Dragon Ball FighterZ

Raditz and Bardock edition


you mean raditz and turles the true saiyan warriors

In the beginning it seemed like it was a Fighting game with a DBZ skin, but now it feels like a DBZ game with a fighting style.
This means we're getting a decent number of characters. They are covering all arcs, they've said it before and Nappa/Ginyu help confirm it. The next characters are guaranteed:
-Adult Gohan
-Kid Buu
-Goku Black

The following characters are very likely:
-Kid Goku
-SS4 Gogeta
-Omega Shenron

you forgot dabura they confirmed minor villains to be playable

Swap Raditz & Dabura out with Roshi & Android 21 and you'll probably have what the actual roster will be.

the roster right now is the same as the butoden with a few changes like ssb vegeta and goku instead of god

>-SS4 Gogeta
>-Omega Shenron

never ever

>Yamamuro DBS style
Please stop. Hire the guy who worked on episode 110 of DBS. He can actually draw DBZ art. Yamamuro is fucking garbage and this poster art for Fighterz looks fucking terrible because of it. I actually don't even know if this is official game art or if it's a fan collage of DBKai images from the Toei websites.

Bring back good art.

you forgot Raditz, Dabura and Vegito

ssb vegito

Why couldn't we have just gotten that over SSB Goku & SSB Vegeta?

because of butoden

>Four Gohans
No thanks user.

Butoden don't even have Vegito, what's your point?

what im trying to say is the rooster is becoming just like butoden's and i dont like it i kinda want raditz and broly is gonna be in every dragon ball game no matter what but everything else just sucks

Which enemy in DBZ had the biggest power level advantage when they were introduced? In relative terms of course.

I want Cauli, Hit, Kid Buu, Broly/Kale, Master Roshi and C17!

The only actually strange adds Budoten had were four seperate Gohans. People here keep sperging out over Nappa and Ginyu despite them being mainstays in DB video games (both of them were in Budokai 1, before Gotenks or even Majin Buu were added. They were both in BT1 too before many other characters Sup Forums insists are more important)

The only actually "strange" adds DBFZ has so far is SSB Vegeta and folding 18 & 17 together into one character.

Realistically, what type of playstyle/moveset would Ultimate Gohan even have? I really can't remember him having any unique moves or any moves at all besides the Kamehameha.

Teen Gohan got away with it by having his small stature lend itself to a unique playstyle that didn't rely on his signature moves. But with Ultimate Gohan will probably either be a tweaked Goku or like Teen Gohan but with larger hitboxes and better range on his normals and a regular Super Kamehameha instead.

I fully expect him to get in, but I'm at a loss as to how ArcSys will be able to make him interesting. Also I doubt he'll get in, but I'm hoping that F.Gohan will get in somehow. I feel like he's got alot of moveset potential and is a better choice than U.Gohan.

what about 3 goku's and vegeta's
they said no 17 kale and cauli have no moves

Freeza, without a doubt.

why don't they just combine teen Gohan, Saiyanman, and future Gohan moveset into Ultimate Gohan?

>t now it feels like a DBZ game with a fighting style.
So what you mean to say is it is a DBZ fighting game. A real shock to everyone

>This means we're getting a decent number of characters.
>Get told every thread that making characters in the Xrd style is a lot of work and takes a while
when will they learn

Will DBFZ finally get an African-American representative?

Caulifla is for _____ ?

>good art
The linework is technically high quality, but there's less thought put into the layout than even the DBS poster (which is obviously a collage of character art, you're right). The UB22 cover is just a generic standing pose of Goku laid over two large profile shots, also of Goku, placed side by side.
There's literally a big fucking seam on their hair where they didn't even bother to cover up the fact that it's two separate images lazily pasted together.

>when will they learn

Never. Rosterfags are completely incapable of tempering their expectations. This happens with every single fighting game prior to release, there's always mother fuckers holding out hope for unlikely shit.

A bunch of people only thought we'd get the most important character with an actual moveset. ie: no yamcha, nappa, ginyu, or 16. The current roster practically confirms we're getting everyone who had a resemblance of importance and has a defined or suggested moveset. So a minor villain like Dabura, GT characters, maybe a filler character, DB characters, and movies characters all have a good possibility now that many people are out of the "16-20 characters max" stage.

No one is asking for appule, solo 17 and guildo, baby vegeta, babidi, cooler's squad, and irrelevant trash. You're stupid for even taking that from my post.

Give to me all of your Blanco.

Token female saiyan

>everyone who had a resemblance of importance
or just characters people liked, so not Omega Shenron.

>So a minor villain like Dabura, GT characters, maybe a filler character
> irrelevant trash
yeah pretty much

The salt will be glorious when he gets announced.

Glad you like my roster enough, OP.

People have been saying the max will be around 24 for ages and I still see nothing that goes against that prediction. The 17 confirmed fighters plus the obvious locks that are Gotenks, Kid Buu, adult Gihan and Beerus leave us with probably three spots left, maybe a couple more if we're lucky. And considering how much this seems to be pulling from EB those last three are probably Raditz, Bardock and Broly. I'd love it if we got Dabura or Roshi or Janemba but I just do not see it happening in the base game. I mean shit GGXrd launched in arcades with only like 15 characters. I know Bamco money must be helping them out but we really shouldn't be expecting to get anywhere near the thirties before DLC comes in to the equation.

I get that you're saying the piece has simple composition. However one actually looks like DBZ and is impressive by those standards, the other looks like DBS and looks fanmade.

Best part is they are all looking random directions and shooting ki. The only decent part of the image is the top half(16/21) blending into the bottom with Goku doing a pose. Every other character is randomly edited in like most DB covers do. That's poor composition which is worse than simple/generic composition. At least they tried though.

>A rooster without Jaco

Dabura could go either way. I mean, moveset-wise, he delivers. He could bring a unique fighting gimmick to the table.


Dabura is guaranteed.

not in base game gtaco

He's certainly interesting in terms of visuals and unique abilities but for whatever reason he just doesn't seem to be that popular. I mean shit it took him this long to make it in to XV2 and his sister is the main antagonist. People in these threads like to shit on the henchmen for whatever reason but characters like Nappa, Ginyu, etc. are still pretty popular as far as non-main cast characters go because of how iconic they and their arcs were. Dabura sadly got shafted hard in the Buu arc and didn't really get to do much before getting killed off.

The fact he was killed too soon and the fact he doesn't do much in the Manga are the two main reasons for dabura being unpopular. I don't even think he throws a punch in the manga.

Projectboss is that you?

Yeah, it's the most realistic roster I've seen

>Where's Hit and Goku Black?
>They will be DLC :^)
>Shitty phone game with no characters, not buying this trash. When does Budokai 4 come out?
Reminder that Bamco knows this and that's why Hit and Black will be in the base game.

Hit, Black/Zamasu and Vegito is one possible option instead of Raditz, Bardock and Broly but then people would want that characters instead

The only reason I'd say Dabura has a chance is no one would buy him as DLC.

The roster already has enough to make everyone but a few superfags happy, so slipping in a couple meh picks and then a season pass with Broly makes sense

>instead of
What do you mean? ALL of those characters are guaranteed aside from Raditz and maybe Vegito.

Leave it to me

Raditz going to pair up with Bardock if they gonna reveal it so is Vegito and Black/Zamasu
it's either one of the choices

I always liked Raditz, but not to your level. What makes him appeal to you?

I'm not
I'm just trying to be realistic
every fighting DBZ games have him, Bardock and Broly
so is Extreme Butoden which is ArcSys previous DBZ game
and they always reveal two characters in pair
Bardock reveal alongside Raditz make sense following the Ginyu and Nappa reveal

Are you ready for her to go beyond god? Since every u6 saiyan is obviously getting a power up.

Something like this?

I loved this game. Had some great Megadrive music

Repopulating the Saiyan race.

They do the next reveal.
Its Saiyan Saga Vegeta and Goku

My favorite.

Followed by Kid Goku and Kid Vegeta

There's no fusion in the game currently and you can't have a dbz game without fusion so Gotenks is confirmed beyond all doubt.

Just to troll everyone the playable character is Goten with Trunks assist who has a special where they fuse and attack before defusing.

loldude, we get you like Raditz. You don't have to hide it.

I'd rather get SSB Vegito or SS4 Gogeta along with Omega Shenron, Jiren (and Pride Trooper), Janemba, Hit, and Black/Zamasu
but you know it's not going to happen

>he thinks we're not getting Gogeta and Shenron

no we will get them but as dlc when the playerbase drops by a good chunk

Wasn't there an interview or statement where they said something about potential characters being related to android arc storyline? Or was I just imagining it?

If Janemba is revealed I can't imagine him being in the game without SS Gogeta, however Gogeta's moveset would be entirely based on the past video games(which would be a good thing actually). However I still think it's unlikely.

If they both get in I'll blow a load tho.

I would be fucking livid if something like this happened


>Bardock is revealed
>he's SS

Can we get Saiyaman? Just fold the sole two memorable attacks Mystic Gohan has into his moveset.

>two memorable attacks Mystic Gohan has
The deep gut punch and the backhand?

I'm all for Saiyaman over adult Gohan any day. He adds so much more flair to the game.

Course I also think Satan is a good pick so take it how you will.

I would rather have Future Gohan but Saiyaman isn't a bad choice.

Add Videl's fish transformation to the roster!

Will he get in?

Saiyaman without his helm seems like the best compromise desu.

>deep gut punch

Was that a Mystic Gohan thing as well? I can't remember.

Post your team

Teen Gohan, Piccolo, 18



nearly similar to mine
but I choose 16 instead of 18

Videl was so cute in the Saiyaman #2 outfit, especially when she exposes that short hair in Hirudegarn.

I'm thinking Krillin, Nappa, Frieza

Best compromise make Great Saiyaman 12 playable.

That's good too. I'd even consider Krillin as the third character.

saiyaman has no moves he is exactly the same as adult gohan but less

Reminder Bardock is a shitty recolor who got raped by Dodoria

Dodoria is shit and ugly Zarbon is good looking and great

Well this is a fusion of Saiyaman 1 and 2 so it's gohan but also Videl so that's at least another half a girl character.

Alternatively we could add Satan-man


We getting Evolution costume for Goku?

At least Saiyaman is visually interesting. And he can add Sentai flair to his moves and specials. If it has to be regular Gohan I hope it's not one that dresses similarly to Goku. Maybe Kai outfit or the track suit.

Dodoria is shit, that's the point. The point is Bardock is lower than shit.

wait, are we going to get base Goku and base Vegeta since we don't get spirit bomb and galick gun

I've found myself very attached to Turles lately as well. Especially now that Goku black exists he's like a lame proto-evil Goku and the right amount of irrelevance I can get behind.

>m-muh edgy kill everyone and become immortal
Reminder that people only think Vegeta was good because of Namek and the fact he's canon. Turles was a better villain in every right.

but why add the version of gohan with less moves or if you want a gohan with less moves but better looking future gohan with one arm

We will never get Future Gohan with one arm. Japanese rating system doesn't allow it.