What do you guys think of the recent Killing Floor 2 update? New map is alright...

What do you guys think of the recent Killing Floor 2 update? New map is alright, but The Seeker is pretty fun and the medic weapon is nice, too.

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Call me when they bring back my baby

Pretty fun, I like the updated Kingpound and quarters

>love firebug in kf1
>no husk gun
>no mac 10

Updated? How were they changed exactly?

>when flares are more fun with a gunslinger than firebug

Give it to me straight, lads: did 2 ever become good?

>Finally add a new voice command
>its a faggy thank you rather that taunt players

Smart choice. Nobody ever used taunt players in KF1 besides a couple of retards on Sup Forums.

balancing and such, like how the king's laser fucking hit no one or didn't even happen when he was introduced

Need to borrow my specs, mate?

The new weapons and maps are pretty bad desu. Tripwire really put all it's efforts into the vault.

It has. Not as good as the first one, mind, but it's good in it's own right.

It's gotten pretty kino as a demo. Love the new graphics that gib zeds into oblivion and having that interact with the environment

Ah, I see.

Only downfall was commando chicken, shouldve been a separate character rather than a cosmetic suit

>kf1 aware that it was super edgy, super atmosphere, actually funny
>Kf2 mynameisnotimportant the game, red and black everywhere throwbacks to the first game with no real humour

It just doesn't have the same spark friends. And the guns are shit too.

Hey guys, serious question here
What is more profitable, to trade my tickets for items to sell them at the end of the event, or to just sell straight away all the tickets at the end?
can i get an item extra expensive from these tickets? (besides the ones that come with the golden ticket)
by the way, the golden ticket ones always drop golden prizes?

here's a webm

Who do you think you are, bleeding action man?

Those spitfires are hilariously fun during the boss wave.

>mfw going fucking nuts and firing as fast as humanly possible

I like how people bitch about there not being M32, Seeker Six is pretty much M32 but it fires rockets instead of grenades.

>when there's more than 2 people with dual spitfires shooting an fp

>when commando extends zed time all the way and firebug unleashes a firestorm from his spitfires

john gibson has a hate boner for the m32 for some retarded reason, he can eat shit

I haven't used the seeker much, but isn't the explosion radius much smaller than m32?

>when any perk steals a commando's kills in zed time and he can't extend it

Looks pretty cool user. Sure would like to play it someday.

New map is shit

>only 4-5 rotations
>playing on anything but short and you get repeats

Descent was better, but at least it looks interesting. Pretty damn easy, though.

I think the explosion radius is smaller than the tier 2 launcher. Only decent thing about it is setting off multiple nukes.

It's interesting, but the fact that didn't make ten unique layouts really makes it feel lazy as fuck. The layout with the artillery going off at least looks and sounds great. Gives it that war against the zeds feel to it.

Not really. Same old horde mode which is somehow less charming than the original, now with added microtransactions.

It's just a time waster, it's not actually good. And the players are worse than ever.

The reason they are worse is because they allow you to gain levels and shit on custom maps so everyone just uses perk training to get to 25. They should have a greenlight option for custom maps so only approved ones allow you to gain exp.

>mfw getting six Nukes out with Seeker Six

I used a Perk Trainer in the first game already. It's not that big a deal. Guessing there are just more casuals playing with all the publicity the game is getting and all the little things that bring the players back, such as the vault and the drop system. Hell, the fault will probably throw off some games with people playing random shit they're not used to.

>implying there weren't perk trainers in kf1

Kinda irked I got screwed out of a few vault crates.

Demolition might be the most fun to play perk in the entire game.


>no Halloween zed skins

>no vampire doctor
>no Frankenstein patriarch
>no skeleton clots
C'mon son

This could've been the spookiest fucking October ever but they dropped the fucking ball. Even the sideshow reskins in KF1 were better than nothing.

I didn't even know that was a lvl25 perk, fuck me that's gonna be fun

Yeah, the last event got me really hyped up, it felt like the old kf1, but this one is lacking.