass low level trying to snipe


yeah shit sucks they should give newcomers and bronze Aura and Skyhammer loadout and encourage them to use them with some kind of bonus.
Also there seem to be a ton of OW refugees since there are a shitload of people waiting at "chokepoints" instead of simply going around, flanking, or rushing through.


>people waiting at "chokepoints" instead of simply going around, flanking, or rushing through.


when you have 2 good teams the game gets really fun cause everyone is bouncing off the walls and doing crazy as fuck trick shots

I don't know what that means, but it's not uncommon to see the worst players have an OW avatar and play it like it's OW.

Decent game but the playerbase is retarded third worlders

not worth playing at all

Devs bought the game back from nexon because nexon was literally killing them (restricting the devs from pushing out patches, nexon making stupid decisions as ususal)

They're self publishing now AFAIK

Its a F2P game so yes there is a cash shop, mainly cosmetics and merc starter packs/loadout cards that let you skip the grind.

so you're telling me I'd have a pretty big chance of winning if I'm at the very least not retarded?
Installing right now.

>nexon was killing them
no, they were killing themselves and nexon stopped giving them money to do it. The game is suffering just as much now that it's alone. Except now it's not under threat of being shitcanned, it'll just stagnate forever with no updates and a skeleton crew to fix immediate critical bugs.

Dont forget those third worlders will be on your team as well.

at least my team have 1 less third worlder in it

The game has received at least twice the amount of content and patches compared to when it was being strangled by nexon chinks

Putting your game in the hands of nexon is a death sentence, i.e literally every single game on there right now

It's also skill based
Learning how to move is crucial

nice hyperbole. It's had barely any operatives since it's indie re-launch than when it was on nexon. Nexon isn't good but quit pretending the devs were godly and nexon was holding them back, they were just as garbage or they wouldn't have been eaten up by nexon in the first place.

by the way nexon games are still literally THE most profitable f2p games in the world, yes more than league, yes more than dota. go look up the d&f stats in china. it's fucking absurd.

Its a shit game

so it's still the same game
no thanks

I like how some quake pros were trying to promote this game so much. Then they tried overwatch. Now those losers are playing quake champions.
Thank god actual quake got rid of those faggots.

They had to go with Nexon because the company was going under after the blunder that was Brink. They were stuck doing contract work (Gears of War) until they could get afloat. That's why they had to take a long break from development. Now they decided to go full blast on development and have released 3 new mercs (Turtle, Javelin, and Guardian) within the span of a few short months. Both Turtle and Guardian are brand new so yes, it's the most amount of content in a short period this game has gotten. In addition, it's had several more patches as well because Nexon DOES hold back the process since they owned the servers.

Try to know what you're talking about before posting please.

>Literally giving your game to """"""Publishers""""""

Why would developers trust Nexon to publish anything? look at what happened to Ghost in the Shell and Lawbreakers. It doesn't help that both of them aren't really great games but the weak marketing certainly doesn't help.

They probably offer good deals.