Is Steam cancer...

Is Steam cancer? So many "gamers" and "pcmasterrace" "gamers" seem to buy endless amounts of games for cheap when they don't even play them. Essentially they give money out for free. They could easily pirate the game or wait until they want to play it when it goes on sale for even cheaper. Its only natural most games go down in price over time. Not to mention all the Facebook degeneracy that happens on Steam profiles and people literally giving Valve free money for emoticons and what not. Is Steam made for the exploitation of retards?

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Oy vey, step back into your line, youre not allowed to talk about video game related things on Sup Forums. Read the sticky, you white supremacist.

Dont forget about sexist racist assholes who give bad reviews to games just because they improve them by removing sexual objectification from games.

Steam users are cancer, it's just best to avoid them entirely.

Just ban every ironic weeb and it'll stop being as bad.
Also fix the retarded review system.

>is DRM made to separate idiots from their money?
Yes. Any consumer oriented corporation is trying to come up with the best way to take your money, retard.
if you're going to make le epic shitpost you should do it on one of many boards designated for shitposting, or perhaps another site entirely

Yes, because gamers are degenerates in general and gaming is the lowest art form.

Its not that people don't play them. Its that they're games that may have just been mildly interesting and a sale made it seem like they shouldn't be passed up even if there wasn't any intent to play them in the near future.

I have a rather large library due to this and also due to the fact that games that I'm interested in are coming out at a faster rate than I'm able to play them. For example, I'm still playing Danganronpa V3 and Blue Reflection, yet Lost Dimension and .hack//GU Last Recode are titles just around the corner that I'll likely also be grabbing and start playing immediately. And in those cases, I'll most likely get distracted by Okami HD before I can even finish those. Its a never ending cycle where only the highest quality and most interesting of games keep me playing them from beginning to end.

Steam is not a cancer in itself, but causes cancer such as the Ubisoft launcher.

>Steam made for the exploitation of retards?
I also never buy a game full price there or anywhere. And I also would rather give steam my money than give sony any money.

Yes, only retards use Steam.
You're literally giving money just to rent games, how fucking retarded can you get.

>Essentially they give money out for free.
They support the industry by purchasing games, yes--a win-win situation. You'll understand when you grow up.

>Its that they're games that may have just been mildly interesting and a sale made it seem like they shouldn't be passed up even if there wasn't any intent to play them in the near future.

so if you are buying these games and never finishing them whats the point? You realize Steam sales happen literally every year and you could save even more money.

I don't really care. I have a huge wishlist and only buy a game once it gets a 85% or 90% discount. Even if I don't want to play it at the time, I most likely won't get it cheaper anyway (unless I'd pirate it). As for the degeneracy of Steam users, I just don't take my part in it. Steam is my game library and not some sort of social platform and that's how I treat it.

How noble of you wageslave! :^)

Your understanding of what a software license is is completely off. You don't "own" games even if you buy physical media. What you purchase is a software license.

As I said, you'll have a better understanding of how the world works when you grow up. Also, say hi to your mom for me.

I'd like to see them come take my disc from me kid. I own the disc and that's all that matters. You don't own anything in this world then, because God created it.

Its not rental. Even in the worst case scenario of Steam ceasing to exist, Steamworks DRM is so easy to bypass that it doesn't even matter. You buy them, they're yours. Obviously not as ideal as GOG but nonetheless not all that worrisome for games that have no further forms of DRM attached.
Not really shilling, its just the thought process behind it. People see a really good deal and feel like they should jump on it while the deal's there. No telling when they'll want to play it and/or what sort of sales the future holds.
>so if you are buying these games and never finishing them whats the point
I'm enjoying what I do play of them and have the intention of finishing them at some point, whenever I have extra time and there's nothing else I'm more interested in/excited by.
>You realize Steam sales happen literally every year and you could save even more money.
Not every game is on sale at every sale. Some games wind up having sales at very odd intervals, such as most of Square's Japanese catalogue. Plus once again, one doesn't necessarily know when they'll want to play something. It would suck to not buy something on sale, finish what you're doing and want to play it, and it not being on sale forcing you to wait.

>he shills for free
>he buys shit AAA games on a DRM platform trying to push Skyrim microtransactions

KEK. Ok, kid.

what a thought provoking thread about a subject nobody has considered

You own the disc and they own software. They can revoke the license in some situations, and from that point installing from your disc will be legally the same as downloading a torrent.

I don't play your kiddie games, kid.

>I make a whole lot of money for other people and give away what little I get to keep to people trying to steal it! I'm such a mature man!
And people regularly crack the DRM out of games, the disk doesn't mean shit. You don't own software. Either software ownership doesn't exist or you're a good goy licensing it from another entity. There is no in between.

I don't know about him, but I use Steam mainly to buy JRPGs and VNs. Not AAA titles.

not him but i guess he intends to finish them eventually its just something new and more interesting kept distracting him
>you realize steam sale happen literally every year
you neglect to realize people are greedy and lack the patience to wait for sales that only happen twice a year

>what little I get
Quit projecting, jesus christ. It's just video games. Any adult can afford that without blowing their fucking cap about the evils of digital-age capitalism.

Hi Gaben!

>i guess he intends to finish them eventually its just something new and more interesting kept distracting him
This is precisely it.
Too many video games keep coming out that look fresh and exciting. Its easy to fall for the hype.

impatience falls in line with retarded. checkmate

Hi, kid. How's your big sister? How's your mum?

5.5 Billion isn't enough money for you Gaben?

I'm talking about your wage (or salary, before you pull that card out of your faggot hat) relative to the value of your labor. Not how much you earn relative to the cost of videogames.

I'd also like to add that haphazard, mindless spending is what fuels consumerism and is characteristic of brainlets who can't manage money :^)

When you grow up, you'll learn that consumerism is actually good. As for my wage, I'm a business-owner.

t. poorfag

well user you know the phase "fools are easily parted with their money" he can do whatever he wants with the money he earned and ultimately our opinions on how he spends his may or may not be wasting money doesn't matter

>Y-y-yeah keep buying CoD, Battlefront, and Shadow of War guys! C-consumerism is good!

>it's good because I personally benefit! never mind that millions of people are exploited, they're just stupid, they deserve it!

>argue semantics
>get btfo
>try to stray away from the semantics
Unironically every single fucking time
Why even bring up the 'rent licenses' bullshit if you're fucking instantly going to give in

I've never even considered playing any of those games. Unlike you.

You're so painfully 16. Shit, kid.

yeah you're 100% right, your dumb enough to get exploited you deserve it

>buying games when you can just pirate them is giving away money
So this is the natural conclusion of Sup Forumsermin logic

Uhhh? Not my personal problem.

I'm just here to make sure I stay fed, I keep a job, and I have a roof over me. Other people being exploited and being willing of it is nothing new here. See: Facebook.

>he shills for the enemy
Lmfao. Get the fuck off my Sup Forums.

Nah it's a pretty good platoform
Centralized hosting the vast majority of the games, avoids having to jump between lots of different platforms
Integrated mod support, cloud saving and such if the devs want it
Integrated unobstrusive DRM in the form of steamworks, sure beats having every dev add some turbo cancer like StarForce to their games
Steam chat for centralised fast communication, forums and shit for some basic community stuff
Cheap publishing deals, allowing small/one man teams to host their stuff, good for indie games like Rimworld and Factorio
Sales. cards giving out free money, bunch of things I'm missing

People just love to bitch about the popular thing

poor b8 m8

What is this retardation? Have you shills actually got a real argument?

>use non-argument like every other meming faggot on this website
>get called out for using non-argument
>OMG use real arguments pls
are you really this daft

>lose argument
>you're underage!!!
surprised you haven't gone under with those logic skills user, or perhaps you're merely LARPing?
>I'm indifferent to the state of the world because I am personally fine!
Until you're not, then you'll cry and moan about how nobody is willing to help you, and you'll reply to this saying that it could never possibly happen, like a teenager who believes they won't die :^)
Who am I shilling for? You're the one who acts like owning a disk means anything. I pirate all my software, even if I buy it legit anyway :^)

Sure. Regardless of whether you buy digital or physical, you only buy a license for software, and that license is still revocable. Whether the installer is on a DVD or on a website, it's all legally the same. You do not "own" software in any way. If you want to change that, write to your representative.

>omg you lost, you lost, YOU LOST!!!
>GO AWAY, you LOST!!

Ignore them. You don't think a multi billion dollar company has shills scattered all across various websites like this? They will literally argue anything to fool sheep into giving them free money.

can anyone refute this?

>console players rebuy games on mass each generation (gta, minecraft, skyrim)

>pc players don't, in fact they often give out the "remasters" for free (skyrim/bioshock)

Surely if you owned your games more with console people wouldn't buy them repeatedly.

>write to your representative
>the democracy functions memay
perhaps if he is a multinational software conglomerate he could have his lawyers write a very detailed and strongly worded letter to the representatives and see what happens :^)

Jesus Christ, Sup Forums is 18+. This includes the blue boards. Grow the fuck up before you post here.

>Steal a thing
>Thief uses it every day, nobody can stop him
>You don't own it, dats illegal, stahp
Really jiggles the noggin.

Call your Sup Forums representative xD Surely you can make things change!

Cool story bro, plenty of games don't do the license chicannery, and many that do have no way of enforcing it. Furthermore, they put it in the EULA, which is a non-legal entity

And? Whether you buy it on Steam or on disc, it's the same in the end: they can revoke the license but in most cases can't enforce it. That's the point.

Steam is a convenient platform but I would argue that the majority of it's user base is the cancer. That also includes your pcmasterrace fags.

see Why would you care about some legal bullshit instead of what actually happens in reality?

k legaltard. I'll keep playing my games regardless if I "own" the software or not. Tell me more about licenses and GPL.

again why should about what should i care about what someone getting exploited? fools deserve to have their money taken its the only way they'll learn
let help you understand this better with an example: i'll tell you the source of this cropped porn image but you have to send me 5 dollars on paypal first; if you're stupid enough to give money for this then you deserved to be exploited

>So many "gamers" and "pcmasterrace" "gamers" seem to buy endless amounts of games for cheap when they don't even play them
massive discounts are great, JUST don't buy what you don't need
>Is Steam made for the exploitation of retards?
yes, but if you are not retard you can profit from it too, by the selling crates, skin, cards and other garbage on the market.
all in all it's a great service, but it could've been better, origin and gog are better in a couple of other, insignificant aspects.

And? Are you autsistic? When people say ownnig games is important what do you think it means?

Feel free to. You've gone off-topic, which was the difference (or lack thereof) of buying on Steam vs. buying physical.

this is aimed at gamedevs but it explains it all

All you've proven is that you're a greedy Jew and likely a sociopath incapable of understanding why someone would act out of compassion or kindness, this is where you reply with le cynicism and maybe some misanthropy :^)

back to rebbit kiddo

It means they have no idea what they're talking about. They associate the "game" with physical media, but that's nonsensical. My internet connection is several times faster than my DVD drive--by your logic I already physically own all games. In other words, the significance of physical media is purely sentimental--not legal, not practical.

>the schizophrenic in this thread who legitimately believes that everyone in this thread who disagrees with him only does so because a major corporation, possibly Valve, pays them to shitpost on a Azorean papier mache forum
Take your meds

And when your internet cuts out, or steam validation goes down? When you don't have a 100% guarantee that you can play a game when you want?


>Russian trolls don't exist on FB, Reddit, etc! Shills don't exist, goy its just a schizo!

Lmfao, ok. Tell your overlord Gaben he can go fuck himself.

>muh greedy jews
>muh compassion
stop pulling memes out your ass to try to justify your savior complex your as about as mentally developed as a child if you can't understand the basic that people will spend their money however they please, if they spend their money like a fucking idiot then so be it, who the fuck i'm and who the fuck are (you) to tell them what do with their money?


>steam is cancer for getting people to pay for video games


the wallet complaint sounds like bullshit
I always use paypal without saving the data

it requires me to go back a step before finishing the order, but it works
at least it was like that last time I bought something

My only problem with steam is that it's too big and has basically swallowed the entire PC market.

>no argument
>goes full retard with his shitposting
like clockwork
its ok little buddy you'll understand when your older :)
enjoy your last (you)

>who the fuck cares people keep spending their money on beef to kill cows! when peanuts are better for you, but no fuck societies progression im just a shill!

I like meat though, fuck peanuts.

TFW u find out steam has a comment history which you can't wipe

>Oy vey, the goyim know, shut them down!

>only way to trade is selling on the market

is this true, or is he blatantly lying?

um.. no.. you can still trade items to other players. so yes I think he is lying. the sales tax is pretty gay though for selling

>support the industry
The capitalist market economy isn't supposed to work like that. People should be spending money to obtain products or services they find useful or entertaining.
Goddamn commies.

what? you can, unless the topic is locked or something or the profile is private.

>people are supposed to buy stuff they want
>no, not that stuff
are you stupid


>needing to be protected and helped because you're buying too many games :'(
I can't believe Sup Forums has come to this.

>the biggest cesspool of sony shills just got shutdown
>is steam cancer?

Not surprising. Any form of rampant brand loyalty will always be cancerous. Steam is just convenient, and even if you don't like their service, you could always look at gog, origin, and u-play. Or all four since there's nothing stopping you at all, or just fucking pirate.

Steam ruined PC games
Look at PC games now
It is just dotas and pubg
back in my day, there were good PC games
steam killed them all
I would literally rather kill myself than like steam

Steam isn't cancer, it's a symptom of cancer. If customers weren't willing to support it, it wouldn't exist. You can't blame a company for giving people what they want.

>savior complex
it has less to do with helping the stupid and more to do with getting rid of people who feel that preying on the stupid is a morally acceptable action :^)

I can't even uninstall it properly. It is way worse than cancer.


Yes, stuff they WANT. Because they WANT it. Not because they want to subsidize the industry that produced it.

Who gets to decide who is stupid and what isn't, what kind of behavior is healthy and what isn't? You?

Every company that tries to sell you something tries to exploit you as most people are gullible retards, hence why so many own a PS4 or an Apple product.

>hence why so many own a Xbone or an Apple product.