Oh shit you've done it now

Memes aside all are welcome into Christ's kingdom.

Stop posting things i don't like goy or you're gonna get banned.

polan wuz black, y'all rayciss crackas

got the mods on the fucking site have gotten super triggered nowadays.
hey fuckheads. we wouldn´t have to talk about "social justice nonsense" if losers like you would stop pushing radical left wing politics into gaming

That's not kosher user. We have to welcome our neofag brothers and help them fight the toxic board culture, just as the antiGG reddit phone posters before them.
Be sure to call oldfags Sup Forums and revise the sites history to be more sjw and neolib friendly.


>t. uncomfortably brown slav



>its a Sup Forums mods crack down episode
do they not know what site this is?

also why is civ 6 so unfun, even compared to 5 which I've heard is really bad?

Noooo!!!! REEEEEEEEEEE! Don't you see you're just as bad? If someone sets your house on fire and you put it out with water, you are doing damage to the structure too!


>stop talking about a game's or game industries' financial success/failure, go to /biz/!!



>Stop talking about video game console specs, this belongs in Sup Forums

Can you play as Albero?

Can hiroshimoot gas these faggot leftover jannies from cucked luggage lad's antiGG tatrum already?

The reason they hate all neoga talk is because that's where they're from.

Keep memeing, but be careful when you go out :)

>discussion of digital cars in video ganes doesn't belong on Sup Forums, please take it to /o/

Gas yourself kike

>ITT: Sup Forumstards triggered by a sticky

>Another pussy with a surprise advantage still manages to do nothing
Killing you commies is going to be the best time. Five bucks says I finish my ear necklace the first weekend.

>stop making threads about videogame music ffs

remember to report Sup Forums threads and Sup Forums posts
this board is for VIDEO GAMES

Hey neogaf. How are you enjoying your stay so far? I've been here since 2006, and been on Sup Forums maybe thrice. And I can definitively say you are a massive unwelcome faggot.

>neofag refugees

Make me, oh wait you are too weak to do so haha

Gasing the jews is Sup Forums related because video games would then be good again


>literally lelddit
hey eredito, stop making posts not about videogames


>getting triggered by WE
Holy fuck


You should go back to neog... oh wait XD

Did you see the new sticky sweety? You Sup Forumstards aren't welcome here anymore.

>stop discussing things, this is a video game board

Oh no no no



this picture will always make me mad

lol source?


whoa buddy, i thought you were only interested in game discussion, are you, the people who whine about Sup Forums dare i say it, just as bad as Sup Forums?


>Thinking we care about commies


>I want to live in a leftist hugbox


>we are not triggered
>lets shitpost even harder to show them that THEY are triggered not us
Uhm... ok?

Post a picture of yourself. I'd love to fuck up little low-t neofags like you

Janitors have been Tumblr cucks since 2014. We're used to it now. Been here ten years. Not leaving for those faggots, not leaving for you faggots.

We won Sup Forums, get over it.


So do jews actually get taught that the holocaust was a hoax? Its only retarded boomers that still believe it right?

But Nazi's gave the jews hell, aren't we forgetting that? that was a gud thing.

Oh sweetie
Worked here too right?


N *clap* E *clap* O *clap* G *clap* A *clap* F

>mfw Sup Forums is (much) more cucked than an average yt comment section these days
wtf happened

>That moment where her entire head warps around his fist
Kino as fuck.

>tfw no gf


>ITT: "MUH NEOGAF" vs "MUH Sup Forums" shitflinging

I never thought I would actually miss the 2011 and 2012 days when Sup Forums was "Sup Forums 2.0", but even the pizza tipping and Rustled Jimmies shitposting was better than this.

Cool, how about that pic? Or you gonna keep redirecting to niggers sucker punching?

This happened.

>If you kill your enemy, you lose
I mean, I guess you did by that logic.



Shills got BTFO on Sup Forums and are trying their shit on other boards

GG and the fappening, and later the election, brought in oodles of frothing mad butthurt neolibs to fix our "toxic board culture."


You know what's funny is that this whole mess just made me think more people are going to get indoctrinated by Sup Forums and create more "Sup Forums' on other boards. The people who staunchly oppose the board are actually only doing themselves a disservice by pushing people there, while pissed, and having a common enemy.

Sup Forumstards, furries and weebs shitting up the boards as usual, though Sup Forumstards seem to be the loudest lately.


I reported this thread
