
Yo is that cosmo

Honestly I'm more upset that someone thought this was newsworthy

>thinking this is a clickbait headline.
>it's fucking real.

does this mean someone who identifies as a cuphead?


giving these people attention is just enabling them
I would rather not know this was a thing than be mad that it is

What's your Cupsona Sup Forums?

I'm a tall mango mocha latte with a swirly straw. I'm 15 and immortal and like blood on the dance floor and have a gay boyfriend

Djimmi has a fucking cupsona

Is this the new 'X the hedghog'?

I'm more upset that some faggot decided to make a thread on Sup Forums about it

so begins the end. how many months until cuphead is literally undertale tier

Yeah. Real click bait.

Is that author a tranny or what?

>this game won't attract autists they said.
>the difficulty will put them off they said.
We just can't have cute graphics and quirky characters anymore can we?

>this is not really video games but it will hit bump limit anyways
wew good job Neogaf faggot mods

>this video game related thread MUST be deleted because it shines a bad light on my home website of tumblr.com!

yeah maybe if you ignore it it will go away

Take a second look at that face and answer the question yourself.

Cuckhead is literally Rick and Morty: The Game

>Liking a video game based off of how other enjoy it.


>-sona meme
How is this noteworthy? People draw their own characters of different media styles all the time

Is it? It really? Literally?

That's Wanda dummy. Cosmo's the green one

I am far more upset the writer does not appear to be from the 1930's

Cuphead, but instead, Cumhead

I'll never understand why this site gets so assblasted by people enjoying things

Shadman, pls


what are you on about? autists are all about challenge. thats what GDQ is

Thank goodness we can talk about this and not neogaf.

Somebody literally murder that thing.


I'm a sexy cup of black coffee

fucking kek

I get the strangest feeling """Heather""" was not born a girl

dumb gatoposter