what is the best turn based RPG available on the market right now?
What is the best turn based RPG available on the market right now?
>Poster uses an acronym that people won't know
It looks like Caliberetto shrunk.
Divinity Original Sin 2, you clueless fuck
Your pic or Darkest Dungeon
OP here, what's so reddit about DOS2? or are you just gonna call it that cause you dont like it
The writing is full of reddit jokes
Your mom is full of my semen
>machines can bleed
>the writing
so that's it? really?
Yes, it's atrocious and annoying in the way PoE writing is verbose and uninteresting. While Battle Chasers' story is cringy weeb shit, at least it can be easily ignored.
How old were you guys when you got over the 'reddit' memes? I assume most people who still greentext the word reddit havent hit 18 yet, which means they shouldnt even be posting here
yeah, but is the game good?
If a reason for a game being bad ever involves the word reddit, its a good indication the game is actually good and you're just talking to one of the many autists who frequent Sup Forums
eh, it's more of a comparison, most people that use the term don't really know what the term means
>reddit isn't so bad haha
t. part-time redditors
>not checking r/gamerghazi at least once a day
stay ignorant
The gameplay is good.
reddit shitter go back
No I'll keep browsing Sup Forums and reddit and there's nothing you can do about it.
>this is what nu-Sup Forums considers to be le epic bait lel
DOS2 is probably the best, but Battle Chasers is fun too. You can't go wrong.
What counts as a reddit joke?
You did reply to it though
any other or are turn based RPGs dead?
I just bought Hellenica and Children of Zodiarcs. didn't play them yet but maybe they're good idk
Fire emblem games are p cool.
And also Dungeons of the endless
>Battle Chasers Vidya
wasn't this comic discontinued because the artist was a lazy cunt?
Does Red Monika still have big hooters?
yes and yes
Every line of dialogue is some whimsical bullshit.
Battle Brothers
Darkest Dungeon
Yes. And pointed out how nu-Sup Forums it is. Anything else?
Any humor that is well received and not ironic.
Not battlechaser
This seems like the appropriate thread to ask, how do i git gud at xcom 2? it's really hard.
xenonauts 2 nigger
when it finally comes out
>be lucky
Does she still have the plot as well?
Tactics layer:
>fighting pods one at a time is the most important thing. so always take a phantom ranger and don't reveal them for as long as possible, move the furthest soldier first, don't gold move into fog of war if you aren't in stealth
>once you activate a pod you have to kill it on that turn, don't let anything shoot at you
>if you have to let something live let it be a sectoid, they almost always waste their turn doing psi shit
>aggression is always better than defense
>grenadiers are op
Strategy layer
>Prioritize getting engineers, scientists, expanding, in that order
>Try to get mag weapons asap
>build gts first, then if you have the expansion build a resistance ring
>use the wiki to look up the tech tree
How far have you gotten and how much do you know already
Iv'e only played the first one can't speak for the second one but the "humor" is really off putting. I just trudge through the text it's like verbal vomit, the mushrooms in the second area gave me an headache.
savescum if you miss that 99% shoot
What's the release window on that?
Iv;e played and beat the first one on hard years ago so i know the basics but the changed it so it's harder. I can't get any of my troopers past level one because they always die 2-3 missions in, i'm getting missions done with objectives complete but i lose 1-2 guys in the process. and some things irk me like the sniper, it was the best class in one and carried me through my game but now they're best shot is usually 60% no matter the range, you can't flank with them and their worst shot is like 30%. Almost all half cover shots are 50% and that feels like a big change, flanking sets your guys up to die, overwatch always misses besides ambushes and timed missions make you go sonic speeds right into traps. It's just really hard.
More like RehashCOM 2, what a piece of shit. The ending left a really bad taste in my mouth.
What's bad about more of a good formula? You don't shit on megaman fans for liking the same game like 12 times.
>to be announced
no idea, i think late this year but havent been keeping track of dev diary; if it has one
Yeah you do have a re-learn a few things moving on from the first game. Basically you never want to get into a firefight in this one, since enemies got buffed and there's a new wound system that means you want to avoid all damage if possible. You have to try and wipe pods on the turn you activate them.
First of all that means you shouldn't be taking shots at enemies in cover if you can help it, instead either flank or destroy cover with grenades. High ground advantage is really important as it was in the first game, so you always want to get your sniper on a rooftop asap every mission. If you can't kill everything in 1 turn then try and prioritize targets - letting a trooper live might be fine since they usually fall back and overwatch if they're the last survivor in their squad, and if a sectoid doesn't have a flank shot it'll use some psi ability that doesn't hurt you until the next turn. To make the turn timers easier, take a specialist and use them to hack the objective from range if it's possible. Remember that you can call an evac at any time. Sharpshooters are still OP in this but I like them for their gunslinger abilities more
As far as the strategy layer goes since you've played the first game you'll know that getting the squad size upgrades are important. So pick one soldier that you want to level asap and get the GTS building first. Once you get the squad size upgrade you'll probably want to take double grenadier. You want to pick up engineers and scientists above all else. Expanding to new regions isn't a huge priority unless you are playing on legend.
But I do shit on Nintendo games and other kiddie rehashes.
I might be more lenient towards XCOM 2 if didn't have a shitload of bugs even 1.5 years after its initial release and all the retarded DLC (haven't bought WOTC though).
What's wrong with the ending?
>Avatar Project is some faggy Songoku character
>"""""""boss battle""""""" is fighting three of them while you're being swarmed by trash mobs
wait a fucking second DOS2 is turn-based??
Yeah, it works like XCOM
Are you confused as to why the sequel to Original Sin, with specific gameplay, is exactly the same?
shit this whole time I thought it was diablo-style hack-n-slash, this is huge
i didn't play the original
i am downloading it now after hearing this
>I thought it was diablo-style hack-n-slash
Why would you think that?
That game has potential but is NOT worth 30 dollars. I read the comic in preperation though and it was pretty good, didn't stop me from refunding the game though.
>didn't stop me from refunding the game though
why? I'm curios as to what you didn't like about it
Why do you buy games on Steam? I got a key for $18
I just saw the isometric angle, heard co-op, and immediately made the assumption
seriously, this has increased my interest in it 10-fold
Animations are nice but get repeptitive REAL quick, massive rumble on every tiny hit don't help
The world map sucks, looks like an afterthought
Combat seemed potentially interesting, but not interesting enough to slog through
Story seemed more like an excuse for gameplay, and less like a motivating force