How can Microsoft even compete?
How can Microsoft even compete?
This is why modern games are shit.
Devs have to put time and money into pointless details.
With current software you can get that shit done in less than 30 minutes.
what about the millions of other details you massive idiot
Professional modeler here.
That work up there?
That's a full day, easy.
sounds like you need a better workflow or more training. that shit is an hour job
Okay yeah, on the left, an hour or two, depending.
On the right though? Jesus. The beveling on the spokes? The gradual curve? The different textures for the inside and outside of the outer ring? Someone spent TIME on that shit, and probably on the rest of the car too.
By not having you take a fucking sexual harrassment seminar prior to playing the game like Blowdryer Cars:Sport does.
Wait what?
You have to watch 2 videos on not harrassing other players of driving "dangerously" before playing online in GT: Sport.
Actual modeler here.
Those shapes are very simple and easy to model.
Substance Painter takes care of texturing easily.
It doesn't take long to sculpt the details for normal map baking either.
Why must you lie on the internet?
How many of you have actually played and completed one of these racing games in the past 10 years?
I mean, professional only means you get paid and have a job with it. You might be a retard as well and still be a professional. Look at ME:Andromeda.
You do it then.
Textures and shaders and everything
One hour.
And I'll buy you any game you want off steam
30min they could have been doing something else
Yet the online is all the best for it.
Simply a level above GHOSTOWN CARS 2 and Forza Motorloot 7.
>b-but this takes an hour
yeah, and multiply that by thousands and thousands of assets for things that could be much more simple and take less time.
And? The game on the right is proof enough that it can be done, so what's your point? Have we seen the gameplay affected by putting attention to detail?
are you a retard
Are you a Forza fanboy who's upset?
seconding this.
Good luck asspainter
I don't play racing shit tho
What's your point? Do you think the same people who make the models also design the gameplay?
I'll help you out, they're not, and if the company didn't hire those extra modellers to work on detail they wouldn't spend more money elsewhere on the project out of the goodness of their heart.
That one particular example is easy yeah, but you probably have at least 100 more like that to do on that car alone, and then who knows how many more cars to do. That time could have easily been spent building a decent career mode - especially if you are like me and only ever play with the hood-cam, and will therefore never ever see these details anyway
>creating thousands of highly detailed assets for every small thing has no effect on time and money
I know Sup Forums is dumb on this topic but this is advanced stupidity
They compete by having 700 cars instead of 150, and more tracks, along with weather?
And native 4K on their Xbone X instead of PS4 Pro's 1800p checkerboard
Quality > Quantity
>boo hoo the Mazda RX-7 isn't exactly like the showroom one now I can t have any fun with the game
I've enjoyed both Forza and GT over the years but the argument that more autistically modeled cars make one a better game is retarded
>Quality > Quantity
Why would a model designer build a career mode?
So you're a feminist then.
Its kinda sad when you look at the state forza in in right now. Turn10 is literally being run like a sweatshop factory just to churn out the forza games on time and this is what happens. No passion.
nope. I'd rather play a truck simulator
>mfw GT has always had a rock solid online community that sticks around until the next GT comes out
>mfw other racing games turn into ghost towns after a couple months
>mfw assetto and forza peasants are in a constant state of saltiness
>mfw GT bros dont even care about other racing communities but other racing game player bases constantly rage about us
>mfw GT master race since 1998
>mfw GT is a level of comfy other racing games can only dream of
>mfw game is beautiful despite weak hardware
You mean it sounds like they have proper programming etiquette and work standards, where-as Polyphany is taking the 'artisan' approach and barely whips out a game once every three years.
Meanwhile Polyphony takes 7 years to churn out a "game" with no campaign, barebones modes, and a multiplayer that makes you fucking wait in line for allotted timeslots to fucking play.
Nigga, u sitting on pc, not sculpting
>GT is pretty nice
>Sony exclusive though
>As a result the last GT I played, 6, took fucking 2 minutes to load a fucking track
>Even retrying took an absurd amount of time
>Anything associated with the cancerous growth of Win Store
Last racing game I got because of all this bullshit was DiRT and rally is to smart for me
Used to love GRID before that before I realised the rewind mechanic spoiled me and the AI don't have any charm to them.
True. I didn't enjoy GT6 very much though. GT3/4 will always be my favorite.I hope they get the enviroment right this time in GT7.
Is Substance Painter is good for making UVs or you need to make them in Zbrush/Maya for it?
Sonybros are desperate
project cars 2 is 5x better than both of these games
I don't really have a dog in this fight, but sonygroes utterly BTFO so hard you won't be able to identify the bodies.
50gbs of baked shadows and inferior lighting
By being a good game but I guess that's all you sonyfaggots care about these days are muh graphics.
Outside lighting, everything is worse in F6
Forza 7's gameplay is inferior though, every single car handles the same and half the cars are recycled Forza 6 assets the rest are outsourced, the tracks too.
Every single car and track was built from the ground up in GT Sport, the audio design, car driving mechanics, interiors are all superior. Give PD a year to built the rest of the tracks and add cars and it'll be much better.
Forza 7 took shortcuts to bolster its car and track list and it shows, it's why despite being 4K native it still looks inferior to GT because it's flaws are even more amplified at that resolution. GT Sport is a better game in every respect, the industry just went full retard and is now praising Forza 7 for shortcuts GT 6 took years ago.
Every single dam car handles and sounds the same.
>Press Y to rewind
Every single time
So much this.
> Muh Scrapio!
Literary all we've heard from you Xcucks for 18 month straight, how will you justify it now?
they're obviously just blowing cash going to various car shows
Thats an mx5 miata.
The only thing I can say that Gran Turismo Sport has a advantage over Forza Motorsport 7 is the overall lighting. But for everything, Forza 7 slay everything.
>using the PC version of Forza 7
What a way to level to playing field, right guys?
You will have probably more chance with the next Forza next year or in 2 years.
Watch the DF video. Lighting, modelling and environments are pretty much all superior on GT.
Doesn't sound like it
fuck i wanted to put project above
Is not the king of sales that's for sure.
7 different iterations of forza + 3 horizon titles, that's 10 titles and yet the series has yet to come close to what GT5+GT6 have sold.
Forza's biggest enemy isn't GT though, it's Microsoft who have always failed to create a relevant console presence in Europe/Japan and now even MURRICA is giving them a hard time with the PS4+Switch literally killing the xbone every month.
Every single car in Forza 7 handles the same and sounds like a fucking jet engine the same. It's an arcade racer that focuses on quantity over quality.
I'm more surpsied by MS shills not being sent out to Sup Forums to defend F7 right now
>Actual modeler here.
>Those shapes are very simple and easy to model.
>Substance Painter takes care of texturing easily.
>It doesn't take long to sculpt the details for normal map baking either.
>Why must you lie on the internet?
ok fag
>find refs of the part
>model the high poly
>model the low poly
>set up the uv map
>set up the smoothing groups
>set up the baking cage
>bake the mesh
>check for baking arrors, fix if neede, rebake if needed
>now time to make teh lod levels, lod 1 and lod 2
>make the low poly again, make sure the normal map can be reused with matching uv cordinates
>export the lwo poly and normal map for etxturing
>texture with your chosen method be it a tex for pbr or baked materail or what ever
>export the mesh and maps into maya/ engine
>attach the part to proper place on the car, assign it to proper rig bones
>improt into the engine
>set up the shaders
>repeat for all lod levels
Lmao, literally 5 minutes of work !!!!
Fuck off and take your half a year of blender experience somewhere else.
SP has no uv tools, you can fix some thing, but it has no real edge or vertex selection and modification methods.
False advertising I guess? I mean they had fully animated pit stops in the marketing, where'd that go?
Then again maybe they didn't have space from animations after all the baked shadows and lootbox items. KEK
Gran Turismo might look better visually, but it doesn't look like the better product and it shows in the reviews.
>Doesn't sound like it
See F7's sound design is extremely poor.
And from the video you posted see pic. The attention to detail is it in GTS, the fact that a maxed out native 4K game looks remotely similar to GTS running on the base model PS4 speaks for itself. The lighting in Forza 7 is malfunctioning.
Will sonybros ever bros ever recover from the shitshow that was GT sport which was supposed to be GT7?
Your 2D trees impress nobody.
hey don't put us blenderfags with the likes of him
you garbage game impress nobody
Here’s a shocking secret, these are assets that can be reused in many games, might as well do them properly.
They probably have 3D models straight from the car manufacturer which thry then down grade to something that runs in a game.
The lighting in Forza 7 isn't malfunctioning, they dumped it down from Forza 6 for the dynamic weather which is cpu hungry
The same reviewers that gave Evolve 8 and 9's out of 10, people who think every platformer is "the next Dark Souls" give me a break.
I still can't believe MS thought chasing 4K on PC would save them when they should know by now graphics technology and implementation is more important.
By having the better game
No way fag
It's getting shitted on every amazon page from the US to germany to japan lmao
It's like you haven't learned anything from DriveClub.
screenshot of fake mode at 30 fps. nice try, sony cuck.
Drive club beats them both so who gives a shit
this is real gameplay. Why pscucks only post screenshot of FAKE MODE at 30 fps?
I wish MS spent more money on Team10 and focused on just making a better game instead of throwing around their bank account to do dirty shortcut anti-competetive tactics shit like this. It's cheaper anyway and if T0 doesnt make 1 game a year their gone.
Forza7 - real gameplay graphics
gt - fake mode at 30 fps.
Oh, I saw this kind of thing coming from a mile off.
> MS always takes the path of least resistance
They're like water in that way, Incredibly powerful but with zero form.
Pitt Stop.
now if only the crowd/trees could look that good desu
>and it shows in the reviews
Wait, so are we back to accepting review scores now and listening to """journalists""" ?
>easy to model
>couldn't even model in 30 minutes
It looks like Mario Kart 8 is still the king of racing simulators. Sad!
Both taken in real time from photo mode actually.
Good point, racing "games" have been the same stale shit for years now.
They should be sold as simulators imo.