Think we'll ever get Titanfall 3?

Think we'll ever get Titanfall 3?

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God I hope so.

Just beat the campaign. All I can think about is how good it was and how much EA screwed it over by releasing it at the worst possible time.

why do people want never ending sequels? just play the first 2 you disgusting faggot
I want new games not constant cheaply made rehashes.

Then go play those games and shut the fuck up.

>Never ending
>First game is online only and has no story
>Second game introduces story

Someone hasn't played Titanfall, clearly.

It's really upsetting. It's so much better than BF1, but was doomed to obscurity because of its proximity to its release.

except that for once, it wasn't EAs fault. The developers thought their game could easily compete with BF and CoD, so they chose this retarded release date.

Developers do not choose release date when they work with a big publisher. The publisher handles funding, deadlines, and advertisement.
>First game has no story
It does have a story, brainlets like you just didn't get it.
In addition to their Star Wars project and VR project, Respawn Entertainment is also working on an unannounced Titanfall project. If I had to wager, I'd say it's TF3 for Spring 2019.

holy shit that fuck
we will see the return of /tfg/
>/fhg/ is somehow alive but /tfg/ died
who was in the wrong here?

Fine, the first game had no traditional campaign.


I have no idea... I just checked my bookmarked /tfg/ catalog search and was disappointed in no thread, and then found this right away.

TF3 will be amazing.

Sure, but I don't necessarily think it was worse off for it, except that normalfags expected CoD with robots and got something different. I liked both campaigns :^)
Fuck off xcuck, /tfg/ would have died 6 months ago if you autists didn't shit it up. It will live when there is something worth talking about. Better to be dead than to be full of faggots and off topic waifu posting :^)

First one definitely had a story to it. The campaign isn't single player and winning a multiplayer campaign slightly alters the dialogue. Something titanfall 2 lacked.

Tf2 had one of the best single player campaigns
While tf1 had the best multiplayer campaign

Hopefully if they make a tf3 they can find a way to do both

>Better to be dead than to be full of faggots and off topic waifu posting
I completely agree
this statement is pretty much the entirety of /vg/

doubt it, both games have really struggled to get and mantain a fanbase.

now Cawadoody is moving backwards away from the whole jump packs shooty-tootie and BF is in WW1 i think titanfall is dead

To be clear, I liked the campaign in TF1, I just thought TF2's was better, and featured the most entertaining writing I've ever seen in an FPS.

Not debating that - I'm hoping for an amalgamation too. Something like RO2's campaign would suit TF to a T

That just means it'll get a bigger fanbase, there is no way CoD or BF will be able to compete with the movement mechanics anymore in anyway so.

I hate the map design of the 2nd game, made the pilots too vulnerable when engaging titans.
Story mode was great but I felt they tacked on too much cheese to Blisk's character.

I really hope so.
Respawn put a lot more thought into their sci-fi than I expected they would, and I'm super interested in more chances to go fast.
Simulacroms are dope

scorch is best titan

>liking hero titans
>sonygro and/or retard detected


yeah but thats not really the way big companies like EA see things. They look at trends in their perspective markets so with COD doing WW2 and BF doing WW1 and selling they'll conclude that the gameplay titanfall has isnt wanted in this environment.

Brand recognition is also a bigger deal than ever in the FPS space. Even if people aren't exactly happy with the latest iteration of COD or BF they're much more likely to stick with those big games because thats what all their friends are drawn to. Titanfall never had the benefit of a fanbase that hyped it. The fans it has are loyal but it doesnt build hype like others.

We may see a Titanfall 3 and if it doesnt sell well id guess that would be the end for it

Why are mecha games so unpopular these days? The only ones I see with a decent playerbase are Titanfall 2, Gundam Versus, and maybe the current SRW.

Also, ZoE3 fucking when?

Honestly I didn't even know Titanfall 2 came out for a week afterwards
I can't see anything getting sequels when they can't even be bothered marketing

damn good movement

Yeah, I'll add the dicksucking of the militia to the list of things that bothered me about the universe retcons in the second game.

>hero titans
You mean titans having different classes to help maintain game balance and avoid everyone having the same loadouts?
If thats a consolewar insult I think you need to calm down. I play it on a PC, console controls are pretty bad for shooters in my opinion.

I can't wait to crush Blisk between BT-7275's fingers in Titanfall 3


I recently finished the Titanfall 2 story and I was amazed how fun it was. There where no moments when I thought "When will these waves of enemies stop" and at the same time it presented some challenge.

the game died because it was fucking shittily designed, and for no other reason
overhyping the 4 hour generic ass campaign is an even bigger meme than thinking the multiplayer wasn't a fucking disaster

hitscan garbage needs to be given halo-tier killtime

i wanted more but i didnt want to go online cause i hate people

>t. titanfall shitter
git gud pleb

I feel like Titanfall 2 was made to fill out a checklist of "things that weren't in the first game that reviewers thought it should have"

theres actually a surpirsing amount of non hitscan weapons in the game,

theyre generally the more fun ones too

well, online is a bit of a different story, yeah. But with some time and leveling up you can manage and do good as well. Like, overall, I think it's kind of an under-rated game. You just need to get used to it.

And mostly there is no communication online, so you can just pretend that the enemies are just or HARD or higher.

I have an 80+% winrate and over 50% mvp rate with 2000+ games total, I know what I'm talking about
the irony of your post is in the fact that anyone who's actually good at the game realizes how flawed it really is and how it's extremely clear respawn had no fucking idea what was actually fun about their game or how to design around it properly
almost every facet of it is frustrating to deal with and it's no wonder no one sticks around to put up with it
exactly, although the shitlist runs deeper than that
the video I linked goes pretty in depth with all the things wrong in the game

>We may see a Titanfall 3 and if it doesnt sell well id guess that would be the end for it

They're already working on it tho, so yeah, we'll see it.

>frothysemen bitchlist
half of the complaints are outdated and a quarter of them are "this game is different, I hate different!" from the tf1 people who wrote that script.

Why does everyone love the shit out of Titanfall 2 MP? I just couldn't get into it. I much preferred the first one's multiplayer much more. Did anyone feel this way?
But I also loved the campaign

nice non arguments chap
frothy wasn't even the one who wrote it, and if you actually watched to the end you would see one of the contributors is /tfg/’s own kihota
they actually explain why different is bad and the fact it took them nearly a year to slap a shitty band-aid on some of the "outdated" complaints while not even addressing all the others or how the core design is a complete flaming shitheap speaks for itself

We can only hope Konami does something with Zone of the Enders. For years I was hoping for a ZoE using the fox engine, but ever since Kojima left, I'm not too sure. Maybe if the upcoming ZoE 2nd Runner VR sells, but that I doubt. I however, will be getting that.

>Titanfall 2 had by far the best gunplay in years
>It's fucking dead because EA killed it
>Even if we do get a Titanfall 3, it'll probably have a bunch of EA's typical Jewish tactics in it like loot boxes, and they'll probably try and make it slower again
>Titanfall 2 came at a time when people loved to hate CoD, and instead of EA pressing the advantage and pushing Titanfall 2 as a CoD killer, they don't market it at all and let it die because they couldn't sell a season pass

It didnt sell because it was the same setting as the newer cods.
People saw fast movement and sci-fi and hated it because of that.

Titanfall would never get the cod audience

>2 copies sold


I have an autistic theory that EA purposely fucked up the launch so they have an excuse to push season pass and loot boxes in Titanfall 3.

Don't you think it has anything to do with how much negative backlash the first game got? I thought it was going to be shit.
Do you think the general market of CoD and Fifa fags care about movement mechanics?

i never got into TF2 while it was alive, and it looked amazing with tons of depth, i'm sad that i missed out on it
is the single player worth a pirate


>Do you think the general market of CoD and Fifa fags care about movement mechanics?
They do when they try it mostly, I know a lot of people who would never betray CoD but as soon as they got a hang of wall running, they're hooked.

T|F2 is on Origin Access.

It's good 3 having AW mobility.

>It'll probably have lootboxes and season pass
I hope they'll make it more like the first one.

..which has actual dodges.

>delusional retards think release date matters

fuck man, Advanced Warfare was good, my favourite COD followed by COD2