Why does Sup Forums hate BOTW?

Why does Sup Forums hate BOTW?

While I have to agree Sup Forums is just being contrarian as usual, when posting in Sup Forums youself that argument is invalid.

Because it's not MUH OCARINA

Just standard nostalgiafaggotry

I hate it because the durability system invalidates the thrill of finding a cool weapon.

it's popular
that alone denies any objective discussion

If durability didn't exist, as soon as you found a good weapon, you would never need to find anything else.

Having new gear be worthless due to redundancy is certainly less thrilling than finding something you can at least use.

I loved BotW until I got to the first dungeon.
What a fucking let-down.

Why does NintendoGAF always deflects to Sony?

Because the Xbox fan base this generation is non-existent

because it's made by nintendo and it got great metacritic scores
same shitposting botw got is happening again for odyssey

Because it's the end of my favorite vidya series.

Diff user but, that's because they designed the entire system around weapon durability, which is hit or miss for some. They could have just as easily gone with a more traditional system where unique/rare weapons are well, rare and created challenging content around having a set of decent gear. As it stands, 40+ weapons are ridiculously easy to find after a certain point and makes every piece of content ridiculously easy. I haven't done the challenge DLC, so that could be different.

Some love it and some dislike it, I fall into the second camp. Besides that, the combat just isn't that good.

How fucking autistic do you have to be to make a comic like this? jesus

So, there are only Nintendo fans and Sony fans, according to NintendoGAF?

Because it's slightly polarizing, but on Sup Forums people who dislike thing are likely to be much more vocal than people who like thing

This but unironically

I didn't like it.

>bland open world with very little interesting things except for 100 shrines
>those 100 shrines are very easy, samey and boring most of the time
>weapon durability is not an issue for me, but when spending 20 minutes to climb a huge fucking wall and glide to a fucking shrine just to come to a combat challenge that I can beat by avoiding at the right time and parrying, but all my weapons break, well that's just shit
>disappointingly short actual dungeons
>not many boss fights (they are actually decent except last one) that are very similar visually
>fetch quests, crafting, climbing towers and all the other modern open world shit
>climbing everything is not really fun - I'm just holding forward and resting somewhere when my stamina goes out. It's the most basic climbing and Link is so fucking slow doing it.
>armour values and food inventory break the game
>not much enemy variety

I mean, it has some good stuff. It still has some Zelda charm, some interesting stuff to find. But everything is spaced so far apart that it's just baffling how Zelda can get away with it. Most of the time I was just doing shrines that are placed one next to eachother. It's a good stepping stone I guess, but felt like a very unpolished, rushed game.

Because it's babby's first open world meets Zelda. By all accounts aggressive as fuck weapon degradation is a massive strike against the game all on its own.

Yes. PC "gamers" don't actually play anything, they just complain about benchmarks

I dont hate it its a solid 7/10 game. People who figuratively worship nintendo annoy me and its fun to poke them into an autistic rage

If weapon degradation is "aggressive as fuck" then how does that guy have a full inventory?

Checkmate atheists

My complaints can be summarized as follows:
the narrow river flows more vigorously.

Sony drones

Ah, true, but it's the glorious return of mine!

When the next zelda game is announced, then we can talk about BOTW all day and the amazing women it gave us.

You make several poor assumptions and are outright wrong in other areas.

>as soon as you found a good weapon you would never need to find anything else
Progression is a thing. What seems like a good thing early in the game may be less useful later. In a tabletop RPG you can find a sword that gives you a small bit of elemental damage or some shit and it outclasses the gay kobolds you're up against but it's certainly not xXGodraperXx that you can get at level 20. You could go pretty much anywhere in Morrowind and get god tier gear if you wanted but you had to be strong or skilled enough to get through the dangers of that area. That's something that BotW doesn't have - Lynels are the only really "fuck you" tier enemies.

Secondly, the implication that sidegrades aren't a thing. I really liked the crazy elemental weapons you could find. They broke pretty much fucking instantly, though, so I had to save them for situations where I thought I would need them. When I eventually realized that there was nothing dangerous enough to warrant that much power, I just kinda stopped caring. That goes back to the enemy design thing. There are only like 7 or 8 enemy types, and most of them are just basic fucking mooks that go down with no trouble.

Breath of the Wild is the greatest example of wasted potential I've ever seen. The world design is 10/10, but there's almost nothing satisfying within it.
>muh shrines
Small puzzles that reuse the same gimmicks for a mediocre reward
>muh koroks
Congrats, you picked up a rock or walked in a circle.
There's no sense of danger. Most enemies are trivial to fight once you have enough of a weapon supply that you don't lose everything by killing them. Give me something to kill. Give me the fucking arena like in TP, give me anything to make collecting any of these stupid gimmick weapons meaningful.

In all fairness, the waifus are top tier.

>don't actually play anything, they just complain
That's all of Sup Forums. Also, got botw running at 30 fps looking better than switch. So playing that after I finish Witcher 3 DLC.

>babby's first open world
What open world does as much as BotW? In terms of environmental interaction, polish, and nonlinearity? People keep saying
>it's nothing special if you've played REAL open world games
but they always make sure not to mention specific games.

>Because it's not MUH OCARINA
every game being ocarina is actually the problem with zelda. botw is the first game to not be ocarina, and they managed to make the worst story in the franchise, and a giant world with nothing in it.

>environmental interaction
I can think of several from before the year 2000.
I clipped out of bounds and climbed on air of a few occasions. This isn't a big deal, but it certainly isn't what I'd call exceptional polish.
I guess. It's more like a tree with one start and one end. I don't know why this is so much better than just being linear.

It has little story. That's all that matters. The quality of the story is irrelevant.

>muh Zelda never had story.
I don't understand this argument. It's in the fucking title: LEGEND of Zelda. It's supposed to be a narrative, not a sandbox.

It's just another bland sandbox.
Obviously mainstream have been eating that shit for a whole generation and love that shit but it's fucking lazy and repetitive.

BotW does enough to justify existing but I'd hardly call it innovative. You still climb towers, repeat the same few activities 5 times before doing the main story mission and moving on.

>The quality of the story is irrelevant.


Because it's another lackluster open world game?

Since I've played more than Nintendo games I'm not amazed by them anymore.

For you. If a Zelda game ever had a narrative, I just clicked right through it. Or I turned the game off if they shoved too much of it in your face. Fuck story in games.

Yeah, I'm sure if you combine the qualities of multiple open world games you can come up with a theoretical chimera game that matches BotW. Congratulations?

I like how you've still refrained from actually naming specific games.

because they spent all their money on their 2 ps4s
while everyone else avoided the meme console and bought the switch

So which open world game is less buggy than zelda? Because it's not anything by rockstar, it's not TW3, it's not just cause, it's not far cry, and it's sure as fuck not anything by Todd.

considering its scale and interactivity, yeah, I'd have to say its polish is pretty noteworthy.

you've gotta be retarded to enjoy any zelda game, never understood why this basic ass """rpg""" with press one button combat is this popular




Fucking stop shitposting faggot

>Sup Forums gets more traffic than gamefaqs
>Sup Forums gets more traffic than neogaf
>Sup Forums gets more traffic than IGN, Gamespot, kotaku, EVERY single game journo site
>Sup Forums gets more traffic than giantbomb
The easy way out when you no longer have arguments is "c-contrarian!!! vocal minority!!!"

What I was saying is that you can't just remove durability, leave the rest of the game as is, and end up with a better product.
The structure of the game is built around the way the durability system works

See, In those tabletop RPGs you mentioned, what you find is at the mercy of the DM.
They can actively give you incremental upgrades as you play regardless of where you travel or how you play.

In a video game, the entire world has to be made before it ships.
As the game is open world, the creators have no idea where the player is going to go first. Even if the highest tier of gear is hidden, someone is going to manage to find it right away. Which makes the fact that you mention Morrowind as a good example of this kind of ridiculous to me.
It has this exact problem. There's multiple locations with unique weapons or dadric/glass armor just sitting out with noting guarding it.
Stumbling across it on the large map is suppose to be the hard part, but it's pure chance if it actually is or not.

The real solution here would be to make it so instead of finding a fixed piece of gear, the game is instead programmed to give you something that's +1 better than what you already have.

Of course distribution of these sorts of progressive upgrades in a world the size of BotW would then become the issue.
They've got a fuck ton of places they want to place some sort of reward, and not necessarily enough possible upgrades, given the current assortment of gear, to spread out among them.

This is best arguement I've seen tbqh

Doesn't feel like a Zelda game.

Everybody on this board is a hostile jackass

Nintendo is hated by sony fanboys and then they created the best game of all time. It was a shitstorm. I don't care about console wars because it's retarded but you have to admit it was pretty funny at launch.

Is that a Metapod?

You just lack the patience required to take in the scenery. That's part of the intended presentation and it's not a new thing in Zelda nor is it going away

Sup Forums would never admit Jim Sterling to be right.

from my experience people WANT to like it more than they actually do, because of muh zelda and some kind of nostalgia, i think. most people i know who's bought it stopped playing after the first week or so, and only 2 actually beat the game.

>make a video stressing facts that is obvious to everyone and their dog or a video where he sits on a fence for the entire duration because he's not sure on the general consensus yet so he could go either way

>good story
Let's not be delusional here.

It seems like a totally fine game in most regards with some design choices being potential sticking points based on personal taste, but overall it's not the Zelda game that I want.

How about making different enemies have different resitances? So even if you find awesome short-sword, when you came across heavily armored enemy, you'd be much better off using hammer with weaker attack power against them, since it bypassed the resistances? That way it'd take quite a while for you to find top-level gear for every situation. It'd be kinda like how armor in the game works, you'd have to keep switching around to adapt.
Having durability on some weapons would be fine, like some ultra strong elemental gear. The staffs could work on same principle as Master Sword, needing a recharge time after certain amount of use.

Open world games are trash and you have to be underage to enjoy them. More than half the game time of open world shit is just walking.

8 hour finely crafted experience >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eating actual shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Open world games where you walk around doing menial repetitive tasks

>Let's not be delusional here.
But that's what a lot of other sites are.

>Map of the internet
Where do people even go online to discuss videogames? I haven't been on a forum since the early 2000s.

>inb4 reddit
I mean discussion, not vague platitudes and neoliberal consumerism.

Weapon durability gets a bad rap, because people think weapons are the ONLY way to deal with enemies.

They are not. BoTW has a MASSIVE option pool for dealing with enemies.

The weapons are supposed to be more like items in Mario Kart; nice little boosts that encourage more aggressive play, but by no means something to be leaned on.

kek, we're hitting levels of delusions only found in mario threads here

>The world design is 10/10, but there's almost nothing satisfying within it.

This is pretty much a universal problem with open world games. Devs waste way too much effort into making a giant world that they don't have the time or resources to actually put stuff in it.

but D:OS2 is goty

BotW is not a bad game by any means, but I only see shills when I look at the bottom image.
>I'm so excited for DLC!

I'm not saying it was a GOOD idea, just the one they very clearly went with

>Hey, with this open-ended progression system necessitating all our weapons be made of tissue paper so there's a sense of progression no matter which direction the player goes, do you think they'll object when they realize this game doesn't give the same emphasis to armed combat as the previous games in the series?
>The player can lob explosive barrels like golf balls at enemies from 50 yards, they'll be fine.

They could have made it so different weapons were good in different situations naturally encouraging you to switch between them. Here the only encouragement to switch them is a bar that when depleted deletes the weapon.
You're forced, and it's not a good system.

Can you tell me of ways to deal with enemies that don't involve a weapon in some form, given that they are a little bonus and not the focus?

Were you not here during the week it launched, everybody loved it. The contrarians always come out after the fact, it's practically a rule. For anything that gets love, must also get an equal amount of hate.

BOTW is a barely above mediocre game that peaks at the plateau and is full of lazy copy pasta.
A hundred+ weapons but they all have either the 1 handed or 2 handed moveset plus spears.

You have an infinite supply of bombs
Lightning in a storm
Water, lots of enemies can't swim
Stasis-ing them, or stasis-ing projectiles at them
Avoiding them entirely
Running them over with your horse
Getting them to attack each-other
Finding non-violent solutions, like sneaking onto a Hynox's hand while he's asleep to grab what's around his neck
Distracting enemies with food

Open world games are really boring and BotW is no exception. No one except NEETs wants to spend half an hour walking through pointless grass in between gameplay segments, and the gameplay you experience at the destination isn't even fun because the combat in most open world games is so shit (particularly so in the case of BotW).

If you enjoy open world games, I can see why you'd like BotW. But only retarded NEETs enjoy walking simulators so their opinions don't carry much weight.

>They could have made it so different weapons were good in different situations naturally encouraging you to switch between them.

Oh so, like have it so only one weapon type give you access to your shield and parries
Or one weapon types that's weaker per hit gives you extra range and speed
Or one weapon type that's slow and leave you open but does the highest damage output.

Oh what, that's exactly how the weapon types in the game are designed already

But the plateau is the worst

A big problem with BotW is that there is no real progression post Plateau. You get all your tools there, outside of Champion blessings, which outside of the gust of wind are not that significant. It's a necessity, given how you can just go anywhere, but there's no real change to how you solve problems, and this makes everything post Plateau be repetition upon repetition.

>there is no real progression post Plateau.

Try killing Ganon immediately after leaving the plateau and compare that experience to killing him after completing all the divine beasts.
It might just be a raw numbers style of progression, but it's there.

The movesets are not deep enough to warrant a need for one or the other outside of personal preference. The enemies are also extremely basic, which makes it so that you don't really need to choose, quick liked, slow swings, they're always going to work against any enemy without much of a problem.

And flurry rush automatically makes it so that any fight can develop in the same way.

That's because you're genuinely braindead. There's a bit of progression in your armour and hearts and stamina, but most progression comes from YOU.
You learn where all the Talluses are, you learn how to take down a lynel with just a few arrows, you learn where you can find all the important and strong weapons, you learn where the best ingredients grow, you learn how climb during the rain. None of that 'OH I JUST PUT THREE POINTS IN MY MOUNTAINEERING TALENT TREE I CAN CLIMB WET WALLS NOW!" bullshit from other games. You actually master the wilds through exploration and experimentation.
Of course if you're an idiot you will remain the same amnesiac Link who knows nothing about the world and brute forces his way through everything.

>Good game comes out
>Actual enjoyment gets drowned out by fanboys that ignore real criticism
>People start to hate the game because they have to deal with this
Nintenbros have nobody to blame but themselves

>everyone else likes it so you should too!

>Sup Forums gets more traffic than pornhub
>still gay as fuck

>progression is knowing where things are
Are you serious, sperg?

because neogaf closed down

Sup Forums hates all vidya games. It's just in it's nature.