You're too dependent on the capture mecha-

>You're too dependent on the capture mecha-

>can skip the entire thing by climbing up the wall
Excellent level design

It will be patched before the game releases.

Exactly. I wish I had that BOTW webm, but I really like how Nintendo's embracing this sort of dynamic level design. It encourages creativity when platforming

Speed runs of this game are going to be so fucking sexy.

That's pretty cool

holy fuck this game is way too easy

I hope this isn't sarcasm, because attempting this shortcut would probably kill the average player more than just doing it normally.

>lardass playing bing bing
like pottery

Wonder how much time speed runners will spend on multi layered levels looking for glitched floors to fall through when you can do stuff like in the .webm.

>may I borrow Cappy for a minute, Mario-senpai?

what I don't really like about this is the fixed view

This is the sort of shit I like to see. Good movement options with opportunities to pull fuckery like this.

delete this


>tfw A Hat in Time sweeps all the GOTY awards and the odyssey and botw fanboys cry

I wasn't being serious, dipshit. It's horrendous level design to let players just skip the entire thing by going on top of the wall.

How did none of the level designers see this coming?

I cropped it for detail, I can give you the uncropped webm if you want

>speed runs
Saddest post ive read in a while

They did, that's why it's possible to walk above the wall.

I need to get around to playing this

And I though this game looked less mobile then 64 (which it still probably is but it looks really cool)

>more options for skilled players is horrendous level design
Get outta 'ear ye linear-lovin', speed-run suckin', cinematic game-playin', nu-game fan-boyin', beta male bein' fuck nugget

Get over yourself, nerd.

>skipping this bullet bill(...).webm
>...with no survivors

They must have seen it coming because they hid something up there

What is every 3D mario ever?

Reminds me of mario bros level skip option, nice.

Unironically agreed. More games need to reward you for thinking outside the box.

>autist's reflection is him LITERALLY SHAKING

Gee, it would be so unlike them to intend on such level design...

Is the camera shit on purpose?


I can't believe there hasn't been a real 3D Mario since Sunshine in 2002. Fucking stoked for Odyssey.

purposefully zoomed in for the webm Im guessing

>Sombrero makes you climb walls
Really makes you think.

>Leaving in exploits is good design.

I bet you think Warp Pipes are "exploits" too

It's a single player game... so yes?


That looks like such fucking shit

Generic wall texture, generic floor tile, literal box design
Even BoTW was more subtle in its asset rehashing

I bet Nintendo is hitting themselves for putting so much money and work into Galaxy, they could have just made every level this, their fans literally can't tell the difference

reminds me of galaxy 1 and 2 where you can jump over some walls to shortcut and you'd find a one up there

>More games need to reward you for thinking outside the box

wish i had that webm of a player skipping a huge portion of speed highway via jumping on buildings in the "background" and finding a extra life on one of them. The extra life would be completely invisible playing the level normally, it was just a nod from the devs saying "we see what you did here good job"


Intentional secrets are very different from unintended exploits. This whole debate is pretty pointless though, that particular exploit and any others like it will be patched out on release without a doubt.

underage please leave

Oh no, you can do something that was legitimate in Super Mario Bros. on the NES! Fucking casuals!


>can skip the entire thing by climbing up the wall
This isn't a new thing in Mario.


I also liked the part in Fusion where you do the really difficult sequence break and you get a special cutscene of Adam congratulating you on finding the only sequence break in the game, but now you have to go back to the linear path

This guys sarcasm is right
Getting up there is piss easy, and the entire level is invalidated by it.

I can understand if it was parts of it could do silly things like that, but mario gets up there without even trying.
In BOTW you had to do the stupidest well timed bullshit in most cases to skip most dungeons. This is just "do a normal set of jumps and skip everything."

It's going to be boring as fuck if this is all that they're going to be.
>start level
>jump up on top of the wall
>roll to end

>no warp zone reachable only by doing this
fucking Nintendo

You sure showed him.

>get completely rekt
>resorts to name calling

The game could literally fuck their mom, and they'd still be like "she was so lonely after dad died, thanks Mario"

What else is there to say? If he can't understand the difference between an exploit and an intended secret then he's just plain stupid.

Same to you retard. Read above. Also, don't try to get smart and mention the fusion sequence break acknowledgement or the speed highway skip. It's nice when devs recognize those kinds of exploits, but it doesn't change what it is, an exploit of the mechanics to skip the intended path.

You are kind of right. That level does look pretty boring and plain, especially compared to something like hat kid's adventures in space.

how many A presses was that?

Thats a pretty large extrapolation there bud

What's this shiny?

Coin? Light? Peach?



Wow such spooky for me!
Deepest lore?
Could it be Sans from Undertale? Is it Satan?
Wow, Nintendo is so based!

>That reflection in the tv

It isn't an exploit, there's a coin to the very left of the screen on the wall.

>mario is so fun, the players literally skip half of it

If dev acknowledges a certain way of playing game, it's automatically "intended path". I mean sure, people like you only understand when it's just one straight line without turns, but that's not true, sorry.

The Mario shitposting leading up to the release of this game has been both insanely cancerous and fucking hilarious

idk which side to take

help me

Just say everyone who doesn't suck Nintendo's dick is a refugee from neogaf, it's pointless to argue with them
Call it sonygaf for extra meme points

>not shitposting on both sides

Fuck off you retarded cunt

Why would you put effort into the levels when the retards playing it just want to climb up the walls and warp to then end? My bet is the majority of them look up the shortcuts and then don't even see whole segments of the game.

Fuck you.

>implying mario wouldn't be proud of his daughter winning goty

That is cute

Nigger, it's literally just the Tanuki suit from 3D land. Shit is super easy.

have a high res version!

Thanks friend.

Mario looks disgusted

you sure?
Being bad at reading emotions might put you on the autism scale

I can see why he thinks that because the perspective kind of makes it look like mario has one eyebrow raised, giving him an incredulous look
that's not how it's supposed to be though

oh also he's like slightly leaning back and has his front arm raised up in basically a defensive manner which would definitely indicate physical repulsion from the situation

I waited 4 years for THIS?

>can bounce of the cap multiple times instead of just once
it's shit

>ew, don't touch me filthly indie peasan- I mean, sure kid, good job

More flashy speedrunning

What are you talking about, son?


How much do you have to shake your arms to do all of this?

there's a hidden item on the wall, watch the webm again.

>and the entire level is invalidated by it.
dude that's like a 2 minute section from a level, and you can see there's a reward for getting on the wall as well. I also doubt someone new to the game playing that level for the first time would think to do that.

it's a moon, proving you're supposed to be able to go up there

Exactly what part of being a mexican makes your top fly and lets you climb over walls?

>degenerate anime poster being retarded meme

>welcome to warp zone

>she is cuter than you mario
>I know

There is a secret up there so its clearly intentional.