Try to play coop with irl friend

>try to play coop with irl friend
>he fucking sucks at video games and ruins all immersion in the game by doing retarded shit
i fucking hate video games

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when it's a player's fault, hate the player, not the game.
talk to him, explain that he did retarded shit and that that's not something that's fun to you in games.

wow that is not how it works

>irl friend
what's it like to have a friend?

bags of milly coins and salt

Its shit, you have to go to parties and talk with them if you meet them outside, and its expected that you hang out from time to time and help out if they need help.

I just wanna get home from work and play games.

>ask him to stop breaking into everyone's homes and pickpocketing in city hub areas when the story depicts us the good people
>bruth it's just a game man, chill out

nigga i've done it, that's exactly how it works for /tg/ shit, atleast, i'm sure that if you tried you could make it work.
you have friends, companions, buddies, but you never have mindreaders who know exactly what it is that you want out of them.
talk. find compromise. work all your problems out.

to that you respond
>yeah man chil out we're here to save the world not desroy it.

"muh immersion"
kill yourself

This. From his perspective OP is probably the too serious anti-fun gamer friend that gets angry for no reason.

Co-op games are not for immersion. The sooner you learn that the less disappointment will wait for you.

>play any rpg that allows coop
>quest comes that requires even slightly bit of patience

>bruh, it's a game bruh, story doesnt matter bruh

>mfw trying to play divinity original sin 2 in multiplayer
I have never been more mad

>Co-op games are not for immersion. The sooner you learn that the less disappointment will wait for you.

Thats why I refuse to play Divinity with anyone but myself.

I know those fuckers will just completely ruin my immersion, ofcourse you get that fuckwit who steals everything that isn't nailed down and justifys it by saying "but im roleplaying as a thief."

>play Serious Sam in coop with IRL friend
>both having great time doing retarded shit
It is your fault trying to play serious gritty video games for serious gamers such as yourself in coop.

>bruh, it's a game bruh, it's supposed to be fun for the whole team. chaotic evils need not apply, bruh
>b'sides, innit better when you're saving the world like them superheroes, and not destroying it like them crazy ass Jokers and whatnot?

Honestly, who the fuck plays story driven games in coop anyway?

Because those games lock good shit behind multiplayer mode

there are very few games where coop isn't shit, i hate how popular coop is of all gamemodes like people are afraid of conflict or something. i try playing doom (1993) with my friend, but all he wants to do is play coop, not even vanilla either. i personally think coop is a mess in doom, clearly the level designers intended this to be completed with strict rules, the player dying restarting the level with no respawning items but no, its so fucking mindless. worst of all it wouldn't be so bad if each player had only one life and no items respawned as this would force players to COOPERATE AND NOT JUST RUN AROUND LIKE RETARDS but no every server has these absolutely casual rulesets that just make the map confusing as fuck where if it isn't being instantly ended because some cheating nigger is using jumps and crouches or because they know the map so well everyone is just running around in circles like chickens with their heads cut off because they dont know where the fuck the other players have been. of all coop games the only good ones i have played are as followed;

serious sam
rayman origins
civilizations revolution
left 4 dead

thats it. basically it needs to be casual, both players need to be able to understand everything, where one cannot be bounds better in every aspect. even better if the cooperation is dynamic and you can choose to stop working together anytime (civ rev, minecraft) as that just leads to funny conflicts. it isn't enough for just the pacing of the game to be slow no fuck no, ive tried coop with my friend in quake 2 and i just cannot understand how people play without strafejumping like an autist

>It's a friends pretend that immersion is for nerd episode

Even if you have a friend who wants to roleplay, you'll get technical difficulties ruining immersion
>jeez the lag is killing me
>fuck I disconnected
>how do I craft in this game?
You have another human constantly reminding you you're playing video game

I remember having fun with friends on LAN parties playing Tom Clancy's HAWX in coop, designwise it was pretty much Serious Sam in midair though.

My gf has HAWX but I thought it was shit. Is it fun?

>tfw friend grabs pet pal
>turns into a fucking faggot because it was easier to kill the royal fire slug and get an asston more exp out of it than help him fulfill whatever obscure request she wanted but couldnt do presumably because there wasnt a male character with pet pal in the party


>you are presented with a path to continue in the game and leave fort joy

>ywn meet another Sup Forumsirgin irl and befriend him

It is really barebones aerial combat arcade in terms of gameplay and the plot is standart Clancy technotriller, but it is well made, has lot of planes to fly and the graphics still look pretty (i didn't play it lately though). Not much like it on PC anyway despite its sequel and AC: Assault horizon which came later, so it got a free pass on the platform. The second one was bigger but the story was even more standard. Overall, it is fun, i guess, some missions are really epic, and i still remember the menu theme which was great.

We did that, but we didnt make an autistic deal out of it, it just happened on its own

It takes 5 minutes (because you're overlevelled by that point and you literally cannot return)

I just meant that if my friend didnt get to use his skill with very niche uses that is otherwise useless he would throw a shitfit

The reason for this is that they literally dont leave their houses unless they need to (groceries, gas etc.)

well i don't either besides work

Well there you go

Not that non losers dont do this but it limits socializing opportunities

i hate myself for this
i only go out when there is a movie worth watching

Thanks user, but I see it has no splitscreen which is a shame. Might still play it someday though


I went to college in 2010, and I'm pretty sure one of my classmates from back then went to Sup Forums, as he made a lot of jokes about dragon dildos and stuff.

>try to play Divinity again in coop
>friend is a minmaxing faggot that looks up literally everything thus not learning strategies or mechanics by actually fucking playing the game
the worst

NONE of the people i ever met lurked this site or even liked vidya as much as me

Dont worry about it too much if it isnt affecting you terribly

i'm really lonely so it kinda does

People will take any criticism as an insult, and trying to tell someone to "stop having fun and get in line with my immersion" is gonna be hard.

I can relate to OP though. Been in the same situation many times.

>friend wants me to play portal2 co-op
>he tells me what to do over voice chat step by fucking step and won't let me figure out any of the puzzle
>even the parts where you split off and solo he is telling me where to go and when to shoot portals
>it wasn't fucking fun

dont criticise. instead, incentivize and encourage going along the storyline, just like, say, timers in Xcom 2 punish hunkering down, but the alarm system in Invisible Inc encourages fast pacedness.

>play phantasy star online
>he picks up literally everything
>every single 5 minutes hes gateing out back to shops to feed his little gay pet and sell the loot

>taking turnings on a single player game with a friend
>They double their play time looking for every collectable
I understand doing this with while playing by yourself but leave that shit out when I'm playing with you.

I loved the portal 2 coop. Do you have it for ps3? I still need two trophies with friends.

>He skips the cutscenes and button mashes dialogue

Go to a bar and drink the loneliness away.

Playing Divinity 2 CO-OP is the worst mistake of my life. He just AFKs until I tell him there's a fight, then he takes all the loot and lies about it and goes AFK until I've RPGed up to a new fight

I have my life

i'd fall asleep there, no thanks