Remember all the fun arcade racers we had a decade ago bros?

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damn flatout 2 was good

how could they even fuck up so badly on the sequels?
just fucking add more tracks,cars and improve customization what the fuck

Ultimate Carnage was FlatOut 2 rehashed for the brown and bloom generation. The other ones weren't made by Bugbear. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing, considering Bugbear's own track record, but one of the devs was M&M's Kart Racing tier shovelware trash maker and the other one was a definition of bland bargain bin one.

what about their next car game? is it ever coming out

whats going on in the bottom left? why are 2 driver images overlapping?

switched target probably

the image changes to whoever the fuck is in front of you

mmm someone please suggest me a good racer released in the last 5 years haven't properly played one since most wanted 2005

How arcadey do you want it to be on a scale of 1-10?

oh thanks

>last 5 years
>good racer
good luck

90's arcade race soon!


I was about to suggest Driver San Francisco.

But then I remembered that was 6 years ago.

Life truly is fucking suffering.


>FlatOut 2

Hah, no.

You could try the GRID series. I'd also recommend Dirt 3, even if it is 6 years old instead of 5. It's been pulled off Steam for some reason though.

GRID 2 is quite good. Not much in terms of vehicle customization, but the touge mode is really fun.

license expiration. I got dirt 3 and burnout paradise in my steam backlog should check them out


Games like Burnout were always trash you only liked them because you were a literal child. The driving is oversimplified hold gas and crash into almost-everything and taking turns feels very unsatisfying.

I really dislike driving game objectives that require you to drive stylishly and precisely. One or the other is fine but shit like “drift through these cones but don’t hit them or the wall or you drop your combo” objectives are unfun.

These come up frquently in Project Gotham Racing.


PGR driving was probably the most fun I had in a racing game, it feels so good especially in cockpit view

PGR 3*

The boost mechanic involves either attacking rival cars or hitting debris on the side of the road yet doing both of these things is likely to throw you into an uncontrolled spin because of how awkward the physics are.

The way the game plays is counterproductive to the expectations. Even driving too fast and hitting a small bump can be disastrous and not in a “you brought this on yourself” kind of way.

Fuck FlatOut.

Choose your drug.


git gud pleb

I just want more risk-reward racers with some form of boost mechanic.

Eg. Episode 1 Racer and the Motorstorm series (RIP).

Fuck, just port Pacific Rift to PS4.

Is that some fucking Whiplash?



What are some decent arcadey to simcade games on PC?. I've played trackmania but the timetrial only style doesn't feel as entertaining as an actual race and the cars all seem weightless and twitchy as fuck.

Nicalis refuses to talk about this game.

Also I want more Speed Elixir news (if it’s still a thing).


Looks like NFS Hot Pursuit 2010 but it also promises to have a sim racing mode too.

iRacing is the only good racing game.

All other games are objectively inferior.

it's not, it's just one bearded woman called srank malcovz



Hasn't aged well. It's driving on marbles fucking everywhere, you really need to slow down for every turn and hope the AI behind doesn't ram you.
AI gets stuck playing demolition derby half the matches anyways




Car exteriors are more rigid than that. They don't wobble about like fucking jello.



what's that game?

>loved flatout 2
>no splitscreen to play with bros
Why did they do this?


>sterile 300 km/hr perfect straight road racing simulator
God, this is so pathetically boring.
Can we have some offroad Flatout/Fuel/SplitSecond arcade action racing filled with wrecking and proper physics which will be fun and awesome, instead of this autistic "hold throttle to win" garbage?


HP 2010 isn’t boring.

I mean I’m sure you’re going to tell me it was more fun than MW 2012 at least (even though you’d be wrong).

pod gold

Rush 2 was my favorite racing game of all time until Burnout Paradise


HP 2010 is utter garbage from "irons drifting" nfs era. With huge wide boring highways and nothing else.
It is exactly that kind of "sterile 300 km/hr perfect straight road racing" I posted, maybe a bit less generic and a bit better than current NFS games, but it is still shit and physics is fucking trash.

>motorstorm was dumped for driveclub


Someone post Split/Second webms. Last proper and fun arcade racing on this planet.

What game is this?

It's A E S T H E T I C A S F U C K

Try Payback.


Hot Pursuit wasn't about crazy racing through tight streets with lots of traffic, but about the driver / cop dynamics, like the old Hot Pursuit games. I'm not a fan of it simply because it lacks splitscreen, but to call it shit is too harsh.



>enter racing games threads
>always feel like an outlier because of what you enjoy
>Sup Forums has no tolerance on this subject for opinions that differ from their own

Blur is shit.


Spot the retarded phone poster.

That's RTS thread.

>racing at 17fps
seems alright

>didn't even pick up the super boost
It's like you hate FAST

What do you enjoy?

Pretty disappointing that while Episode 1 felt lacking in content, Racing Revenge went and delivered even less, with a worse sense of speed.

Sup Forums servers were loads of fun. People got pretty creative with the car art and custom horn sounds.



>Tfw I liked that 5th Element racing game

>try out our new Need for Speed: Payback™ game which comes out in 2 weeks and looks as generic and shitty drifting irons simulator as every previous one after MW2005
Oh you are not trying at all, shill.

Did they ever unfuck it? I backed that shit years ago, but the beta requirements were obscenely high with atrocious load times, and then when it came out of early access it was no better.

Then they went and upgraded it for a console release but I haven't touched that version yet.
Least I got the entirety of the PC Carmageddon series on Steam out of it. Carma 2 is still pretty dope, albeit rather clean looking

Just by the filename alone I can tell it's Metropolis Street Racing, the precursor to the Project Gotham series.

It's on Dreamcast.

I am shilling for the game but I do believe in it too.

I stand up for the racing games I think are worth my time, just as I did for Burnout Paradise.

whatever happened to this game? I remember everyone on Sup Forums shitting on it when it came out and it running like shit


What about Road Redemption?

Lunare Scuderia master race

Been playing this game a lot lately. It's so good.

I don't trust any game that proclaims procedural generation as a selling point.

This game always made me mad because the devs were on kickstarter asking for donations while the CEO was driving around in a Range Rover.

Even paid reviewers claimed it still plays and feels as previous titles and that game is bad and boring nu-NFS with FF mixed into a shitty story.
Even fucking paid ones, which are paid to say the game is good even if it is bad.

Too bad it lasted only 2 weeks, and suddenly vanished like that.
yes, with the second update.

Devs tried building their own engine, it ran like garbage. Moved it all to another engine....still ran like this.

Curiosity getting the better of me and I'm downloading the 'fixed' version of Reincarnation as we speak to see if it's still as fucked and resource hungry.



Problem with that game is that they just went for the "WELL ITS FAST" but no proper controls so for the best times you just have to grind walls if the turn is too steep and the rest of the track is just going forward.

>Not Asera

They also forgot to remove their placeholder-tier interface while they were at it.

This seems like a fun idea, are there any good plane/spaceship racing games? I know GTA:O has plane races but if you start one nobody joins.

>Burnout Paradise.
not a shill, just shit taste it seems

Yeah, not Asera but Lunare Scuderia. Was kinda disappointed by that Buran though, wasn't worth the money in my opinion. Thought it would be something more like Qirex are in WipEout, but Buran ships were way too heavy and didn't have the top speed to back them up


Hey, I also enjoy Split/Second and MotorStorm, faggot.

Was there a more comfy game than FUEL for autists like me?
I spent hours exploring this shit.

I played the SHIT outta flatout 2 with my homies. Good game, good music, fun as fuck.

The good old days.