The DLC is better than the main game to the point where the main game is pointless

>The DLC is better than the main game to the point where the main game is pointless

Dark Souls 2.

Dragon's Dogma

Mario Kart 8

Tiny Tina's Dragon Keep Expansion Pack

DA Inquisition

Blood Dragon

>The DLC is a huge difficulty spike that makes you question if you were ever actually good at the game

W3 TFT and D2 ToB, but those were proper expansions, not some modern gay dlc shit

Fallout 3: point Lookout

Sam is so much better than Raiden, I can't go back.

Pretty bad examples since the main games were just as awesome.

the expansions were so good, that the base game became pointless. as was in op question

Command and Conquer Generals
The Sims
DA Inquisition

Dragonfall. Base game was so pointless they eventually just made Dragonfall stand alone.

this. its maddening. they should have just made sam playable in the main game


exactly what I was talking about ahahah

What about the opposite? DLC so awful the base game looks better because of it.

fallout 3

Still easier than some of the end-game chalice dungeon content. But the main game is laughably easy

Every Assassin's Creed?

Oblivion. Seriously, go reinstall it and shivering isles and go straight there. you don't need the rumor, just head to where you know the door is and forget everything about that plain wolf filled wastleland outside.

Dragons Dogma

Mass Effect
New Vegas
COD Zombies

Shadowrun Returns
nah, but it was good though.
Mr. Torgue's DLC is my favorite.


Are you stupid? Perseus Mandate was excellent to the point of being better than the base game.

Pokemon GSC

>Cod zombies dlc

some nigger never played ascension or gorod krovi

Xcom and Xcom2

Witcher 3
Dark Souls 3
Star Wars Battlefront I

common spawning dogs absolutely ruin all the fun

Witcher 3

Almost every dlc, its fresh and better adjusted.

All the total war warhammer dlc blew the absolute motherfuck out of the base factions

what about this?


Weirdly enough, the only FNV DLC I remember liking was Dead Money.
Maybe I should replay all of them one day.

oh gee, I wonder who might be behind this post
>if you truly want to enjoy our game buy all of our DLC, all 607 copies of it


A pretty good lot of MH3U dlc's quests could fit this description.

moon is a horrible map, some really cool gimmicks and ideas just absolutely ruined by everything put together

I never played ascension at launch, is it worth $15 in 2017?

dead money is the best one hands down

I'm the biggest BL2 cuck there is and even I know Torgue is the shittiest DLC. You probably only got to the opening scene in the DLC before deciding it was your favorite, faggot.

Civ games since IV
>posting from bizzaro Sup Forums

as of now, probably not, but if you have the game and a 360/ps4, I think you'll have a good amount of people queuing for a game.

My countryman of African decent

>saying the game was a shitty jewish scheme is now shilling
what the fuck is wrong with Sup Forums lol


Good example.
I never did end up seeing what the other expansion I forget the name of was like.

Walked right into this for the first time at NG+3 and absolutely stomped him at SL 100, Ludwig on the other hand beat me 15 or so times.

you don't know how to parry?

But Sam is just "taunt, then do a charged B move, enemy is now blue, i.e: choppable". God forbid you play on reveangeance because now you have a one-hit-kill parry as well.

Neverwinter Nights. Literally every bonus campaign is better than the main game.

>It's all DLC, there is no main game

>COD Zombies
Moon, Origins, and ZnS say hi.

what is GTA IV

I'm still too retarded to solo g-rank alatreon, lucent narga and abyssal lagiacrus, no ranged weapons because I'm not a pussy.


>DLC rats harder than any enemy in vanilla

>seething brainlets triggered over this truth post
yeah man i agree, GTA IV is piss poor and mediocre

I just played SoU for the first time last week and you're absolutely right.

The scarlet dlc is better imo

>harder than several bosses too

Is The Old Hunters any good?

Wrath of the Lamb, sadly the same can’t be said of Afterbirth/+

It's the best part of the game imo

I did the GOTY edition and did TOH before completing the main game (several optional areas + the nightmare of Mensis) and getting back to the main game felt like a big letdown.

What are all modern games, alex