Which publisher is the worst at managing their IPs?
Which publisher is the worst at managing their IPs?
all of them
Depends on your criteria.
Is the worst ignoring their IPs? Cuz then Sega and Capcom have a great headstart.
Turning them to trash games? SE and Capcom might win.
Turning them not into games but into pachinko machines? That's Konami for sure.
Or just being unable to outperform their past glory and/or bad decisions in general? Nintendo and Capcom might be it.
Fuck it, let's say Capcom.
probably capcom or konami. people will say sega but i would rather have a company ignore their ips than turn them into shit
Despite my anger at Ubisoft, they seem to be the least egregious of the bunch
Konami, EA and warner Bros however get the big FU from me. Konami employs a malicious attitude towards everyone; fans, journalists, their own fucking workers, etc.
meanwhile EA and Warner Bros have the midas Touch of death and depravity.
Probably Capcom. They're both ignoring good IPs that they have lying in the vault and they're turning good franchises into absolute shitfests.
Fucking Sega.
It was dead by Dead Space 3
What's wrong with Bamco? Other than the advertising for Dark Souls (which was actually pretty genius just a little dishonest)
Konami. They've eviscerated 3 of my favorite IPs thus far.
Where else could the series have gone anyways? If Dead Space 3 turned out good then that could have been the definitive end at that point. There isn't much you can do with the concept to extend it. Two of the games took place on a ship for fucks sake. It was always going to be limited series in what it could do. EA just shit the bed with the 3rd game.
Capcom. they have great IPs, but then they either ignore them after creating fantastic games or spin-offs (MMBN6 is still one of my favorite games, fuck off), or they turn them into trash, like with RE or MonHun world.
Capcom. Listed them out to a friend the other day they're sitting on 8 IPs that people desperately want more of, while they constantly diarrhea out street fighter abortions one after another.
I really wish Platinum could buy back all the old Clover IPs and Devil May Cry
A new God Hand would be tight as fuck
honestly, VF5 just proves they dont have the talent to resurrect their old ips
those IPs aren't worth anything, you could make a similar game to any of those things without needing to own the actual IP. The only one worth anything is okami
It's OK, user, maybe the IP of your choice just doesn't have enough fan demand.
Kamiya's new Devil May Cry is a dial-up piece of garbage. Leave it dead or in the hands of the one man who can actually make a competent entry in the series.
SEGA. You get what, Sonic, some Yakuza games, then some online Phantasy Star games that stay in Japan, and then what other god damn games from all their other franchises?
If you had Konami up there I'd pick that right away since I don't even know what that company even does anymore.
not vidya
SEGA and Konami when it comes to even making the games
Capcom and Square Enix when it comes to making the games good
>and then what other god damn games from all their other franchises?
Game companies don't exist to endlessly churn out new games of old IP series from the 90s and shit. If you think this, you are just retarded
I'd much rather Sega be trying shit like Binary Domain and Vanquish than resurrecting Space Harrier and Afterburner
The reason why capcom wins this argument is they have IPs that could be incredible contemporary games that fit the gaming industry right now, Onimusha is #1, followed by stuff like Powerstone
If publishers were like girls, what would they be like?
>IPs that could be incredible contemporary games that fit the gaming industry right now
This. As much as I love me some Jet Set Radio and Ristar, they were both products of their time (skating fads and mascot platformers went out of vogue for a while) and Alex Kidd can go fucking fuck his fucking self.
Capcom has a bunch of fighting and action IPs that would be pretty good in today's market, but whelp, you know already. Capcom.
Valve. EA is close second.
What you said about Nintendo is so untrue. They're the best company at managing their IPs because it's pretty much all they do.
Sega and Sony aren't bad publishers, I feel like. They're bad developers, but that's another story. And then we have trash like Squeenix that always sell products of similar quality at higher price compared to competitors, have history of interfering with devs, and shit localization. Why is SE still around? They're the EA of the east. Tri-Ace, Sting, ESP, Level-5 all got destroyed after working with them.
Also Capcom and Bamco can fuck off with the day 1 DLCs and on-disc pay to unlocks.
>EA not even listed
You couldn't be more obvious.
>doesn't list Konami nor EA
What's the matter? Don't like low-hanging fruit?
Reminder that those IPs were turning in a loss. Of course animefaggots dont realize that
nowhere does it say you have to pick from the image you dunce
How do you fuck up with Castlevania, Silent Hill, and Contra? Seriously, they have no idea how to treat game development and only care about a cheap buck. They could have even made money with beatmania and popn in the west like DDR, but since it didn't have any immediate profits they obviously didn't care.
Theyre a business
Nintendo is the girl that always looks cheery and nice, but she's way too forceful when she doesn't get what she wants.
Sony is a smart girl from a rich family and gets alright grades, but has no idea what to focus on so she ends up wasting all her time and spends her money on clothes.
Probably Konami, because they barely actually bother with games at all anymore. Though Sony are right up there as well, considering they've ditched 95% of their interesting IPs since the late '90s.
Sega alway sega virtua fighter, fighting vipers, last bronx,fighters mega mix shining series,phantasy star,skies of Arcadia,sega rally, Daytona, hang on, space harrier, shinobi, streets of rage, jet set radio, gun Valkyrie and many many more games the worst company with the most and best ip
konami hands down. lots of people kill or ignore some good IP, but only konami is trying to shutter all their game development in favor of pachislots and fitness clubs.
>that double cylinder chin
i... can't... stop... looking...
Ubisoft, Konami, Capcom, etc. are all bad, but I'm not sure they'll ever catch up to EA.
It hurts... fuck EA
Square, Konami or Capcom
I personally think Square
I actually kinda like that rap. It's just attached to an abomination.
needs to be updated
that's fucking wrong. What nintendo does is that they have great IPs with potential then they shit all over them with terrible gimmicks.
>GTA3 engine
every fucking time
This is the correct answer.
Of the ones pictured, probably Sony with how they just stopped Ape Escape & Medievil production, how they ultra-cucked God of War, how they decided to shut down GR2’s online, and with how they just shit out nothing but ugly-looking, shitty Uncharted movies what seems like over & over again now.
renderware is used for far, far more than GTA. whoever thought that was a good description is probably underage.
It's a notable example. Everyone knows what GTA is.
it's underselling it. it wasn't a great engine, but it deserves better than to be called "the GTA3 engine" for how much else it was in.
EA killed all of their studios, DICE, Bioware and the leftovers at Criteron didn't shut down yet
Ubisoft has a plethora IPs which they destroyed by dumbing them down, making them open world or whatever
their new IPs are shit though
You're putting too much weight into a short statement on a compilation image.
it's a bad description. it could just as well say "made renderware, which was used in games like GTA3" and it would suck 100% less.