What Pokemon edition should I play?

What Pokemon edition should I play?

>played gen1 and gen2 so much I got bored of it
>started playing gen3 and pokemon black and I didnt like it
>fave types are plant and bug (dont judge me), so I wanna start with a plant type
>like the breeding system and gen1+gen2 pokemon, so maybe one that includes these

I was thinking about Diamond/Pearl/Plat.
Which would you recommend?


Was green ever released outside of Japan?

You could try some hacked ROMs OP. Flora Sky and Ash are good versions I here. Maybe the gen 2 or 3 remakes? Emerald, Crystal, and fire red were best games imo

I liked X and Y though pretty decent

Platinum probably. there's less of the story railroading that started in black and white and it has just enough gen 1 and 2 while still keeping a majority of new stuff to feel relatively fresh.

Just Leaf Green. (GBA)

Platinum is the better version of dia/pearl so that out of the three or maybe give gen 3 another try with emerald.

Hit yourself in the head until you suffer amnesia and then play gen 2, the best generation, again

Crystal coming to virtual console? Is it really that much better than gold and silver?

>started playing gen3
>I didnt like it
Did you try Fire Red and Leaf Green yet? If not you'd probably like those
If you're not into remakes go for Platinum or Sun/Moon.

i would say crystal (extended version of silver/gold). it features the two best generations (you can go to kanto in it too) and has a bug contest and ilex forest.


I just got Leaf Green. First time I've ever played a Pokeman game. Am I fucking myself over by grinding out levels in Viridian Forest and Mt. Moon areas?
I took Charmander and he's almost level 30 now and I just got the water badge (off Misty - can't remember the badge name) which has the ability to control Pokemans upto level 30. Didn't realise you lost control of them after a point. What do?

>Didn't realise you lost control of them after a point.
That only happens if you didn't catch/train them yourselves.

So if say you trade a level 80 Charizard to a new game you can't really use it until you have the required badge.

HG/SS or Platinum.
Otherwise play the trading card game.

i forgot to mention - bellsprout tower, bugsy, and the introduction of scizor.

Oh that's good to know! I enjoy making my characters monstrously overpowered in early game by doing mountains of grinding to make the rest of the game smoother sailing. Nice to know I won't be penalized for doing that here.

Platinum is signifigantly better than DP and my personal fave. Though if you don't like the later games you won't like it either. What turned you off from gens 3 and 5?

Gen4 does have new evolutios for plenty of older Pokémon if that's your thing.

Honestly, X/Y are pretty good, and so is Black/White. The story bits are weak, but there are tons of awesome QoL improvements, and they have cool poke designs. Most of the games are actually pretty good, as long as you enjoy the core formula, since they're all basically the same game.

Just avoid Sun/Moon. That game is a fucking cutscene nightmare, there's so much talking and dumb little subplots. I think they were trying to make it more like the show, which was a huge mistake.

You can coast through most of the games with just slightly overleveled pokemon, but when you get to the Elite 4 (or the game's equivalent), there's a huge level spike, so you should expect to be grinding after the 8th gym.

Probably an ESL. In my language Grass type is translated as Plant as well. If you never played pokemon games in english that'd be an easy mistake to make

Ths. I mean holy shit I don't think a game ever delivered as much as what in my case what Silver. When I realized I could go back to the gen 1 region I was so happy. The new pokemons were great, everything was great.

There was a copyright issue in the west. That's why we got R&B instead of the original R&G.

plus it has best girl in it

The game is still piss easy even if you go out of the way to NOT grind (avoiding trainers, running from wilds,etc).
If you lose control of them it still doesn't matter, because they'll be so overleveled that even skipping a turn or doing random moves will still grant you easy wins.

>Just avoid Sun/Moon. That game is a fucking cutscene nightmare
>and so is Black/White

All of them.


>playing Pokemon past childhood
lmao grow up virgins

>playing video games past childhood
lmao grow up virgins

>Honestly, X/Y are pretty good
I knew I should've stopped here, but I kept reading and you kept getting more retarded. Fuck.

You'd actually think "Plant" was a better idea than Grass. Why the fuck grass? Ain't no vines for whipping in any grass.

I do prefer Plant as well (I'm biaised but well), but grass is the actual word used in japanese ( くさタイプ, kusa taipu). For plant the word is longer ( しょくぶつ +taipu), perhaps it didn't fit well on the limited gameboy resolution