Fuck you. Buy the game.
Fuck you. Buy the game
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why does he look like he's about to cry?
too many soylents and not enough exercise
What the fuck is up with that accent?
is the only way to make nowadays on youtube by doing just docu-essay videos? I don't enjoy people rambling
also shoulda been free to play, its not like cliff needs the money, float some cash take a punt and monetise the shit out of it
He has the one thing most free to play games dont have which is an established reputation
Its not just another arena/moba/action rts/competitive fps/hobby grade thing from somewhere by somebody, its the gears of wars guy
Its probably good, there'd prob a thread on /vg/, there'd be people playing it, ah well
Look at his girlfriend.
Wouldn´t you cry?
Looks like a perfect numale girlfriend.
Are those things on the background shopped? no fucknigway.
This never used to be an issue until tumblr, reddit and neogaf got here. We used to all pirate and not give a fuck.
Now it's seen as some against the system bullshit.
This isn't even a piracy thread you dense fuck
I swear this guy's putting on the accent to be oh-so-quirky.
I've been up and down the length of Britain and never heard anything so shit.
Nice thumbnail, fag
Guys, Battlebreakers is not that bad. Lots of games are made by shitty people, that doesn't mean they aren't good. The game had a lot of unique mechanics that should really be explored more, but will be ignored because "muh cuck shirt XD". It's sad, really
what the FUCK
please no
i'd fuck her,
damn.. i'd fuck her if she was dead.
Jesus, are they working with Randy now?
>not even underwater
For what purpose?Why??
>capture the flag
>except the flag is the most annoying thing in existance
>Guys, Battlebreakers is not that bad.
>ignored because "muh cuck shirt XD".
Thats where you're wrong, kiddo. Cliffy does not have that much of an influence. In fact nobody really gives a crap whether Cliffy was involved in the game or not.
The game failed because the game itself was fundamentally uninteresting. The marketing was bad, the art was bad, the concept was bad. People weren't interested enough to buy the game d1, and a failed release means doom as no matter how good the game might be people will simply not pay 30 dollars for a dead game.
I kind of want to think it's some kind of social experiment to see if people will put up with it for the sake of winning, but at the same time I'm pretty sure they meant for this to be "cool and hip"
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea
A new game mode for all 10 players!
t. top 10 lawbreakers player
the games a shit hitscan fest and is not that great gameplay wise.
>we LITERALLY want the Rick and Morty audience
I’m not even touching this of it goes F2P. Quake Champions has the worst connection of any Quake game and it’s still leagues above this trash.
is he the video games forum guy?
lawbreakers is the thinking man's game
>it's not even underwater
What exactly was this video supposed to accomplish?
Hey idiot
This isn't about piracy retard
It's about how nobody's playing this piece of rancid garbage in general and they need shills to defend it
Literally Borderlands 2 *holds up spork*-tier annoying.
>there are as many ranks in the game for ranked matchmaking as there are players playing the game
Where are they shooting themselves now? Their foot is long gone.
The balls.
>Literally Meme and Morty voiceacting
I hope this game fails.
I thought they lost those long before they had feet
This surpassed Mighty No. 9's Masterclass trailer in wanton stupidity by a landslide in the first few seconds.
I am actually fucking impressed.
This is a parody, right?
>ball is fucking annoying
>people will actually want to throw it to others and score now
That's fucking genius
>worse promo material than Mighty No. 9
>playerbase tanked faster than Battleborn
Cliffy B. is on a fucking roll.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who recognized the voice actor. That would have been so awkward.
The gameplay looks like a lot of fun really, but that was very very annoying.
>lol rick and morty is popular so let's put it in the game lel ^_^
Rick and Morty is mainstream at this point.
It's even more awkward if you know that's his Mr. Meeseeks voice.
>post mortem foot shooting
was it kino?
>those comments
I have 200 hours in the game and didnt know that it was from a children TV show. You showed them, Sup Forums.
it either needed to be free to play, have a really good system for bot AI, or have a singleplayer campaign, it needs to be worth the price, consumers can't be expected to make a 30 dollar investment in something they actually cannot play.
hope isn't going to help at this point, it's not even three months after launch, it's worse than failed at this point.
I don't know who this is or what we're talking about but
>Fairy Tail
Woah woah, people, this is clearly talking about someone who's not video games. You should be talking about video games, not some video on youtube.
but user, that man made a videogame
that man is as videogames as any other gamedev
that man is videogames
fuck you. buy the game.
fock you buy the gehm
is that the goblin girl from game of thrones?
I mean yeah, game looks like Unreal Tournament with annoying gimmicks and weird movement but I played the shit out of UT back in my youth. I need a very good reason to play similar game now, none of that #AREYOUSKILLEDAF?! bullshit. Character design is very unappealing, sjw pandering is annoying because I know how destructive this trend is for vidya industry. I'm absolutely not interested and Cliffy and devs do nothing to get me. FOCK YEW BUY THE GEHM is not a viable marketing.
Imagine being so obsessed over a random nu-male you make him a meme and post him 24/7 on Sup Forumseddit
Fuck you. Where's my Jello?
>these comments
>le anime girl avatar
>daily reminder: you're not cliff bezinski
:DDD fuck you cliff eat shit
My sides
What game am I buying?
>Fairy Tail poster
What's wrong with Fairy Tail?
Actually curious
Generic garbage shonen with no real substance that tries way to hard to be Once Piece.
It's a dollar version of One Piece but even worse. I started watching it just to see how bad it was and that's when I lost all interest in anime.
Initially I thought it was drawn by the same dude.
>a fucking fairy shit poster
Shit "plot" that goes nowhere and starts piling up tons of forgettable arcs and villains of the week real fast after the ok beginning
Fights aren't interesting, powers aren't used creatively and decisive plot points are solved by deus ex machina
Characters are one dimensional and shallow, author constantly tries to pass off superficial remarks about friendship as legitimate character growth
Extremely derivative as a whole, it's basically a straight inferior version of One Piece
To make it short, it's the sum of all the most stereotypical, glaring flaws in shonen manga
I can't believe this shit actually has fans.
Haha holy fuck I didn't realize it was that bad.
ive never seen one game outside of Andromeda that just tries on purpose to do everything fucking wrong until now.
Maybe it's a tax-scam kind of thing?
I used to buy tankobons and manga magazines when I was in high school, the first couple of Fairy Tail volumes hooked me so I started buying them every month.
Now, I had pretty shitty/normie tastes just like every teenager that had just discovered manga, but even then something ticked me off about Fairy Tail, after a handful of volumes I noticed that it wasn't really following a plot and that every villain hyped as the big bad was just fodder for Natsu's new super move. This coupled with the cast constantly going with "muh friendship" but never actually doing anything worth of note annoyed me to no end, to the point I can say Fairy Tail led me out of my fighting-based shonen phase, making me look for different genres, by showing me the worst it had to offer.
I really don't get the Tarantino shit that they keep on droning. What are they on about?
Yeah. Don't get me wrong, shonen is still my favorite genre but Fairy Tail REALLY made me question whether it was even worth watching shonen ever again and then I just gave up on anime overall.